Awwwww… The Register & Bee thinks that we are meanieheads.
Kick them when theyโre down and old
Remember this one, folks? We actually had the nerve to criticize the non-story. We had the gall and insensitivity to actually suggest that people should do something to improve their own situation instead of complain that something wasn’t handed to them for free by the government.
We had the nerve to disagree with the Register & Bee. Good for us.
You people here and those posting on the R&B stories and editorials are truly pathetic individuals. Racist, bigoted, mean-spirited and ugly. That’s NOT the Halifax County and Southside I know. That’s not how I was raised to behave toward other people. Memorize the Golden Rule, guys, and take it to heart: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Then, perhaps, you’ll change your ways.
If not, then may God forgive you.
I find a way to get things done for myself instead of bitching about having it done for me by government.
God loves those who help themselves.
HalifaxNative, I have a question for you.
Racist and bigoted? Was anything ever said that was derogatory specifically to her skin color?
I know it was not here. I still do not even know what ethnicity this lady even is!
All the lady in the original R&B story wanted was for the city bus system to stop inside the shopping center paid for, in part, by taxpayer dollars. You and other people in the Reader Reactions jumped on her, assuming because she was elderly and black, that she was a welfare queen, had never worked a day in her life, had never paid taxes and just wanted a government handout. How do you if she has no family in the city to drive her, if her friends are equally as old and infirm as she is. The fact is you do not.
Before commenting on the original story was shut off, the tone and tenor of reader comments had gotten truly ugly and despicable. People were joking about her weight, joking about the fact that she never learned to drive (did you think it might be because years ago, no one would teach a black woman to drive), and so on.
If this is what people in Southside Virginia have devolved to, then I am truly sorry. Like I said, the Southside I knew, the Halifax I knew, was never like that … mean ugly, blatantly racist and just plain cruel.
You folks are just downright disgusting … you’re not indicative of my hometown. At least I hope not.
And to wondering_mind, on the original story in the R&B and as posted on the Web site, yes, there were racist comments. Her picture was included with the story online, and people were making comments about her color, her size (she’s petite) and the fact that she’s no Miss America.
It was truly stomach churning.
Stomach churning.
I like that. It makes a good secondary tagline for this place.
Those random, racist, and stupid comments by readers of the R&B article were made there, and were not made on here Southside Central. Nor were they conveyed by the author of this blog in any shape, fashion or form.
I’m still using “stomach churning” as the secondary tagline. Look at the top!
Looks like “HalifaxNative” is “JacksonPollack” over at the R&B.
My stomach. It churns.
Have Mexican food for lunch, Bruce?
Oh, sorry HalifaxNative if you think that is racist.
Let me make it clear to you.
My stomach. It churns. = comes from reading this blog or the R&B comments section.
My ass. It burns. = comes from Mexican food.
That polock fellow is just some self-aggrandizing local jerk who feels the need to pass judgment on everyone. He’s a typical hypocrite liberal/Internet troll and the best way to combat him is to ignore him. Just like any Internet troll, he will eventually get bored and slink away.
No, I’m not Jackson Pollock — he used to post on The News & Advance Web site a year or so ago, but got tired of, anyway, the DRB is the only place he shows up now.
I’m from Halifax County, born and raised, conservative as the day is long (but not the nutty, Obama-wasn’t-born-here type of conservative … those people are just whacked. I saw the story online in Danville, read one comment after another and got angrier and angrier because that’s NOT representative of TRUE Southside Virginians. We were brought up better than that.
That’s not to say that there’s not racism in our part of the state … there is, tons of it … but we’ve got to rise above it or we’ll all drown in it.
You’re a clown.
And Yallhoo Spider, you’re pathetic. I hope you’re not from Halifax, because real Virginians — with manners, respect and a sense of upbringing — don’t act as foolish and as childish as that in public.
I live in Halifax.
The main comments were about the bus not going into the shopping center. She may be disabled but I am sure where she lives that cabs go to her house and they can go to the shopping center and drop her off in front of any store she wants to shop at. No matter if she is disabled or not she can find a way to get to the Coleman Market Place. Again my question is How long has she been in Danville. The shopping center has been here at least a year?