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Time Machine: My adventure at subverting the political process

Let’s hop in the Time Machine and head back to the 2004 Democratic Presidential Primary. I had a little fun with it.

Virginia held a primary election on February 10, 2004 and it was open for anybody to vote in. Even though a lot of candidates had dropped out of the race, they were still on the ballot (and that made it even more fun).

John Kerry, John Edwards, Howard Dean and Wesley Clark were still in the running at voting time, but we also got to choose from Joe Lieberman, Dick Gephardt, Al Sharpton, Dennis Kucinich and Lyndon LaRouche. I didn’t care for any of them but I had never missed an election (and still haven’t), so I had to have a little bit of fun with the idiotic primary process. Guess what I did?

Yep, you got it… I voted for Lyndon LaRouche. I waited patiently until the polls closed to see if I was the only person to vote for LaRouche.

Black Walnut Precinct: Lyndon LaRouche – 1 YAY! 😀

A few days later, I stopped by Bojangles to get some breakfast on the way to work. Two old guys were talking about the election results and remarked that six votes in the county went to LaRouche. I listened intently as one of them said “What idiot would vote for that guy?” I introduced myself as one of those idiots and explained my logic (or lack of). They cracked up laughing. 🙂

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