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ThreadSpotting: Oh Noes! I’ve been banned from HalifaxTalk!

I may lose some sleep over this. Or I may not. Anyway, Darrin Talbott proves my point quite convincingly. Let’s have some fun with this one, shall we?

HalifaxTalk: Phi-ten Necklaces!
(Not the easiest thread to find, but what do you expect from that message board when a sub-forum about property reassessments is in the “welcome center” area?)

While schlocking the new-age worthless crap bracelets, Mr. wildhandyman jumps in and rightfully calls bullshit on all of the ridiculous health claims. Ms. ras gallops in to the rescue and unsurprisingly takes up for her brother. I decide to play Captain Obvious and point out that 1093ras always jumps in to defend dtalbott (her brother) no matter how idiotic it may be, and vice-versa. Oh man, I hit a nerve (or is that a knee-jerk?). I guess you can call that my “oops moment

Well, Big Brother comes in at 12:38 AM and says…

I’m done with this, Bruce. You are much more of a headache than you are worth. Feel free to post your opinions somewhere else.

and bans my posting account from the message board (yet again).

Hello? Darrin? Boing? You’ve just proved my point for me. Somebody disagrees with anything that is connected to Clan Talbott and one of you just flies in to “take care” of the situation. If you need some help in understanding my point, there are plenty of other people that will be glad to explain it to you.

Being banned from posting on your message board isn’t a big loss to me. In fact, being banned (yet again) is quite hilarious as you prove how petty that you really are. Darrin, you’ve equated your message board with being “your house” and we are guests at “your house”. You just seem to enjoy slamming the door of “your house” in the faces of your guests. Sooner or later, you just might realize that people don’t like being a guest at “your house” when you act like a spoiled little brat.

I look forward to Friday night’s HalifaxTalk Christmas Dinner at Four Oaks. I’m going to have a great time there talking to all of my friends. Of course, I’m betting that Darrin won’t be there under the lame-ass excuse of “not wanting to know who the members really are” but I seriously hope he attends. It will be my pleasure to buy him a drink. (OddsMakers of Darrin actually showing up: 10%)

Anyway, I’m banned. I’ve got a strong feeling that I’m going to sleep well even despite this devastating blow. Now the ThreadSpottings can be even more fun!

13 comments to ThreadSpotting: Oh Noes! I’ve been banned from HalifaxTalk!

  • HomeStyle

    So are you saying the chances of Darrin showing up are about the same as UserFriendly?
    Hmmmm….. wanna wager?

  • Christine Mckinney Privette

    I for one am glad, you have said some on the most hateful things to people when you should have kept your mouth shut ! This includes me .You really seem to enjoying stirring the pot. Like I told you once before, you are a miserable & hateful human being.
    Now, you have my real name, any time you want to find me,,, it won’t be hard .

    Reply: Dear Christine Mckinney Privette, I think it’s quite hilarious that you slam me for being hateful by calling me “miserable and hateful”. I am very interested in why you would think I would ever want to find you? Please fill me in on your thought process on that one. Are you coming to the Christmas Dinner on Friday night? I’ll buy you a drink too!

    One final note. Commas are used to separate clauses in a sentence or items in a list. For the love of God & the English language, please quit using them as ellipses. 😀

  • Joe

    Why so nasty? We all live in the same community. Can’t we get along and treat everyone with some respect and realize everyone has an opinion and we do not always have to agree?

    Reply: Because the Wagons of Clan Talbott have to be circled every time that there is any form of dissension. And Talbott keeps wondering why few “decision makers” post at that circus… go figure. Childish people, childish actions. 🙂

  • jaydeebee

    Bruce must have laced his pot-stirring with just enough of the truth to get under the skin of certain individuals.

    Reply: Nah, I wish I could take credit for this but it’s a simple case of Darrin Talbott being a jerkapotamus.

  • Susan Granger

    I for one have quit posting in HalifaxTalk because of this very thing. When I quit working for the Halifax County Public Schools and took a job in Danville, I shared many of my thoughts about the Halifax County Public School System. Some were my own and others were shared with me by people who still taught in Halfiax. I spilled the beans on a number of issues and ruffled more than one tail feather. Later some people found out how right I was and even shared that with me. If it’s not the opinion certain people want to hear; then you’ll always to wrong. And as for liking to stir the pot; that must run in the family!!!

