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Random Thoughts about the “Patients First” rally in Danville.

It’s a whirlwind tour that is swinging through Southside VA. But what’ s it all about? Here are some thoughts about the Danville stop.

  1. Damn, that’s a nice bus. Who’s paying for all of this?
  2. As I turned the corner around the bus, I noticed the same signs that were at those tea party rallies. Not a good omen.
  3. I’d estimate the average age of the attendees at around 60.
  4. There are no state troopers around calling in people’s license plates. The tea party people must be pleased at that.
  5. Don Merricks is here. Unsurprisingly, Tom Perriello isn’t.
  6. Ok, time for the speeches to start. The PittsCo Republican Party Chairman goes first and gets the crowd going. He introduces Merricks and he does a nice speech. Can’t this crowd let the speakers talk without interrupting them with outbursts?
  7. Nobody’s here to learn anything about the health care bill. This group isn’t here to teach anything about health care. They’re here to stop the current bill.
  8. ARGH ARGH ARGH! The main spokesman does the scare tactic crap of “Seniors will have to go to end-of-life counseling”. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Bad speaker.
  9. The group’s spokesman gets a local retired doctor to speak. At least he brought his own homemade sign. As some raindrops fall, he wraps up his speech.
  10. The group urges people to sign their petition, and that’s it.
  11. No it isn’t. Some nutcase tries to talk the speaker into giving him the microphone then takes it and mumbles something about “SOB”. Lovely.
  12. Damn… this group DOES have a nice bus. They’ve got a mobile internet connection and a friggin’ print shop on board.

Now the recap…

This was a well-produced show, but it was there for one reason. A pep rally for people who don’t like Perriello and All Things Democratic. There’s nothing wrong with this, but that’s why they didn’t have a Q&A session. The crowd was 100% white, 90% old and 70% cranky. That means we’re going to get a bunch of Letters to the Editor to the Register & Bee. Oh goodie.

I have no problem with the group, their cause or the people that support it, but it’s not the place for the people that want to learn more. The people in this group really advocate their cause well. Congratulations to them for that.

9 comments to Random Thoughts about the “Patients First” rally in Danville.

  • Mary Mitchell

    What this bill is trying to do is enough to make ANYONE with a brain CRANKY if you ask me. No matter your age or skin color! I do not need a bus coming through town to tell me that. Folks really need to dig and read and learn. This is serious biz.

    This is all about further control and intrusion by government into our lives. Yes, I said it and no, I am not using scare tactics……just the truth. Anyone who does not see that is being misled or naive, IMO.

    Would have gone to the thing either in D-ville or SoBo had I known!

  • Brandon

    Bruce; utmost respect to you first off; but the Ways and Means committee under Charlie Rangle has proposed a mandatory deduction of $65 per month/$65 per pay period; whichever is higher.

    Second…..theres no gaurantee you’ll get your money; they’ll not track it; itll be lumped together and dished out as the “Czar” of the program sees fit; in order to keep it deficit free. Suppose you get sick and #3 doesnt apply….you put in $10,000 over a period of time…..youre not going to get all $10,000 back….you may get less than 50% of that back….as low as 10% or 1,000 to pay towards medical bills.

    Third….even though you’ll have to pay in…you wont be eligible….because you work.

    Fourth……like your current healthcare? Say goodbye to it….if it doesnt meet the standards set by the “Czar” of the program

    Just the facts found on the first few pages of the bill.

  • jaydeebee

    Anyone who knows anything about the way Government handles things knows that Government involvement always raises costs and lowers efficiency. I can think of no exception to this rule.

  • jaydeebee

    Where would be the proper place to learn about this? Because the last time I checked, even the people who are pushing this disaster on us don’t know what’s in the bill?

  • Kelly

    100% agree with number #7. I was hoping for more…at least a Q&A.

  • Dave Cline

    The current bills need to be stopped before we can do recall insurance reform…aimed only at reducing cost and increasing accessibility….

    The current bills are aimed at governmental takeover and control…

  • Dave Cline

    recall = real…in the post above….LOL

    Darn typos…

  • Ann

    I happened to be downtown to go to the library yesterday and saw this group. I figured it was a bunch of Republicans complaining about things so I just kept on driving! :p

  • justme

    I got an automated call reminding me that the bus would be stopping. I didn’t go because I’m sure that I’ll get more unbiased information reading.

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