We’ll continue on with our look at the May 2015 groundbreaking event for Centra’s Danville Medical Center. Part #1 & Part #2 have already been published, and we’ll roll on with Part #3.
We left off looking at the big drawings of what the new facility would look like inside, so we’ll continue there.

This will be very impressive looking coming up Piedmont Drive from Riverside Drive. That’s a lot of glass.

The Centra food service team knows how to set up a double banquet line.

More people are arriving for the event.

Danville City Council will be represented well today. Buddy Rawley & Gary Miller have arrived with more to come.

Everyone loves Arlene Creasy & Laurie Moran!

The golden shovels stand ready for the groundbreaking.

If this was a horse track, it would be rated as sloppy conditions today.

Centra has even booked a band for the day’s events.

Sherman Saunders talks to Gary Miller, Laurie Moran talks to Linda Green, Arlene Creasy gets her sunglasses just right and Susan Light gets her camera ready for her Star-Tribune photos.
Centra’s shuttle buses are bringing more people in and the ceremony is about to begin. You’ll see all that and more in Part #4… and that’s coming up next on SouthsideCentral!
Love the photos and your remarks.