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D-Day Memorial… brought to you by Liberty University?!

It’s not outside the realm of possibility.

Liberty University mulled ownership of D-Day Memorial

It would seem that politics ain’t the only thing that makes strange bedfellows.

4 comments to D-Day Memorial… brought to you by Liberty University?!

  • Dave Cline

    Not not worry…Perriello and Warner and going to make it govt. property…then all the problems will be solved.


    Good decision Jerry Jr. and Company.

  • will

    Nothing against the D-Day Memorial but if the state does not have the money to fix the bridge on hwy 92 over the Staunton river and fix all the other road problems we have in the state of Va how in the hell are they going to keep up the D-Day Memorial ? Maybe another stimulus package? The democrats we have in control now are BIG spenders with no ideas on where the money is going to come from. BTW Obama supporters how is that CHANGE working out for you? 4billion dollars spent on bailing out Chrysler and they still went bankrupt, 20billion spent on GM to bail them out and now they are bankrupt, all this money wasted, the jobs it was suppose to save are still gone and the wasteful AIG bailout. This spending package has not created the jobs Obama promised, the USA has the worst unemployment in over 25 years, over a trillion dollars in debt just this year and he promises to give GM 30 billion more . The democrats all talked of the failed policies of GWB well i can not wait to hear what they have to say about BHO when he gets done throwing money out the window and has not fixed anything.T.E.A. from Will

  • justme

    I thought that the D-Day Memorial Foundation was trying to become part of the National Park Service.

    Sounds like a good use of stimulus funds to me!

  • tommy

    The Virginia state parks or the NPS it does not matter both of them are broke. If China ever calls in the loans they have made the USA we could not pay them. America we can not keep up this wasteful spending

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