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Original homeless shelter to be condemned.

Our great friends at WSET tell us about this. It seems that Cindy Hill is misplacing her blame here.

Former Homeless Shelter to be Condemned

Cindy, it’s not being condemned because the city doesn’t like you. It’s being condemned because you have no power to the building. The city isn’t against you.

1 comment to Original homeless shelter to be condemned.

  • observer

    What I want to know is. If the power bill was past due back from earlier this year. How did House of Hope operate there the short time they were there? Did they not pay the power bill? I smell a rat? Sorry to say that. I know a shelter is for someone to come and get out of the cold and feed you but if it is not fit to stay in would you want to be there? I think I would rather be on the street. And I would know a building would not possible fall around me. I think what happened here was Rev. Hill did a good job while he was living and then when he died Mrs. Hill wanted everyone to come to her aid. The community did. Then when the gravy train stopped when wanted to stop. Now she wants to see it again.

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