(Originally Published on: Aug 3, 2009 @ 0:05)
Editor’s Note: Don’t forget, follow @sosidecentral on Twitter! You’ll get the inside scoop before anybody else… and more!
Only Conan fans will get that headline, but it’s a great new way to get information out fast!
Look over at the left sidebar and you’ll find our newest feature. We’re @sosidecentral on Twitter and we’ll use it to get information out even quicker. Feel free to follow us on Twitter and check out our Twitter page!
You’ll be able to see our latest tweets (Twitter messages) over in the sidebar. You can even have our tweets send to your phone via text message.
Got any questions on how to use our latest resource? Any comments? Submit them below and we’ll help you out.
So far I have not succumbed to Twitter but nice to have the option….and I HAVE succumbed to Conan fandom from WAY BACK in the day….long before he took over Jay’s spot. So, I “get” the term TWITTER TRACKER!!!!!!!! 🙂
I guess I’ll firmly cement my image as a “fogey” by saying this, but to me, twitter, facebook and myspace are nothing more than pointless time-vampires.
…and I don’t want no park in the school!
You’re twenty years behind your time. 😀
Seriously, I couldn’t disagree more (except for MySpace, which does suck). Facebook has let me keep in touch with what my freinds are doing and what’s going on with them. It’s also helped me get in contact with friends I hadn’t seen in over 10 years.
Twitter can be used for useless purposes, but it can also be very useful especially for news and weather sites. You can’t depend on it for critical applications, but it’s nice to have.
Really, you disagree with me? Isn’t that reason you want me to comment here.
You might consider this however, if you haven’t been in touch with someone for over 10 years, maybe they aren’t actually your friends.
Considered and soundly rejected. 😀