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Dance Hall Days (The South Boston version)

Sobo’s Main Theater was a great business idea… too bad that the business failed. Now a “dance hall”?

Byron Vaughan’s asking for a Conditional Use Permit for the former “Sobo’s Main Theater” location.

Well, at least he’s not bringing back Jim Jones for another rap “concert”.

I say go for it. Downtown South Boston can use any kind of (semi)-new business. What do you think?

3 comments to Dance Hall Days (The South Boston version)

  • Doug

    If it’s typical of past experience, this dance hall will be another place for fights, drug dealing and stupid behavior. (Think Post 99 and the Red Bird in Clover.)
    Hopefully, the permit will require professional security and some kind of dress code to prevent gang wannabes from being disruptive.

    It’s truly a shame that places for recreation have and most often will turn into hang outs for the criminal class.

  • Dissa

    Yeah… you know it has to be bad cause it’s a predominately black crowd!

  • Doug

    According to today’s Gazette, I was right on the money. Dance halls and bars create an environment for unsavory characters, particularly irritable drunks who want to stir things up. The people who are there to have a good time without getting sh*tfaced drunk or high pay the price.
    It’s unfortunate that the dance hall had to close, but the same thing is happening at local bars. It’s just not making the news. One can stand outside a local Riverdale or Centerville establishment on Saturday and Sunday mornings at closing time and count the drunks getting in their cars and driving away. The majority of THEIR clientelle is caucasion.

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