While we’re waiting for the “OFFICIAL” sign to light up on the Danville City Council election toteboard, we’re going to catch up on some PhotoCentral series. We’re heading back to April 2nd and getting our fifth article in the series of the “Old South Ball” held at Danville’s Community Market. We’ve got the links to the first four articles in this series below the cutline, so catch back up and enjoy the beautiful costumes and decorations!
Here’s the links to the other articles in the series: Part #1 – Part #2 – Part #3 – Part #4
When we left off in Part #4, I was amazed at all the historic state flags. Let’s continue!

I’m still amazed at all the historic state flags.

Now here’s one I do recognize from my history classes.

But I’m drawing a blank here…

I could spend all night looking at all of the flags, but here’s a wide shot with more of them.

Barry Isenhour (from the Virginia Flaggers) talks to 5th District congressional candidate Jim McKelvey.

Ben “Cooter” Jones’ speech draws a big crowd up to the stage.

Ben “Cooter” Jones & Susan Crittenden pose for a quick photo.

It’s magic when Wayne Alan and Ben “Cooter” Jones pose for a photo. Susan Crittenden helps Ben Jones to his next destination.

Lots of out-of-town guests attended the 2016 Old South Ball
That’s the end of Part $5 from 2016’s “Old South Ball”. We’ll have more in the series coming soon, only here on SouthsideCentral!
Looks like wholesome fun…was everyone invited in? I mean, regardless of background, or race?
It sure seemed that way to me. They were still selling tickets at the door.