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UPDATED: Major fire in Halifax! (Update #6)

Breaking news from the town of Halifax tonight! (Originally published on: Jun 28, 2009 @ 21:45)

The NAPA store behind Toots Creek Antique Mall (the old Spencer Lumber Company) is on fire. Currently Halifax VFD & South Boston FD are on scene with other volunteer fire departments being called out.

UPDATE #1: The fire was knocked down somewhat but it’s now back up and the sky is orange (from an eyewitness report).

UPDATE #2: We now have reports of water outages around the fire area (due to all the water being used on the fire). We also have reports that the cabinet shop is on fire instead of the NAPA store. Confirmed: The fire was at the NAPA building.

UPDATE #3: Police have blocked 501 at the fire scene but a few cars are going through it anyway. Our sources say they’re running license plates on at least two cars.

UPDATE #4: The fire appears to be out and they have a backhoe knocking down what’s remaining of the business.

UPDATE #5: The fire was reported around 9:15pm by a passing motorist. The fire started on the south side of the business. Sources say that the State Police Arson team will be in Halifax to do a routine investigation as to the origin of the fire.

UPDATE #6: Our sources say that the fire dept. was on the scene until around 2:45 AM. After they cleared, police blocked off the area. Around 7 AM, the fire rekindled with the fire dept. coming to put it out. The same thing happened around 3 PM, but this time the blaze was small and limited to the center of the rubble. The State Police arson investigator is on the scene at the request of the Halifax Police Department.

More to come as things develop.

3 comments to UPDATED: Major fire in Halifax! (Update #6)

  • Mary Mitchell

    Smoke was very thick as it was going down to the Mary Bethune/Cowford Rd area and now, at 1:39 am there is still a good amount of smoke even up on the Mountain Rd area at times. I happened to drive past the fire scene ,on the northbound lanes of 501 when the fire had flared back up. It was huge and yes, the sky glowed orange.

    Thanks for the updates, great to have a place for LOCAL updates!!!

  • Doug

    Cabinet shop and Toot’s Creek mall are ok. Fire Dept. did one hell of a job, though NAPA building couldn’t be saved.

  • justme

    I’m glad that the citizens of Halifax have a dedicated fire department. I am very sorry that the business was lost.

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