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BREAKING NEWS: Murder arrest in Caswell County (NC)

This case spreads over Caswell County, Person County, Mecklenburg County and it ends with a surprising Halifax County twist!

From our friends at the Caswell County Sheriff’s Office…

Collaborative efforts with the Mecklenburg County Sheriff‘s Office (VA), Caswell County Sheriff’s Office and the Person County Sheriff’s Office. On Monday September, 7, 2009 the family of Bryant Kevin Newcomb reported him missing. Kevin’s description was a white male, 44 years of age with blue eyes, 5’ 9” 165 lbs and resided at 915 Fort Mitchell Road, Chase City, Virginia. Kevin was last seen on Saturday, September, 5, 2009, leaving the Chase City (area).

On September 9, 2009 the Caswell County /Sheriff’s Office responded to an abandoned vehicle report near Lucky’s Bar on Hwy 86 North, Providence, N. C. Responding officers found that the 1993 Chevrolet truck was registered to Bryant Kevin Newcomb of Chase City, VA. Investigators from Caswell County, Mecklenburg County and the Person County Sheriff’s Offices responded to the scene when evidence of the suspicious circumstances was found in the vehicle. The vehicle was seized by Caswell County Sheriff’s Office and was processed for evidence by crime scene technicians with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation.

On September 11, 2009 the body of a W/M was located in the Dan River near the Wildlife boat landing on Hwy 62 N in Milton, N.C. Investigators from Caswell County, Person County and Mecklenburg County (VA) responded to the scene, along with Mecklenburg County dive team, Caswell County EMS and the Person County rescue. Inspection of the body during the recovery revealed that the W/M was wearing clothing consistent with that of Newcomb. At the time of his disappearance. The body was recovered and transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Chapel Hill, N,C. for autopsy and positive identification,

On September 12, 2009 the Caswell County Sheriff’s Office arrested and charged Angela Crowe Stanley, W/F of Zion Level Church Road, Semora, N. C. (Person County) with First Degree Murder. Her first appearance was held September 15, 2009.

Further investigation by Caswell County and Person County Sheriff’s Offices led to the arrest of Mary Jo Terry, W/F and Kevin Black, W/M both of Blanch, N, C. Both Terry and Black have been charged with Accessory to First Degree Murder. Both are being held in the Person County Detention under a $1,000,000.00 secured bond. Furthermore, the subsequent investigation revealed that the homicide occurred in Person County near Hyco Lake area.

The District Attorney’s office is handling the change of venue to Person County where it was determined through the investigation where the crime occurred.

Now let’s get to the Halifax County angle to this story. Angela Stanley is the ex-wife of former Halifax police officer and jerkapotamus Glenn Stanley. How’s that for a full circle?

Here’s Angela Stanley’s mugshot…

We’ll have more details on this case as soon as we’re able to get them… keep reading SouthsideCentral!

83 comments to BREAKING NEWS: Murder arrest in Caswell County (NC)

  • Mary Mitchell

    WOWSER……I HAD NOT HEARD THIS. Sharp reporting, Southside Central! CREEEEPY.

  • repete

    And what does Glenn have to do with this?

  • Exactly what the article says. No more, no less.

  • T. A. Conner

    What goes around comes around. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

  • a friend

    t.a.conner…..who is that directed at and what do u mean?

  • A Child of the LORD

    How dare someone use The Lord in such a tragic sittuation.Where there are so many families involved.

  • Reader

    jerkapotamus Glen Stanley

    This is very tacky and tasteless way to describe any person in such a time in his & his childrens life.
    Be careful of what you soe, because you stand to reap it as well.

  • a friend

    my sincerest sympathy goes out to the families, especially those of kevin. and i feel horrible for the children of all. never know who you are comin in contact with.

  • SouthsideCentral

    Looks like I’ve pissed a few people off by saying “jerkapotamus”.

    I stick behind my words 100%. I’ll reply to the HT thread after work as well.

