You’re still clicking, so we’re still publishing. Here comes Part #9 in our PhotoCentral set of articles from Danville’s Festival in the Park.
Here’s the recap of what we’ve published so far: Part #1 – Part #2 – Part #3 – Part #4 – Part #5 – Part #6 – Part #7 – Part #8
Let’s continue where we left off with the DockDogs competition.

This photo turned out perfectly.

He dogpaddled his way back and never lost his grip on his toy.

This guy’s on the run for his rubber duck!

Kersplash! He got his rubber duck!

The DockDogs event has computerized scoring.

You can color in part of this year’s Festival in the Park Community Mural.

Some churches were getting an early start on Friday night, setting up their face painting booths. Shannon Talley, HELLO!

Human Foosball was fun to watch. We’ve posted video of it on our SouthsideCentral Facebook page.

We took these photos on Friday night. The kids zone was set for Saturday so organizations were still setting up their areas.
We’ve made it to Crafters’ Row. That’s coming up in Part #10.
A question, Bruce: How much does this shindig, attended by relatively few, cost the taxpayers? The local rag used to publish how much money was lost, but they no longer consider that relevant. Just curious.
“Festival in the Park, Inc.” is its own non-profit corporation that is funded by events like Racin’ & Tastin’ and the Harvest Jubilee Concert Series. I’ll find out if the city-provided services (Parks & Recreation, Public Works, Police) are accumulated and billed to the Festival non-profit organization.