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Avon Keen Is Full Of Horsecrap

Yeah. I said it.

Avon Keen, Danville’s Favorite Race Pimp and president of the local chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, held a press conference outside of the Danville Museum today. I didn’t know a damned thing about it because you can probably guess that SouthsideCentral isn’t on their mailing list.

Anyway, the Register & Bee was invited Somebody showed up and wrote this article about it. (Register & Bee article, paywall may apply unless your break through it). Sadly, I’m getting used to “GoDanRiver Staff” not asking questions or challenging statements made by people (Not you, John Crane). I’ll repeat my headline now for you to make my point.

Avon Keen Is Full Of Horsecrap.

The citizens of Danville may have a legal claim under the First Amendment and hate statutes that “could cost taxpaying people a large sum of money,”

I “may have” the winning Powerball tickets for the next 10 consecutive drawings. I “may have” monkeys flying out of my butt. I’ll repeat that headline again for you.

Avon Keen Is Full Of Horsecrap.

The citizens of Danville do not have a legal claim under the First Amendment nor under any hate statutes for anything that is Confederate flag related. Some person Full Of Horsecrap could try to file an action, but they would be laughed out of court rather quickly and deservedly.

Here’s what the real story is, folks. Danville’s Confederate Flag issue was quickly resolved before the Race Pimps could even get started with an attempt to inject their racial divisiveness into the issue. That’s not acceptable to Avon Keen and his fellow Race Pimps. If Keen doesn’t inject himself into an issue that has racial controversy, people may start to forget that he even exists. Remember, Avon Keen and his fellow Race Pimps have absolutely no desire for racial harmony. If Danville becomes truly United (see what I did there, Danville United?), Avon Keen and his fellow Race Pimps have lost their jobs.

The general public has a short attention span and don’t remember all of these racial “controversies” that Avon Keen has thrown himself into. Not me, baby! I remember his efforts in that case in Martinsville when a drunk teenager got tased by a police officer and died. Of course, the police officer was ruled justified because the teenager was attacking him. I also remember when Avon Keen held a press conference about “racial tensions” at the Hughes Center. Guess what? Absolutely nothing ever came out of that. Did you think that Avon Keen would hold another press conference saying that? HA! Not a chance. He just moves on to the next Racial Tension episode and blusters away.

Avon Keen is smart. He knows there are a few “DON’T TAKE MAH FLAG CAUSE THE WAR AIN’T OVER” people out there who will embarrass themselves and make his cause look decent by default. He’ll probably get a few of those reactions now.I hope that doesn’t happen, but I’m betting that it will.

It’s time for all of the people of the Southside region to come together and denounce Avon Keen and his racially divisive stunts like this.




35 comments to Avon Keen Is Full Of Horsecrap

  • Lee Smallwood

    If he is a race pimp, the people (largely out of towners iirc) who showed up en masse with their flags at city council are no less race pimps.

    That said, this is pretty ridiculous. It’s more ridiculous than the idea that the Code of Virginia definitively prohibits the removal of that flag, and that idea is also ridiculous. I understand that’s the council’s position and they’re sticking to it because it’s convenient politics, keeps them from getting sued, and they have a legal opinion I am confident is much less absolute on the issue they are using as cover. It’s all pretty ridiculous. It’s a flag. Both the people worked up on one side and on the other need to take a breath, quite frankly. That flag isn’t oppressing you, and it’s not insulting you to take it down, either. It’s a flag. A flag. Take a breath.

    Even if the battle flag were given the status of the burning cross (which it won’t be), this flag is not the battle flag. It’s the 3rd Confederate Flag. They may have similarities, but that’s like saying the flags of the United Kingdom and Australia are similar. Sure. They’re not the same.

    • Buck

      Keen is no more than a minor league wannnabee Jesse Jackson or Big Al. He needs for there to be racial disharmony to maintain his little kingdom.
      As for Lee Smallwood, none of the folks who were carrying the Confederate flags at the council meeting played the race card. They were not “pimping race” as you put it. Lee you are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. If you or others look at a Confederate flag and see slavery, that is your problem. Lots of other people see it and are reminded of their forefathers who stood against an invading army. The states that seceded had every legal right to do so. Read the Constitution and you will not find any provision that prohibits any state from leaving the Union. Each state joined voluntarily, and had every right to leave. Each and every one of us would be served well if we stick to the facts and stop trying to rewrite history to suit our own needs and wants.

      • Lee Smallwood

        You lose all of your credibility when you claim there was every legal right to secede. A war was literally fought over that question. Your position LOST. If that had been the end of it all, this wouldn’t be such a drama. The problem is that complete jerks have, all along citing the same history you use as an excuse, done heinous things to other people in the name of the good old CSA. If you love the history as much as you claim to, you’d embrace the sad history of the 100 years after the war ended and would speak the truth about it as well.

