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Danville City Commonwealth’s Attorney Race – Update #1

Three challengers with a 40-year-service retiring incumbent. This race is wide open.

James Martin, Michael Newman and Claudette Robertson are the three candidates in this political race. Let’s do a rundown of the three candidates.


Martin – In private practice now but has 18 years experience in the CA’s office.

Newman – Currently one of three senior assistants in the CA’s office. He’s had experience in the Danville & Pittsylvania County CA’s office along with some time in private practice and as the Danville City Attorney.

Robertson – Has had experience in the Danville & Pittsylvania County’s CA office and is now in private practice at her own law firm.


Breakdown: Totally wide open. One insider, one former insider and one outsider. All three of the candidates are qualified for the office.

Random Thoughts: Will the outgoing CA, Bill Fuller, make an endorsement? Do Danville voters even care about the Commonwealth Attorney race after 40 years of the same old thing? These candidates are going to have to energize their support base and spread the word why they’d be the best for the job.

Newman’s tactic should be “same as before”.
Martin should go for “Older, experienced, but same as it ever was”.
Robertson’s strategy should be “Out with the old, in with the new”.

If any of the candidates go negative, it will and rightfully should be the end to their chances in the race.


Prediction of the popular vote: None at this time. I’ve got very little gauge of public support right now except for one candidate. That’s not enough to handicap the race at this time.


OddsMakers of the candidate winning the election: All three candidates are even at this point due to the same logic as above.

Let’s also see how much this one changes at the next update.

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1 comment to Danville City Commonwealth’s Attorney Race – Update #1

  • pittsylvania county resident

    I know I am a county resident but from what I have heard from the 3 in many events that I have been at where all 3 have been at and spoke. Newman has it. He has the experience, the know how. and ability. Even tonight he said he would work with the Police dept not against it. If he had a problem he would go discuss it with them not air it in the newspaper.

    If I were a City resident Newman would have my vote. I encourage folks to attend events where the candidates will be at and ask them their opinion. I am sure there will be forums / debates where that will happen

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