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Hey kids? If you want to drive, don’t miss school.

10 consecutive unexcused absences from school? Your driver’s license is in jeopardy.

On July 1st, a new state law will allow juvenile courts to suspend the driver’s license of any student that has 10 consecutive unexcused absences for any period of time until the minor turns 18. Of course, there’s one way to get out of it. There’s an exception if the kid withdraws from school.

Let’s see if this new law changes anything.

3 comments to Hey kids? If you want to drive, don’t miss school.

  • X

    10 consecutive unexcused absences. So you can skip 9 days, go a day, skip 9, etc. Or skip 9, get excused for one, skip 9, etc.

  • Doug

    Chalk another stupid law up to the General Assembly. Here’s the way the law should read. If you quit school or get expelled, you aren’t eligible for a driver’s license until you’re 21 (or 18 with a GED). AND
    Your license is suspended if you have 10 total unexcused absences in a school year. With 10 unexcused absences, the school should also expel their worthless butts.

  • ginblossom

    Had a student this year that was up to 14 days absent before the 1st 9 weeks was up. He got wind of this law and got very concerned about his attendance. Decided that he had better practice coming to school. He only missed 1 day of school after that. He missed the “consecutive”. He thought it was 10 unexcused total. I don’t think he would have been concerned if he had known it was consecutive.

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