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Perriello starts online healthcare forum

Tom Perriello seems to get the idea that the Internet is the way to get information flowing now.

From a Tom Perriello press release today:

Congressman Tom Perriello today unveiled “Your Health, Your Voice,” an online forum on healthcare reform. As the debate on healthcare shapes up, Perriello created the forum to provide his constituents with an opportunity for input and for dialogue with friends, neighbors, and healthcare professionals from around the 5th District.

“I’m excited to use technology to make it easier for people around the Fifth District to inform my work on healthcare reform,” said Perriello. “Through my town hall meetings in the District, I have learned a great deal from patients and medical experts about the strengths and shortfalls in our current system. I’m hoping this forum gives people a place to be heard and to share ideas about how reduce costs, protect patient choice, and ensure quality, affordable care for all Americans.”

Congressman Perriello’s forum is one of the first of its kind for a member of Congress and will provide an important opportunity for dialogue as the key policy debate of the summer heats up. “Your Health, Your Voice” will cover several aspects of the American healthcare system, with updates on legislation moving through Congress, articles and editorials, commentary from local health professionals, and stories from residents of the Fifth District. Perriello anticipates using a number of new media forms, including YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, to interact with his constituents on “Your Health, Your Voice.”

The idea for “Your Health, Your Voice” was generated from discussion with Fifth District doctors and nurses, who expressed their desire to open a dialogue with healthcare consumers and government officials. The forum will remain online as the U.S. House works on enacting healthcare reform. The Senate began their work on reform legislation this week, and the two houses of Congress are expected to vote on a healthcare plan late this summer.

The forum, including Perriello’s introductory video message, can be accessed at:

The site’s clean and well designed. Perriello’s does say that he won’t be replying to individual postings but he will be posting his thoughts. That’s understandable.

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