Today (Saturday, December 5th at 2:30 PM) and tomorrow (Sunday, December 6th at 6:30 PM), the North Star Theatre Project is putting on “Elf Jr. – The Musical” with very talented child actors & actresses. The show will be at Danville’s Historic North Theatre and you can get your tickets now at their website or at the box office at showtime. They will also perform the play next Friday, Saturday & Sunday. We’ve already published some photos from rehearsals in Part #1 of this series. Let’s keep it going with some more photos!
We’ll continue looking around the rehearsal…

All the cast listens to Mimi Grubb.

A closer look at some of the cast.

What’s a stage play without makeup?

Makeup room #1 is busy.

Makeup room #2 is even busier!

Come see Elf Jr. and be in these seats!

There’s never a bad seat at the North Theatre

The show uses a projection screen for quick set changes.
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