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I saw a shooting tonight.

I was on the other side of the parking lot on my way out, but I saw and heard the gunshots.

Here’s the official statement from the Danville Police Department…

On December 21, 2014 at approximately 7:49 PM, officers responded to the 1400 Block of South Boston Road in reference to someone being shot. The 29-year-old male victim who was a Danville resident was driven to Danville Regional Medical Center by unknown associates from the 1400 block of South Boston Road. The victim suffered from a non-life threatening gunshot wound to the right side of his body. The police investigation is ongoing

It was at the Food Lion shopping center across from the airport. The incident happened on the far east side of the parking lot about 100 feet from McDonald’s. I was leaving the parking lot, heading towards South Boston Road. I heard gunshots, looked in my driver’s side mirror and saw somebody firing a handgun. It looked like he was firing into the air from what I could see of the muzzle flashes. Needless to say, I was quite shocked. The reporter side of me stopped for a few seconds to see what was happening. One vehicle took off fast, but the shooter stood beside the other vehicle for at least 20 seconds calmly. I knew that he still had a gun, so my self-preservation skills kicked in and I got the hell out of there.

I called the police department and told them what little I saw. This isn’t the first time this year that I’ve experienced gun violence in close proximity to me. I’m not the type of reporter that gets their jollies off of taking photos of police officers doing their job, either. I came home and just sat on the couch, thinking about what I saw in my driver’s side mirror. Just like before, I’m mad at the idiot who fired that gun tonight. Tonight. I’m thinking that all the “Stop The Violence” marches and rallies don’t do a damn thing as long as there are stupid people who decide that a gun is the way to resolve a dispute.


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