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Dumbass of the Day! (6/25)

Do we have the guts to say “Women Drivers”? Do we? Do we?

No! We’d never stoop so low for a cheap laugh.

Mass. woman backs car out of garage’s 4th floor

Or would we? Nahhhh…. 😀

(Thanks to our faithful readers for this story submission!)

4 comments to Dumbass of the Day! (6/25)

  • Guest

    Look closely at the picture of the car. If she backed out of the garage, figure out how the car ended up in that position. She must have really been moving at a high rate of speed to end up like that. But interestingly, I can detect no damage from the impact with the railing. Sure would love to see a recreation of how this occured.

  • Guest

    The more I look at that picture, the more convinced I am that she drove out front first. There is no way she could have backed out and have the car end up in that position.
    I smell a rat with this story.
    Southside Central, get to the bottom of this one!

  • Pittsylvania Co. Resident

    Sure someone saw it. Got to be someone that could have cleard it all up.

  • Wild Handyman

    Pretty hard to back through a steel fence and have no damage to your rear bumper.

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