    Let me make this clear. SouthsideCentral is NOT a news site. It features news, quite often before others report it, but this is a BLOG which can include my opinion.

    You want just the news? Go somewhere else. With luck, one of the local newspapers may print it. You want entertaining commentary? You’re in the right place…and I’m glad you’re here.

  • Reader

    Let me make this clear. SouthsideCentral is NOT a news site. It features news, quite often before others report it, but this is a BLOG which can include my opinion.

    You want just the news? Go somewhere else.

    Well then, why not just keep your crappy news features on your own blog and not advertise elsewere.

    Editor’s Note: Why? You keep coming back to make comments. 😀

  • missy

    I hear comments were made by Angela that the Newcomb family would never be the same, little did she know that neither would her family. What a stupid ass!!! People who think they will get away with murder really need to understand one thing… they will NEVER get away with this crime!!! I hope Angela and her “buddies” get what’s coming to them!! The Newcomb family did not deserve this and neither does any other family. I hope all of the CRAZY people in the world get a grip and realize that whether or not you get caught doing such a horrible crime here on earth, your maker will punish you worse than any judicial system ever could, so think about it people…a life is not for the taking, but for the giving!!!

  • Will White

    Southside you can’t blame Glenn he became a jerk from following in his dads footsteps he is a major jerk.

  • Amanda

    Glenn isn’t even married to her anymore. They do have children together and I am sure it will be especially hard on them!! And you mean to tell me Will White or anybody else that you don’t have ass holes in your family??

    • Charlie

      Glenn Stanley was still married to Angela Stanley at this time. Someone he was dating paid for the divorce in 2012. He used the girl he was dating to get the divorce paid for.

  • Will White

    Amanda i don’t know of any in my family but i know your family has atleast one.

  • Amanda

    Good I hope it’s me!! If you want to talk about someone elses family thats good but don’t leave out yours!

  • Will White

    Amanda you were the one that started the family bs.

  • T. A. Conner

    a friend…… my comment was directed at Angela; you would understand if you knew the HELL she put my family through.

    A Child of The Lord…….my opinion has nothing to do with any of the families. I just think Angela is where she belongs.

    Anyone else have something to say about what I post? Have at it!

  • Concerned

    T.A Conner, I agree 100%!! Angela is where she belongs and the other’s as well!
    I hope justice will be served by our legal system and God!!

  • MMP

    Kevin was a great,who loved his family,he would give the shirt off his back to anyone!!! Look what it cost him!! May God have mercy on the killer(s) soul!!!!!!

  • M_star

    I was a friend to Kevin Black, who was charged as an accessory to this murder. I just don’t understand this. I knew Kevin as a nice, outgoing, fun person to be around. And now he has something to do with a murder? Something doesn’t quite add up…

  • curious

    Why would teenagers be hanging out with someone this age????? I know Mr. Newcomb was 44, but I never got the age of this Angela Stanley person.

  • Old Friend

    All I know is that Angela Crowe Stanley is a crazy bitch and I hope that she is fried for this mans death. People say her children will suffer, her children will be a lot better off than having this thing as their mother. She’s a thief, a liar, a manipulator and now a murderer. As to “curious”, her age is 37. You can tell she is a self centered person to do this. She obviously does not care about her own children or how this would affect her family. Atleast she will get to see her family. Kevin Newcomb’s family will never be able to see his smile, give him a hug or talk to him EVER again. She robbed his family of that. Rott in hell bitch, Rott.

  • T. A. Conner

    ‘Old Friend’…… said it all. I agree whole heartedly with you. That BITCH was crazy. Obviously you had problems with her in the past, just like me.

  • a friend

    t.a.conner….i was just wondering who you were talking about…i think everyone who has crossed her path has regretted it….she is truly a cold hearted bitch who thinks of only herself…and she is crazy, as hell, and i hope she dont get off bc of it. they should b able 2 show premeditation…as for the other 2, never heard of em. cant imagine how they got caught up in it…makes no sense. they probably didnt even know him. awfull….

