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UPDATED: Pittsylvania County talking about Sunday beer/wine sales (again)?

(Originally Published on: Jul 1, 2009 @ 23:54)

We just got our copy of the agenda for Monday’s Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors circus meeting, and we’re very interested in a line item.

Under new business, there’s this item…

12. Beer and Wine Sales on Sunday – Mr. Ingram

SouthsideCentral has asked for any documentation on this, and we’re going to try and get in touch with Fred Ingram today.

More to come on this as we find things out.

UPDATE #1: I talked with the Deputy Clerk and there is no support documentation on the agenda item. I have attempted to call Fred Ingram but got no answer three times after being told he was “in the restroom”. I’ve sent my questions via email and hope to hear back from him very soon.

From what I’ve learned, Ingram plans to discuss the idea of putting up a referendum in each election district. Like before, it will either pass or fail in each election district. Currently, the Westover district is the only place where Sunday beer/wine sales are allowed.

UPDATE #2: I’ve been informed that all of Pittsylvania County is “dry” on Sundays. I’ve made the correction above.

UPDATE #3:: I’ve made multiple attempts to get any kind of a statement from Fred Ingram on this topic, but still no reply. Oh well.

1 comment to UPDATED: Pittsylvania County talking about Sunday beer/wine sales (again)?

  • Pittsylvania Co. Resident

    It is time this county caught up with the rest of the world. But it seems this county wants the churches to run it. Oh, they don’t pay taxes. But i know the members do. Don’t bet me wrong. But I bet they buy beer and wine to.

    It is all about revenue not the sale of the product. But you have 4 people up there that are scared to say yes. Afraid of not being re-elected? Scared someone may come after you? Not Moral. Who gives a rats a??. They will raise our taxes in a heart beat but don’t want the extra tax revenue from sunday sales.

    I would love to see a packed out Monday night supporting the sales. They can do it Monday night with just 4 votes. Folks can log on to and click the supervisors link. send them an email to support this measure. Remind them that us poor folk that drink or not vote too, not just the church folk.

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