Here comes the fourth part in our PhotoCentral series of articles on Danville’s Veterans Day Parade. The links for the first three articles are below the cutline. Dan River High School’s JROTC was passing by when we left off in Part #3, so let’s continue.
Here’s the links to what we’ve already published: Part #1 – Part #2 – Part #3
And we roll on…

The Dan River High School JROTC marches by in perfect step.

And the George Washington High School marching band is next in the parade.

That smile on the Flag Corps ladies can mean only one thing…

It’s time to get those flags moving!

The GW Flag Corps starts the flag roll maneuver.

And you can see that they’re perfectly synchronized down the line.

The drum majors are passing by so that means…

Here comes the Marching Eagles! Woodwinds, brass and percussion are in this photo.

Clarinets and flutes wrap up this PhotoCentral article.
I’m heading back to the graphics computer to get more photos ready for you. Thanks for taking a look at the most parade coverage… here on SouthsideCentral!
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