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60th District House Race – Update #4 (Final update)

Last update: 60th District House Race – Update #3

Game over.

Time’s up and there was no replacement candidate to take over Dave Guill’s (relatively) last-minute withdrawal. James Edmunds will win by default.

The only fun in this race will be to see who everybody blames for the Democratic debacle.

Sigh… and we had high hopes for this campaign.

5 comments to 60th District House Race – Update #4 (Final update)

  • kelley in virginia

    this is a positive because it may mean a trend against our tone deaf congressman (perriello).

  • local democrat

    This is a circus of mistakes. Guill was recruited by Ward Armstrong’s guys to run against Hogan. When Hogan pulled out, they wanted someone better and told everyone Bennett was running, which he never made the decision to because he really could not get the support he thought he would once Edmund stepped in. Being afraid he would lose, Bennett again dropped out, just like he did when he was going to run against Ruff two years ago. Local Democratic officials, including past chair Bill and surrogate Tom McLaughlin, took over and as usual did little but mouth off which was shown by lack of physical support for Guill at any events anywhere and no financial support at all either. Guill finally got fed up with Armstrong’s and McLaughlins(both) failure to deliver what they had promised and dropped out. Not anyone who believes those guys when they come recruiting again should have their heads examined. Look for a repeat in two years when they will try and get someone to Run against Ruff and Edmunds.

  • jeff

    Dave Guill can’t blame this entire screw-up on anyone but himself he never did anything to help himself why would he think for a minute that he could not do any campaigning or fundraising and win a HOD race ? I agree if he was following Tom McLaughlin’s lead he was in a poor place to start with but this was Dave Guill’s race to screw up and sure enough he did as anyone in Charlotte County knew he would. He will not win his next BOS race if he runs again.

  • wondering_mind


    Tom McLaughlin and Ward Armstrong were behind Guill’s EPIC fail?

  • Will White

    Dave Guill never went to any events,never did anything to raise money and got a left wing party hack idiot to write a speech for him. Why would he expect any other results than what he got ? In most cases people will get behind a candidate if they see you are out working yourself if you do nothing yourself don’t expect to get a HOD race handed to you it will not happen. Dave Guill can not blame this on anyone but himself. James Edmunds has been to almost every event since he started, he has put together a great grassroots group because he has been working hard himself and he has raised alot of money thats how you run a campaign if you expect to win. Everyone should be glad James Edmunds is going to the HOD we need someone that is going to work hard for southside Va.

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