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Employee complaints bring union rumors to Swedwood

What a crappy potential development. I bet economic development people in the SouthsideCentral area are recoiling in horror.

Unionization possible at Swedwood

It’s a bad headline because there’s nothing that says that workers are considering a unionization drive, but inflammatory headlines are common.

Certifying a union would be the stupidest thing that Swedwood workers could ever do. Not only for themselves but to damage the reputation of this area being a mostly union-free area. Potential companies that are looking for new locations tend to run away fast from areas that have unionized workforces.

1 comment to Employee complaints bring union rumors to Swedwood

  • Wild Handyman

    Unbelievable. Are the Swedwood employees insane? Now that they have been employed for a while they must have forgotten how hard it is to get any job, let alone a DECENT job in Southern Virginia. If the employees at Swedwood unionize it would serve them all right if the company closed and relocated somewhere where the workers aren’t completely STUPID.

    Speaking of STUPID, I understand that the union employees at Danville’s Goodyear plant are contemplating striking again. Perhaps it is something in Danville’s water supply that is dumbing everyone down a few notches. There’s got to be a reason for unions flexing their muscles in such a bad recession.

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