  • questioner

    I know for a fact that Kevin Newcomb’s son was scared of him when he drank and he left their house numerous times because his dad was violent. And Angela claimed she was battered. Don’t know Angela, only knew Newcomb in passing, but it sounds like their may be another side to this story. Not that it makes murder okay, but we should wait to hear more. Then again, crazy attracts crazy.

  • questioner

    Oh yeah, the Mecklenburg County newspapers have been covering the story.

  • wt

    tht bitch claimed everybody battered her crazy ass i haved myrun ins with her and she is a card i hope she rotts n hell then again that may even be 2 good for her ass poor kids i hope they get threw this ok

  • Concerned

    questioner.. I have known Kevin for many many years and he has NEVER said a cross word in my presence! You said you only knew him in passing and that is your loss! How can you comment on something you don’t know a Damn thing about!

  • beenthere

    I think it is so sad that a human life has been taken and the most of what you all write about is who is the asshole in what family. I know your free to write about whatever you want I just would have hoped you would have had some compassion especially for the children who this affects and could have saved the personal jabgs for another time. I’m sure you know that this could have happened to anyone there are alot of crazy people and alot of assholes out there. At a time like this you should be grateful it wasn’t you or one of your loved ones I sure am.

  • Amanda

    Beenthere I was making a point talking about assholes. I am very sorry for this man’s family and their loss no one should have to go through this. I also know how crazy Angela is. Glenn is in my family hence the reason for making the point that everyone has ah’s in their family. I know how difficult this is on him and the children. And no matter what Angela has done ( not at all taking up for her) she will always be those childrens mother and there is no replacing your mom.

  • questioner

    Concerned: Because I know his son. That’s how.

  • missy

    All I know is that Kevin gave his shirt off of his back to Angela and her kids and in return his house got set on fire by someone. Now this…I don’t care what relation any of you have with any of these people, but right is right and wrong is wrong. I hope that all of the children involved will be able to find some kind of peace with what has happened and be able to move on in their lives and I hope that other people will learn from this and understand that there is NO reason why anyone’s life should be taken for any reason other than by the good Lord above!! Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes…Kevin’s mistake was being a decent human being and helping a woman and her children in a bad time of their lives and now his family is suffering for that and furthermore so are Angela’s, so I say a prayer for all of the families involved and pray GOD has a plan for them and hope their paths are better chosen.

  • laughing

    This is the thread that never ends.

    It goes on and on, my friends.

    Bruce Hedrick started it, not knowing where it would go.

    Now people will continue posting here forever, just because…

    It’s the thread that never ends!


  • Well I know Kevin very well. I don;t think anyone should be talking about him .

  • I also have to say this. Angela will have to look at herself in the mirror everyday for the rest of her life. She took a very special man from him family.I don;t know the reason why she did it nor will we ever know the real truth behind the murder. I just pray that she has a long time behind bars to think about what she has done to a family that are very sweet people. You see Kevin Newcomb was my cousin and I loved him very much and he was loved so dearly by his sons . Kevin my you rest in peace and I love you .

  • Old Friend

    Again, everyone says, poor angela kids, yes it is very sad that these kids will have to look at there mama from behind bars, but obviously she didn’t give a rats ass how this would affect them. Did she honestly think she would get by with this? Personally this world would be a helluva lot better without that crazy bitch in it. Too bad the current judicial system doesn’t let someone get what they deserved the same way they did the crime. Wonder if she would like to be killed and dumped in a river. And I’m sure these 2 teenagers involved were manipulated and lied to by her and were at the wrong place at the wrong time, but they still could have spoken up and done something. So they are still in the wrong too. I just love knowing that my hard earned money will be providing her scank ass 3 meals a day, and roof over her head. I still hope she fries!

