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OC: We’re sorry for upsetting Beth Robertson.

NOT! Oh come on, Beth. That Paul Stapleton quote was the best thing that’s happened for the Gazette-Virginian in years. People actually remembered that the GV can actually do some real reporting once in a while!

Beth Robertson: Shooting The Messenger

Beth Robertson (a founding member of the We Heart Stapleton club) is highly offended that people called out Paul Stapleton on his remarks.

Hey Beth, we’ve never disagreed that Stapleton was explaining how the scores were calculated but have you ever heard this phrase… “It ain’t what you say, it’s how you say it.” You see, he could have explained that tiny yet important part when Sonny Riddle was interviewing him. Or maybe your reporter could have possible asked for clarification on that quote, eh? I know… that’s asking for too much reporting work from the GV but we can always hope. Beth, I haven’t seen you this outraged since someone farted during a high-falutin’-society thing on Mountain Road. Maybe you need to stick with copying forwarded email crap for your next few columns.

Paul Stapleton’s big enough to take care of himself, but thanks for the moral outrage anyway.

8 comments to OC: We’re sorry for upsetting Beth Robertson.

  • Susan Granger

    Way to go, brother. I guess I’ve really stirred up a hornet’s nest this time; but I’ve been stung before and it don’t bother me!!!! I’ll continue to stand up for others and if folks get pissed off; well I guess it’s better than getting pissed on!!! When people get pissed off; at least you have their attention!!!!

  • wondering_mind

    Aren’t you overstating that a little bit people? Robertson gave a few sentences to this and you make it sound like she is seething mad. Come on!

    I would like, however, to know more details about her reaction with the fart at the “high-falutin’-society thing on Mountain Road”!

  • SouthsideCentral

    Thou Shalt Adore Stapleton And All Things Stapleton or else risk the wrath of the editor.

    You’re making it sound like a tree fell down in Haughty Estates. (Oops, she wrote about that too)

    And this blog is no place for fart stories. Don’t you know that? 😀

  • Jojo

    Dang. I do so love a good fart story. Being the ignorant white trash that I am. Hehee.
    According to one of the dear readers here. Hint: It involves a purse snatcher.

  • Mary Mitchell

    I know all too well that Beth Robertson herself has been known to broadcast and point to matters of public record to spotlight them for a “human interest” story. I am saying she used a matter of public record that had nothing to do with the subject of the topic and article at hand, just to sensationalize. I KNOW because it very much affected my family at the time. SO, I could have SHOT THE MESSENGER for telling a matter of truth at that time…I let it slide. However, I have not forgotten.

    I THINK SHE was the one who over dramatized by using the “shot the messenger” phrase. No one shot the messenger. The messenger shot himself in the foot, IMO!

  • Dissa

    Beth is a nice person, if a bit gullible. I guess that makes her perfect to manage the GV.

  • I'll Regret This, but

    I would not expect in depth reporting or particularly comprehensive reporting from Sonny Riddle. Keep in mind that he is a former HCPS employee, and he has always been very loyal to the public schools. And, just an educated guess here….he is lazy. I was happy to read, though, that he is on a mission to improve his eating habits.

  • I'll Regret This, but

    …wait a second! People on Mountain Road fart? That I do not believe!

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