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60th District House Race – Update #1

Clarke Hogan isn’t running for reelection, so let’s take a look at the upcoming election.

James Edmunds (R) – Ups: Name recognition, organized grassroots, good at fundraising, political experience. Downs: Asinine uranium position, land-use tax controversy.

Dave Guill (D): Ups: Political experience. Downs: No fundraising, no campaign activity.

Thoughts: This race has definitely changed since the candidates were locked in. Is Guill still in this race? He’s raised $0.00 in the last few months. Edmunds will easily win this race on cruise control if nothing changes.

Current vote prediction: Edmunds 63%, Guill 37%

OddsMakers of a win: Edmunds 91%

We’ll be keeping this race in our sights as the election grows near.

20 comments to 60th District House Race – Update #1

  • will white

    This race has not changed. Dave Guill decided to run,made his announcement then he did what everyone in Charlotte County knew he would do, nothing. The same thing he has done on the BOS of Charlotte County NOTHING. If the voters of the 60th district want jobs and want better futures for their kids everyone should get behind James Edmunds no matter what party they normally vote for.People we can not afford to send a man to Richmond that is not willing to work for the people. I want everone to ask yourself one question would you want a man in Richmond that will do nothing for the people of the 60th District or a man that will work hard for us ? If you think im wrong just look at the two campaigns so far we have a candidate, James Edmunds who has put together a great grassroots group and has raised alot of money, on the other hand we have Dave Guill who has done nothing. Lets please forget the political parties this time and send a true leader to Richmond. James Edmunds is a good man. He is a life member of the NWTF and the NRA, a hunter,a deacon at his church, a husband,a father of two great kids, and also a farmer he also is a very giving person nobody ever talks about the 100 acres of land he gave Halifax County for a park where kids and adults can go for some free fun, Edmunds Park.I live in Charlotte County and when November gets here i will cast my vote for the best candidate a man who has a actual plan for the 60th district.

  • don

    I live in Charlotte county in Dave Guills district and i am a life long Democrat but this fall i will NOT vote for Dave Guill not that i think my vote will make much difference in this election. James Edmunds has yard signs all over Charlotte county. Dave Guill does not need to be in Richmond speaking for anyone. I will cast my first vote ever for a Republican this Fall. Does anyone know where i can get a James Edmunds yard sign maybe a 4×8 one ?

  • Doug

    Another rich man in the House of Delegates… Do we really think Mr. Edmunds will speak for the working class? Does anyone in government? The people need to choose a write-in candidate: someone who’s hard working and knows what it’s like to be screwed over by the Democrats. Someone with open eyes who can see welfare doesn’t work, we don’t need to throw money at problems to solve them, and a fair tax will solve money problems for a lot of people.

  • will white

    Doug to answer your question YES i do think James Edmunds will speak for the working class.The voters have a great candidate why would anyone want to waste their vote on a write-in ? Doug i understand your frustrations with normal government however we have a chance to put someone in office that is not the run of the mill politican. James Edmunds can do great things for the 60th district if we give him the chance.Doug if you haven’t met James i hope you will get a chance to talk with him before election day i think you might come away with a different view. So im asking you to do yourself,me, our kids and the people of the 60th district all a favor take 10 minutes of your time and contact James Edmunds i know you will find him to be a great man.

  • kevin

    James Edmunds is a very down to earth guy I have worked with him on the NWTF JAKES events for kids he has always treated everyone there with great respect and donated alot of time and money to helping kids at these events he doesn’t do anything halfway he puts 100% into everything he does. He will get my vote because i know he will speak for this working man.

  • will white

    Don you can go to im sure they will be glad to get you a yard sign.

  • Redhorse

    James Edmunds will not now, nor will he ever get my vote.

  • watcher

    Guill hasn’t been doing anything. He hasn’t been going anywhere, not in Prince Edward where Edmunds has had several very successful visits, not in Halifax even at the lope festival, not in Nottaway at the chicken festival and not even showing up for earth day in his own county of Charlotte. He has given up and the democrat party has sent his campaign manger home. He is an embarrassment.

  • Doug

    A write-in or 3rd party vote is only a waste when arrogant Republicans and Democrats believe they’re the only real choices for office and get the voters to believe it too.
    I’m tired of politics as usual, so excuse me for not believing another line from another politician. We need people who will stand up for the working class, put lazy welfare recipients to work (whether they like it or not), bring down health care costs, and bring decent jobs and opportunities to this area.

  • David

    Doug let me know when a write-in wins a HOD race.

  • Caleb

    I met James Edmunds on Memorial Day at Edmunds Park my wife and I moved here from New York because of very high taxes, that living on a fixed income we could no longer afford. I have met alot of politicians in my 68 years but I can tell you coming from New York I have never known a politician that would give away 1 acre of land. For James Edmunds to have given 100 acres of land to create a park tells me what kind of man he is. He has great plans for Va and if you think he won’t put his money where is mouth is please go by Edmunds Park and see for yourself it is a beautiful place. He has my vote for sure.

  • Doug

    I am well aware of what Mr. Edmonds gave this county. The park is quite nice and appreciated. A large gift; however, is not enough to buy my vote. I’ll even concede that he seems to be a nice and generous man. You will have to excuse me for not believing anything that someone running for public office says. I hope, when Mr. Edmonds wins (and I’m sure he will), that he does a great job and helps this area. He’ll be the first to prove me wrong since Reagan. As for David’s comment, that’s part of the problem. You write off write ins or 3rd party candidates when they are fighting the establishment that is ruining this county, state and country. If more people would choose 3rd party or write in candidates, maybe… just maybe, the elephants and donkeys would catch a clue and start working for their constituents instead of lobbyists.

  • Brandon

    As 5th district chairman for a the Independent Greens; i can say…being a third party is hard. But my challenge to you Doug is this…..step out of the boat and run yourself; its not to late to start a campaign.

  • dennis

    Doug are you saying that you would believe what a 3rd party candidate would say over a Democrat or Republican ? What makes you think they would be any more honest ? Sounds like Brandon has a great idea jump in and run yourself.

  • Brandon

    Thanks Dennis; that goes for anyone not willing to keep voting one party or the other. If anyone is interested leave a comment and Ill work out someway to contact you.

    The Independent Greens will put any 3rd Party/Independent Candidate on the ballot. We believe that more choices create less apathy.

  • Jason T

    James Edmunds is a very good man im not sure how the voters of the 60th district got to be lucky enough to get a man of James Edmunds caliber to even want to run. The HOD seat is a job i wouldn’t want, it takes alot of time and energy. James has a real plan for the 60th district a plan to bring jobs back where people can retire from. James knows that spending big money on short term jobs is not what the people of southside VA wants or needs. This Nov. i will cast my vote for James Edmunds cause i know he will make the 60th district a better place to live for everyone.

  • Ronnie R

    Tom McLaughlin wrote Guills campaign speech that is a major endorsement for James Edmunds as far as im concerned.

  • dennis

    Two major endorsements coming for James Edmunds very soon. One of which will shock Tom McLaughlin into needing a nerve pill.

  • will white

    Va Farm Bureau just endorsed James Edmunds.

  • matt

    The Va hunting dog association has just endorsed James Edmunds. I had a long talk with James just today we talked about alot of issues from hunting to job creation i was very happy with every response James gave me, so before he left i made a donation and told him to put a sign in my yard. Being a NWTF life member,a NRA member, and a deacon at his church says alot to me.I have lived in Saxe, Va my entire life and i will cast my vote for James come Nov.

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