  • MMP

    Old friend, I so agree…If only she knew the pain she has caused so many people…And I say “if she only knew” because evidently the bitch has so heart to feel..ANGELA CROWE STANLEY took a great a man from a small town!!! I hope the prosecuter seeks the death penalty…

  • MMP

    Let me correct my typo the bitch has NO heart…

  • SouthsideCentral

    Enough of the cursing.

  • wt

    i love u kevin newcomb

  • MMP

    Your right Southside central,the cussing is inappropiate an I apolgize. Its just when you see the sadness and emptiness on the faces of the family of Kevin your emotions consume you.

  • rose

    First of all let me just say how sorry I am for the family of Mr.Newcomb.To old friend was she really like what you said? {the woman who actually shot Mr. Newcomb}If so what i heard about her holding a gun on the teens may be true.I agree the teens should have done something else to provent them from getting involved.I also agree with you they were in the wrong too {the teens}.Now they will have to pay for whatever they helped her to do.She must have not cared about anyone to get two teens involved and ruin their lives.Before anyone attacks what I have said read carefully I did say the teens will have to pay for what they did.Again Im sorry for what the Newcomb family is going through .Our family went through something like this a few years back when my cousin was working and a man came in to rob the place where she worked and took her in the bathroom and shot her 2 times in the back of the head and killed her.Mr.Newcomb,s family I dont know any of you all or Mr.Newcomb but all of you are in my prayers ,God will help you all pull through this he did us.

  • Kimberly Lenhart Bender

    WOW! Anyone that knew Kevin Newcomb knows that a great person was taken from this world, but he will be in heaven for us to see again. He was the sweetest most gorgeous blue-eyed old county boy you’d ever meet. He would do anything for anyone (just like a good ole country boy). I was lucky enough to grow up with him, attend school, and ride the school bus (he always looked out for me). I know all his brothers (Mike, Jeff, and Scotter) and his parents. God bless you all and may He have mercy on all of us as we deal with such a great and tragic loss. For the Evil doer (or doers) that took Kevin from us the DEVIL will deal with you, but for now we must tolerate you and pay taxes so that you can continue to breathe, eat, and sleep in our penal system. Knowing Kevin, he has already forgiven you for the unthinkable acts you did to him. It will take me awhile to do the same, but God will give me the strength to do that in time so that I too can go to heaven and greet my friend once again. God rest your sweet soul, Kevin! I miss and love you very much! Newcomb family — you are in my thoughts and prayers daily — I know this is horrible for you and Rosemary YOU most of all have my greatest sympathy. You raised a very sweet, loving, boy that turned into a fabulous man. God will punish those involved, but for now it’s in the hands of the law!

  • Old Friend

    First, southcentral I apologize for my profanity in my earlier blogs, but this person brings that out in you. As to “Rose”, yes she was a horrible human being. She would be so nice & quiet at first but would turn on you like a mad dog. She was deceitful and could not be trusted. She could fool the best of the best. After reading blogs, I am sure she pulled a good one on Mr. Newcomb, because she doesn’t even compare to the type person he is. It is a shame why such people as herself live in this world, but then I realize, God doesn’t want them. He wants the good ones such as Mr. Newcomb. Rest in peace to him and my God comfort his family.

  • MMP

    I just left the family night for Kevin,God bless this family. I am a Christian but hate is all I have in me for Angela. I will never understand this.

  • a friend

    last night really made the truth a reality. hit hard! thanks to the one that made the video, great job. i am glad to hear that “birds are singing”, and evidence is steadily being found. i would rather witness her “frying” than to sit in prison. i hate the thought of my tax dollars feeding, clothing, heating, etc. her tail after what she so carefully planned to do. and succeeded! for those of you that didnt know kevin, all the great things said on here are true. i, personally, never witnessed a bad side to him, although we all have done things we are not proud of. he was the person you could call on, any time, day or night, and he’d be there. didnt matter the reason, he was there. last night was evident of all the good he has done for others, and all the peoples lives he has touched. the thing that killed him, was the very thing that everyone loved about him so much! compassion for others….your memories will be forever cherished, and you are greatly missed “noody”!

