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ThreadSpotting: Do it for the kids! (Your own kids, screw the rest.)

I Know Why You Ran For School Board Last Summer!

HalifaxTalk: Kim Farson District 3 School Board

Kim Farson introduces herself and her candidacy to HalifaxTalk and is welcomed until the Freight Train-O-Fun is derailed by this post by Granny.

What would be your reaction if one of your children did not make a school team in which they tried out for?
Setting good example for our children means that…whether they make a team or not, to except it and learn from it.
Would you be OK with the fact your child did not make it or would you use your pull as a SB member to have your child placed on the tea?
I know of one prior school board member that ran just so his child could make a high school team which they had never made before.
Having children in the MS and HS can be a good thing as a SB member or it can be a bad thing if you want to use it to get something for your children.

I’ve asked Granny who she’s referring to, but OddsMakers says there a 4% chance that I’ll get a direct answer to that question.

Not only is that posting a load of truckload of smelly crap dumped into the middle of a thread that actually had redeeming values, it’s the stupidest question in the world.
You could paraphrase it as “Kim, do you have a total lack of integrity?” What will the next question be? “Kim, will you steal millions of tax money?” “Kim, do you plan on showing up at every meeting drunk?”

How about “Kim, will you act like a total creepy pedophile around the female students and hang out with young students on the grounds of the high school at 2 AM and have trespassing charges filed against you?” Um… well, that would have been a good question to ask one Halifax County school board member before he was elected and then ejected.

2 comments to ThreadSpotting: Do it for the kids! (Your own kids, screw the rest.)

  • granny

    Bruce, you are an ass. This is twice you have taken something I have posted on Halifax Talk and printed it her for your own personal little joke time. If you want something to post on your blog, find your own material. I don’t read here unless someone sends me a message about something you have posted about me or something I am truly interested in.

    I asked a question that I wanted to know. Your insane ramblings with your made up questions as nothing to do with what I asked.

    I will tell you with 100% accurancy that I will NEVER tell you who the School Board member was that I was referring too. It would do no good to rehash something that is over and done and can’t be undone. You can stop beating that horse now.

    For some untold reason you and Tarheel feel that I am not entitled to my own opinions or the right to ask questions of others BUT you two are suppose to get all of your questions answered. What gives with that?

  • SouthsideCentral

    Horsecrap. There were multiple submissions on this one so don’t think I’m using this for my “personal little joke time”. If you make a stupid posting, you just might be ThreadSpotted.

    You say “It would do no good to rehash something that is over and done and can’t be undone” after you took a veiled shot at something that is over and done and can’t be undone. Looks like you still have some feelings at it, eh?

    By the way, you meant Jason Parker and the time his son made the baseball team. Your refusal to say his name after having the chance to come clean makes you look more petty and vindictive against him.

    If you’d like to post where I’ve said that you’re “not entitled to my own opinions or the right to ask questions of others”, go right ahead. You won’t be able to do that. You see, everybody is free to ask questions and state opinions. You’re just going to be called on them.

    And come on now… you don’t read here? Webstats tell me otherwise. 😀

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