        • Buck

          Lee, you have no credibility whatsoever. By calling people names, you have surrounded when you call names. I have studied history and I have read the entire Constitution and you have not. Again, I call you out to cite the part of the US Constitution that states no state may leave the Union. I will wait here for you to replay with the answer.

        • Buck

          Still waiting Lee………

          • Lee Smallwood

            You don’t get to set up strawman arguments and attribute them to me. I said a war was fought over your position and your side of the debate lost. The ratification provision within Article VII lays out at what point the Constitution binds the signatories. There were certainly two interpretations in light of the paucity of words governing secession, but the political process played itself out and the issue was decided. If California decides to secede tomorrow, you’d better bet that precedent would come up.

            It is said that James Madison was against secession and made the point eloquently that if a state can seceed, the other several states could easily enough eject any constitutent state at a time of crisis. The next time a Katrina hits, we could just say too bad, Mississippi and Louisiana. If Ebola was a huge problem in Hawaii (it won’t be because Ebola doesn’t spread easily), we could just say too bad Hawaii. Nope. Even though there isn’t express language in the Constitution about secession or ejection, Article VII makes it clear that it is a contract. That contract is well understood now to include the provision that a state may neither voluntarily quit the union nor involuntarily be ejected therefrom.

            I’ll leave you with two quotes to consider:

            War is merely the continuation of politics by other means. — Carl von Clausewitz

            It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is. — Chief Justice John Marshall

        • Buck

          There are no strawman in my posts. On the other hand, you inject an 18th century Prussian, that is a strawman Lee. That’s you not me.
          Article VII does not state all states are bound eternally, however the 10th Amendment states in plain English “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” It is very clear what it means.

  • idkaidc

    Black people don’t even agree with him. Leave him alone, he causes more harm than good.

  • dsd

    Well SC, you nailed it again. Thanks

  • safesession

    As dsd said, you nailed it. He has been a race pimp for last 20 years or so it seems. I do get he has a cause but has no credibility. Guys like this hurt their cause and consequently, the real problems faced by blacks are never addressed.

  • Jerry

    No, there isn’t a cause of action. Southside Central is correct. What’s more interesting is that there is a legal interpretation that does contradict with the City’s. Specifically, in real property law, a flag is not a monument or memorial. The statute cited by the City concerns memorials and monuments. The term means something that is attached to the ground. The flag is simply an accessory to the memorial or monument. I think that if an Attorney General’s opinion was requested, you’d get a different answer as to whether the flag is legally required to remain on the flagpole. I also think a court would find that the flag itself is not a memorial or monument.

    • Lee Smallwood

      I think it’s simpler than that. The provision that purports to preclude removal of the flag was not in place at the time the memorial was erected.

  • Jeff B.

    I am forced to disagree and take offense at your assertion Bruce. Manure can be quite useful, unlike Mr. Keen.

  • trevor

    if people are going to cause such a stink about a confederate flag cause any confederate flag represents a horrible memory such as slavery then let’s eradicate all memorials etc about the Vietnam War which has its own bad reputation. Look at all of the MLK Jr memorials, streets, statues. he had skeletons in his closet but blacks choose to ignore that. whites ought to protest MLK Jr items in his name since he was not pure. ( put his peace missions aside) do whites? NO. they endure 2 months of Afro-American hoopin and celebrating. But yet, whites, can not celebrate their history and heritage. DOuble standards. Look at the Holocaust museum. no one objects to that and we all know what happened there. at least to the extent blacks do.

    Let the white race celebrate their history and heritage !!!!! others? TURN YOUR HEAD and overcome in January and February.

    WHat’s good for the goose is good for the gander!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • David

    These comments are interesting and for the record as a so-called “race pimp” what exactly is the history and heritage that the flag represents and stands for that is anything positive for the community to rally around and blacks to ignore or not be offended by? Look deep in the history and explain it to us!

  • trevor

    what in blue blazes is a race pimp??????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Someone who says that they’re for racial harmony, yet try to inject racial discord in every opportunity that they can.

      • David

        This is pure horse manure of a definition for a so-called race pimp! How can you have true racial harmony without pointing out and discussing the numerous racial infractions that have and are being perpetrated in our society? Whether they turn out to be factually a racial issue or not, who are you alone to determine the validity of their argument? But I guess the argument by many of you is for black people is to just shut up, swallow many years of abuse, and get over it huh?? Typical….

  • I dont care if a flag is flown. I look at who was victorious. We rarely mention the number 2 and there is a reason for it in flags and in competition. Get over it.

  • SheilaB

    The Register Bee just did an editorial on the Museum and suggests selling it. I concur! How much do we spend on this building to keep it up? Why do we, the citizens of the City of Danville, own a Confederate Monument? Not a business we need to be in. Let heritage group buy it, promote it, and run it. A Museum of Fine Arts and History can find another place to call home, one that they will be able to highlight history and the arts.

    • Lee Smallwood

      Frankly if the City Attorney’s position is as stark as it has been represented to be, I don’t see how the City has the right to sell the monument any more than do anything else with it. I’m not sure that selling it is at all viable.

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