  • hycolakegal

    I live only a stones throw from where this incident took place, and even though this sort of thing happens TOO MUCH, it sent waves of shock and disbelieve. I passed by this house each time I went out, and would see the children playing in the yard with toys or with their dogs, and would see the oldest boy mow the grass. However, I never saw the mother. I didn’t know them but I remember smiling as I was driving by at the innocence of children. Now when I drive by the house it saddens my heart to know that those children will never be the same, there lives will always be scarred by what their mother did. There are just memories outside that house now. The toys are still scattered around and clothes still hang on the clothes line. It is just so sad. There must have been an overwhelming amount of hatred in her to do this to her innocent children and to take the life of this man. I hopes the families of both will find peace and closure and that the children will be able to have normal lives with people that love them.

  • youngest brother of Kevin

    I am his youngest brother , let me tell you about Kevin. He was curtious, kind, & very caring. I for a fact heard her (Angela Stanley) tell me that the Newcomb family would never be the same if she had to leave this hill. She said she would burn his house & kill him. If investigator Dennis W. of Mecklenburg Sherrifs Dept. would have done his job on the fire that M.J. Terry has sung about , i guess he would still be alive! Anybody that didn’t know Kevin missed a terrific person. As for the person “questioner” , his son was never afraid of him, & if you knew anything about his son you would understand that my brothers & I held him & wiped his tears, so ifyou are an old friend then you should know this.My mother , father, & brothers and his children’s life has been changed forever, soft hearts have been hardened. In case you dont know it , my name is …Scooter! i will miss & love Kevin forever. Missed & not forgottened.

  • youngest brother's wife

    This is Scooter’s wife, Nikki , I agree with everything he just said . I know for a fact also that she told us as i was standing there , that she would burn his house & kill him if she ever left. I am sorry that i am not too much worried about that bitch or her children for she didn’t worry about us & his children. You can feel sorry for her if you want to or whatever you may believe, but ultimatly Kevin got the death penalty. His family , brothers & kids have been sentenced to a life without him , distrust, & misery.
    To Kimberly Lenhart Bender , thank you for those kind words , scooter said he knows you & you are very sweet. Also if some authority were more worried about doing their job rather than worrying about how Kevin was living his life then maybe the right thing would have gotten done. I think you know who you are. the name is NIKKI!!!

  • Number 3's Wife

    We have had a Great Man taking from us. He was the kind of man that would give the shirt off his back to help you. He never met a stranger and was loved by many. He would always have a smile on his face and would stop to shoot the bull. He would make time for family and friends. His sons were the apples of his eyes. His sons were not afraid of their dad. He was very proud of them. We all are. She (Angela) had no right to take such a wonderful man from us. She does not deserve to be in jail. That’s to easy of a life for her. There is no punishment bad enough for what she has done to my family. The law should have done their job the 1st time, he may would be with us NOW!! May God have mercy on her soul cause me and my family DON’T!!!

  • cousin of kevin

    Hello, I am kevin cousin Lisa. I remember growing up with Kevin and going up to their house and playing with him. He was such a sweet person, He would make you laugh when you weren;t feeling well. I know he loved his mom and his dad and his brothers. I know they meant alot to him. I never meet his boys I moved away and I now live in Mississippi. My mom (nancy Newcomb) called and told me about kevin and I felt like a truck had hit me. I pray that the law does it job now. It is took late for kevin but please save anyone else from getting hurt by this woman. We all need to pray that if there is a justice system that they will do their jobs and punish his woman for what she has done. I pray for strength
    for the Newcomb family . Really for all the Newcomb’s Kevin you will thought of daily and remembered always. I love you RIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • friend


