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The Pool Temperature Controversy.

(Doesn’t that sound like a episode title of The Big Bang Theory?) You can’t please everybody…especially YMCA members.

There’s trouble brewing in South Boston. The situation’s getting dire. People are asking questions. People are writing letters to the editor. Society is on edge.

Why? Why, you ask? The YMCA pool temperature is too cold. No, The YMCA pool temperature is too warm. No, the YMCA pool temperature is just right!

Our pool policy

Yes, Marcus Hargrave, the CEO (YMCA’s have CEO’s now?) of the South Boston YMCA puts the hammer down in the News & Record by declaring the YMCA’s pool temperature policy in a newspaper of record (Well, the News & Record, but you know what I mean).

Hargrave goes into a detailed explanation on why the new policy will make everybody unhappy. We’ve got the potential of bacteria growing, the threat of evaporation turning the pool area into a desert, chlorine attacking your deodorant, and (dear god in heaven) increased vacuuming! (gasp!).

Listen up, you whiny YMCA members. The King Has Spoken and says your pool will be kept at 83 to 84 degrees. You will like it and you will NOT cool it down by throwing bags of ice into it or warm it up by releasing warm liquids into the water.

Yeah, like that’s never happened at the YMCA pool either. 😀

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