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OC: Those 45 damn kids with disabilities. It’s their fault!

We’d have gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for those 45 disabled meddling kids! Paul Stapleton, you’re an ass.

So the Halifax County High School missed making AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) because of the math SOL. So who does HCPS superintendent Paul Stapleton blame for that failure?

From a quote published in the Gazette-Virginian

“It only took the scores of 45 students with disabilities to pull down the entire school and keep it from making AYP”

There you go, Paul. Blame the bottom 45 scores on students with disabilities. Hey, it’s only 45 anonymous students who don’t give a damn about math, eh? Everybody knows that kids with disabilities are stupid on math tests. They’ve got to be those 45 scores that sunk your precious high school’s scores below the passing line!

Hey, Paul? William Fleming High School thinks like you do! They made sure that they knew which students were going to screw up their SOL scores and they um… “got rid” of them. Too bad they got caught.

Your school system (you know, the one that you’re in charge of?) was the cause of your school system not making AYP. How’s that for a fact? Deal with it.

Instead of you standing up and taking the responsibility for the slight failure and promising to work harder next year, you pointed the finger at 45 students. Classy.

Paul Stapleton, you’re a coward. You’re a jerk. You’re an ass. Halifax County deserves a sincere apology for that quote of yours.

9 comments to OC: Those 45 damn kids with disabilities. It’s their fault!

  • Hoyt

    I was wondering if we were the only ones to see that comment. Great catch! The man should be very very very ashamed of that one.

  • granny

    Bruse I agree with you 100% on this one.

  • virge

    Hmmm… interesting statement for him to make since the point of AYP is that a school can’t “make AYP” unless it’s subgroups (students with disabilities, LEP students, economically disadvantaged students, & major racial/ethnic groups) make growth (as opposed to a straight x% of the students passed the test). They probably do know which subgroup didn’t make growth but the point in knowing that is so that a school system or school can work on strategies to help that subgroup succeed rather than blaming them for “pulling down” the entire school district.

  • pittsylvania county resident

    In some of the IEP’s that parents / guardians sign. In there to my knowledge it states that students with disabilities are exempt from taking test like that and the parents / guardians sign off on them. So how can the schools blame the students with disabilities. This is all a crock of shit. They also do not take the test the students take in the 8th and 11th grades either what ever they are. I can’t remember my kid has not been in school for 4 years now. I know he could not pass the damn thing if you put it in front of him. Yes I am speaking as a mother of a disabled child.

  • marine22

    It’s like you said Bruce, he is nothing but a coward. I was disgusted when I read this, hell, any parent that has a child should be disgusted by this! There needs to be an article on the front page of the paper where he is not only apologizing to the county, but mainly to the students that he used as a scapegoat.

  • Mary Mitchell

    THANK YOU , BRUCE for saying what I have been saying for YEARS about this “man”. He is truly a clueless jerk. YES, WE SAID IT!

    And he surely could use some PR help. What a bozo.

    He really needs to retire from public life….somewhere else.

    I was out of town when this all came out and was not in the least surprised to hear that he had yet again topped himself in the stupidity department.

  • 2boxers

    I know exactly what we need to do to make sure we meet the AYP next time…A new school building! That ought to do the trick! Go for it Paul!

  • Susan Granger

    Way to go, brother!!! I’m the one who started this shit storm and I intend to continue to stir the pot. I’ve called all of the school board members and talked so far with 3 of them. Several others have called me back; but I wasn’t home. I plan to spend some time today talking with them. They are appalled and several told me that they were told Monday night that all schools made AYP. I’m the one who told then that the high and middle schools didn’t make it. This man should not be allowed to continue to disrespect the people who pay his salary!! The school board needs to call for his resignation and end the reign of this ignoirnat idiot.

  • Anna

    Paul Stapleton is the one at fault. And let’s not leave out Deputy Superintendent Larry Clark and Joe Griles (Asst. Superintendent of Instruction) who are equally to blame. These are a few of the “good ole boys” that make up the Halifax County good ole boy network.

    When Mr. Stapleton leaves his position, which is rumored to be coming in the next few months, it’s the remaining good ole boys who will likely select his replacement. Is this what is really best for Halifax County students?

    And how much do we pay these jokers for results such as these? Not talking about the salaries printed in the paper, but all the extras that we all know they get… how much? Too much!

    Who is really in charge, anyway? Stapleton? Clark? Griles? The school board, which seems to have no idea what’s really going on? Did the school board even know that HCHS didn’t make the AYP? If not, why not?

    What do Halifax County parents want for their children? More of the same corrupt and inept “leadership” it has under Stapleton, Clark and Griles? I’d suggest leaving the “good ole boys” out of the selection process for the next Superintendent.

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