  • neice

    i have so many memories of kevin from the time i was just a little girl up until now. kevin was always so laid back and easy going, even when things werent always perfect in his life. kevin would have gave anything he had to anyone who needed, would have given the shirt of his back. i hope that justice is served BUT no matter what it will never replace kevin or the pain it has caused our family! kevin we love and miss you more than words can say <33

  • wt

    i didt think i could miss any1 as much as i miss kevin he was so great love you man until we meet again in heaven

  • wt

    pleez hurry & find out wuz up witj this case

  • kevin newcomb

    I am Kevins son. my name is Kevin Ryan Newcomb and obviously you dont know me at all (questioner). you left a bold face lie comment on sep 17 saying that i was scared of my dad. my dad was not a violent man and never laid a hand on me or my brother. why dont you speak up for yourself and let me know who you are? my email is and im free to get the record straight any time.

  • to southside glenn had the bolt cutters in his truck thats what he had to do with it

  • friend

    Not a day goes by that I don’t miss Kevin. He would help anyone with anything at any time. Even when he was down with a broke back, you couldn’t stop him from lending a helping hand. Whether it be fixing a vehicle or giving inspiration…he was there. He is, and alway will be, greatly missed! Miss ya buddy.

  • RaisinB

    ABSOLUTELY no one knows what events led up to this case. Seems fair to me that folks should await trial for real facts to come out before judging anyone. Not saying that this type of thing should be condoned OR that he should not be missed by those who love him. But everyone is entitled to a fair trial. And as for Glenn, he isn’t involved in this, as proven repeatedly! So lets stick to facts, folks!

  • shelby

    leason i agree with u we should wait for the trail

  • Concerned

    Shelby, Are you freakin kidding me? You’re going to wait this long to make a comment! It’s been over a year! My friends, myself and Kevins family have been without him for over a year and you’re going to say” wait for trial” We wait everyday and you know what everyday she continues to breath! JUST NOT RIGHT!! Go read something up-to-date and comment on that!!

  • Scooter Newcomb

    I don’t get why the comments have started again. Wait until the trail? Let me tell you about that! 33 people went to find him 6 days after he was missing 9/11/09 buried him on 9/20/09. My mother cries every day, my father doesn’t even talk the same,1 brother that can not look at his pictures with out tears,the other I’m sure the same because he lost his best friend & both his kids lost their hero. I can not trust anyone & dream of him every nigth, see his fase when the ligth are off. We’ve been to over 20 hearings just to hear continued, we know they are not going for the death penalty . If that helps you sleep while waiting on the trail! Maybe you sould remember she give him the death penalty not the other way around. He got death & we’ve caught hell. Please don’t wait so long to comment again, believe it or not we still read this often, if just to see supporters must PEOPLE have been and I thank you all. This is Scooter his little brother, ask me about waiti

  • Charlie

    I have been following this case for the past 2 years because Kevin lived in my area and was very nice. This was a senseless murder and do not understand why the death penalty is not an option. Why is it not an option? Is she ever going to trial and is she going to get off with time served? I feel she deserves the same thing she gave.

  • Charlie

    Was wondering when Angela Stanely is going to trial or has she already gone to trial and been sentenced? If so what was the outcome? I heard she was getting off with time served and with this senseless murder of Kevin she should get life plus

  • Charlie

    I see her trial has been set for 07/16. I hope she goes to trial and gets the maximum. Why was the death penalty taken off the table? This question is for Scooter or Kevin’s family.

  • sandra

    Has the trial gone forward and what is the verdict if so?



  • Angel

    I know and have red most of the details in this case. There was a warrant out for Mr Newcomb in Caswell COunty for raping Angelas daughter. But…how could you be having a beer with him at Luckys if you actually believed he did it? I didnt know Angela, but I do know both teenagers. These kids were taken advantage of by this woman. They did wrong and should pay. Mr Black did with 3 years, MJ Terry with 1 year. Angela is not going to trial but accepted a plea given her. She will take this plea next month. I think it was 16 to 20. She has served 3, so 13 in prison.

