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Happy Trails, Halifax County IDA Marketing Director!

How’d we miss this piece of news?

In August, the Halifax County Industrial Development Authority eliminated the Marketing director position to cut expenses, which means that Nancy Smith is gone. The marketing functions of the IDA are now being outsourced.

Irony alert: The agency that’s trying to counteract the effects of jobs being outsourced has now outsourced one of their own jobs.

3 comments to Happy Trails, Halifax County IDA Marketing Director!

  • DiversionsGirl

    It’s too bad that they lost Nancy. She is from Halifax County, knows everyone and cares about the progress in the community. She will move on to bigger and better things. She’s very talented and professional.

  • Lisa

    Nancy will be fine, she is a great friend and reliable, didn’t fit there anyway she is too real…….working for the IDA is not a picnic that’s for sure. To be a part of that so called “work” family takes a lot of butt kissing and sucking up, those who refuse are the redheaded stepchildren. You can get bulldozed quickly if you don’t watch your back all the time…..and I mean “all” the time. If the proper checking was done, people of Halifax County would certainly be surprised at the actual cost to feed the people who work there. Wine and dining a prospect is one thing but to continually feed the employees “Bistro 1888 and Molasses Grill”(even the lowly assistances) wow what a place to work….go out of town to a conference and eat steak and lobster a bottle of wine…what a job.

  • Lisa

    did ya know…the IDA actually paid well over 5 grand to bus in people from Richmond to the Lope Fest—employees of IDA had to ride and drink with them—free beer free snacks free ride to and from and free tickets to boot wonder how many Halifax County residents would like free tickets @ $30 a pop lots of locals don’t go because of the cost but Free….. and then again “South Boston Speedway” all free/didn’t even have to sit out side had a suite free food, free alcohol free free free except to Halifax County home folk. And they are “really” worried about the economy and jobs for people…right

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