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“Thumbs Up!” to Fred Shanks

It’s refreshing to hear an elected official say what’s really on his mind…

Lots of people would never have read what Danville City Councilman Fred Shanks said on a Facebook group titled “Turn Danville Around!”, but I was so impressed with it that I’m posting it here.

Somebody named “Jason” posted the following…

I recently heard that a company wanted to come to Danville it would have generated around 500 jobs and during the city council meeting some of the elders of this town objected. One of the comments made was i dont want no yankee company coming here and raising my property tax. The younger generation needs to get involved in these preceedings and let them hear our voice if anyone at anytime hears of a meeting it needs to be posted and braodcast so all of us who will still be alive in the next 10 years can voice our concerns. The good old days of doing things is over there plans didnt work now sit down and shut up and lets work to fix this thing !!!!!!!!

Well, you know as much as anybody else that didn’t happen. But instead of letting that horseshit just sit there, Fred Shanks came up with this reply…

Jason, not meaning to sound abrasive, but you heard wrong. Your comments below are so far fetched, I really wonder if you heard that at all. I am hopeful this page can help do what the page is called, turn Danville around. But downright negative posts and outright lies will ruin the credibility of this page. Don’t get me wrong, hearing complaints will promote constructive criticism and dialogue. But outreageous lies and unfounded misinformation serves no purpose, in my humble opinion.

Thumbs Up!, Fred. It’s about time that somebody that’s in an elected position actually has the guts to directly challenge somebody that says something that is total crap.

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