  • jeff

    Angel your wrong their was no warrant for mr newcomb in any county .she got 20 years 8 months and thats with no credit for time served and i dont belive you have any brain cells working to try and justify Angela’s actions

  • Charlie

    i am not sure wy the death penalty was taken off the table but 20 Years minus 3 years is 17 years left to serve. She shot and wrapped Kevin in chain and weights and threw him in the river. At the least life in prison is what she shoud have gotten. She will see her grandchildren and I am sure we will be paying for her when she gets out at 60. Ms Edwards you don’t know the facts of the case. Angela Stanley is mean and a liar. Research would keep you from believing some of her lies. Simpkle researc. Angel there was not a warrant for his arrest. It is really sad when the dead victim prosecuted and not the killer.

  • Charlie

    Jeff if Angela Stanley got 20 years 8 months for murder why has it not been in any local papers?

  • Sandra

    I’m not scared to leave me real name and say what i want to say

  • Angel

    Jeff, I was by no means defending Angela for anything. I feel if she really thought Kevin raped her daughter, it should have been proved in court. If she was as mean as people say why did Kevin keep going back to her?? Why was he still wanting sex with her so much as to be lured in the woods?? Doesnt sound like he thought she was very mean.

  • Charlie

    Angel the same can be said for Angela. If she thought he raped her daughter why sould she continue to contact him and have sex with him? Sometimes men think with male parts instead of their head but if I honeslty thought someone raped my daughter he would never touch me or be near me. According to the department of corrections, NC site, Angela will be eligible for realease in 13 years-2026.

  • Charlie

    Angel he is dead. Killed/murdered. He wasnt on trial. She killed him, wrapped in chain and weights and threw him in a river. That is cold blooded and premeditated. If she was scared of him she should have stayed away from him. Not wrap him in chain and weights and throw in the river.

  • Charlie

    Her release date says 2026. Only 13 years left and she will be out on good behavior.

  • Cheyenne

    for all pf you out there. im cheyenne. glenn’s oldest daughter. kevin did rape me. and after i THOUGHT my mother had stopped contact with him i told her wat he did. i told 4 more police ppl plus a behavior peson and i doctor that checked me out and proved i was rapped. i was 11. now im very close to 17. for the record, we dnt see our mother. none of us want to. she wasnt a mother to us. she was like a friend. and yes kevin did abuse my mother. she has a scar on her face to prove it. and as far as him abusing his son. yes he did abuse shannon thats why he was so eager to get outts that house and go to the military. end of story. none of us kids or my fad have anything to do with her.

    • Miss kate

      Today is valetines day mon feb 17 would be kevins birthday but we dont have him with us to tell happy valetines or happy birthday but will alwaya have him in my heart love miss kate

    • Miss kate

      Why did the police tell kevins family that the dr stated that you had not been raped. I am thankful you dont see your mother hope she never sees her children again kevins children will never see him again.

      • Cheyenne

        The Dr I went to proved I was ma’am. The cops made sure to check with that Dr after gettin him to have a lie dectator test, which he never came to take. With all do respect ma’am. We choose not to see her, not because of what she did but for other reasons. And to be completely honest with you the police probably told his family that after his passing just to ease their minds and keep them thinkin he was a good man. Now if y’all would please stop talking bout my mother and especially my father. Moarn over Kevin. But I don’t want this to be hung over our heads just cause we’re her children.

        • Sam

          The police do not tell people things just to make the family feel better. The police must state fact based off of evidence. I was told the Dr. proved you were not raped by Kevin. Unless you have proof of any different then Angela Stanley is what she is. A murderer. This does not reflect on you, your siblings or your dad.

  • Sandra

    2 years and Angela Stanley will be out! I hear Glen takes his youngest daughter to see her and Cheyenne takes her son to see her! Glenn remarried but will be back with Angela when she is released

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