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“High School Musical” – Must See!

You’ve got one more chance to see “High School Musical” at Danville’s Carrington Pavilion. Saturday night, 8PM. Go see this play. Seriously…go!

We were there for Friday night’s performance and we were totally blown away by the quality of the acting, singing and choreography.

The R&B’s Catherine Amos wrote a great article on this production: Danville-area actors to perform ‘High School Musical’

We got there about 45 minutes before showtime and were treated to the warm-up act which could have been a feature on their own. Riverland Music has held two summer Band Camps and the kids were excellent in their renditions of classic rock songs. We’re going to try and learn more about this group of talented musicians.

But let’s get to the main show. “High School Musical” is a Disney classic and works well when adapted to the stage. The actors and actresses hit all of their music cues and the show went off without a hitch.

Summer night, beautiful arena, perfect weather and a production that rivals anything that any local theater company has ever done. That’s the recipe to a great night.

Tickets are $10 and well worth it. Make your way to the Carrington Pavilion tonight.

Here’s a photo of the Riverland Music Band Camp performers.

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