    Reply: Now before anybody thinks that this posting is family nepotism at work, let the record clearly indicate that the writer has absolutely no problem calling me a complete idiot whenever I do something stupid. 😀

    Maybe I’ll start selling lightning rods that are cleverly designed as amazing bracelets and see if she’ll buy one.

  • XXX

    What’s amusing to me is that this is the longest post on this blog in a long time. Glad you took so much time to address something you don’t care about.

    Reply: I think you’ve confused not caring about being banned with having fun with it. And regarding the “longest post on this blog in a long time”, I’ll be glad to send you a full refund of your subscription. I hate having dissatisfied customers.

    Oops, I can’t do that. You posted under a fake name and a fake email address. However, if you make it to Friday’s Christmas Dinner, I’ll buy you a drink too!

    Man, Mark Childrey was right. Hate mail is fun!

  • GONO2

    Bruce – SHUTUP!

    Sorry – No one has used that in a while 🙂

  • Doug

    It scares me that some people base their opinions of Halifax County solely on what they read on Halifax Talk. It’s nothing more than a gossip mongering site where free thinkers are encouraged to shut the hell up.

    Reply: The Usual Suspects that post there are hostile to anything that could be remotely be construed as change, but the site still has the potential to be informative.

    There’s a reason why nobody in any local or regional political office chooses to post there. The exception to that rule is Joe Gasperini, but I can since the frustration that he feels from the constant negativity of the Usual Suspects. He’s tried to explain issues on the messageboard (and done a great job in the process), but it’s like talking to a brick wall to most of those people.

    The true sign of an Internet messageboard is the continued addition of new members who actively post. ‘Nuff said.

  • Will White

    Bruce what did you say that was so bad that you were banned ?

    Reply: Nothing bad at all. I just stated my opinion. Big Bad Brother flopped in and proved my point 100%.

  • Joe

    Thanks for the positive comments.

  • Christine Mckinney Privette

    Thank you for proving my point towards you. You always seek negative things to say to people whom you may not not know. I ,personally consider you to be a cyber bully. You talk the talk , but cannot walk the walk.
    Since you’re suck a professior in how the English Laungage should be spelled out,,,why do you work at Walmart ? I would think a man of YOUR great knowledge should be in a college teaching somewhere.
    I have no care to meet a person like you, you’re money is no good with me.
    Last but not least, I am more Man than you will ever be, & more Woman than you will ever have.


    Since you’re suck a professior in how the English Laungage should be spelled out,,,why do you work at Walmart ? I would think a man of YOUR great knowledge should be in a college teaching somewhere.

    I haven’t sucked any professiors. 😀 Why do I work at Walmart? Because it’s a fun and rewarding job. I’ve taught a few computer networking classes but thanks for the career advice.

    Last but not least, I am more Man than you will ever be, & more Woman than you will ever have.

    Wow, at the same time? Video Den used to have movies like that behind the brown curtain at the back of the store.

    And for the rest of your hate mail, thanks!

  • Pandora

    Oh dear…
    The dreaded “,,,”

  • Hey_You

    It’s fun being bumped by an idiot isn’t it? I think it’s been close to a year and a half since hey_you got banned. All because I stood up and made DT look like a fool which isn’t hard. I love how he boasts that he drove, what 21 months, to RTP to work, but then gave up such a fantastic job to work the parts counter of motorcycle dealership. If the place was going to be handed down to him then Ed would have retired and handed it to him. Instead Andy pretty much runs the place. now has what, eight people that post on it now? Four of them are moderators.

    Reply: I think I remember your postings. Darrin tried that “I drove to RTP” schtick again recently in the “The Halifax Solution” thread and duke_fan swatted him down.

    Regarding the active membership, you’ve still got the Usual Suspects. Andy does the best job of anybody but at times I can sense the frustration level in his postings. Bunny’s a great person with a strong will, but she’ll defer to Darrin 100% of the time. Regarding the development of new members who actually post… Since January 1st, 2009, they’ve only had 13 members to join and produce over 100 postings. ‘Nuff said. (I voided out McFriendly from that statattack). Of course, you’ve got my fanclub president as one of them. I ♥ Bobbi!

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