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Wacky Jack & Creigh – back together again!

No, it’s not a new cartoon or comedy act. Come to think about it, maybe it’s both.

Deeds touts jobs plan, track record

Sigh… right when Creigh Deeds is starting to make me think that he just might be worth a vote for governor, he appears at Jack Dunavant’s house with a group of ~120 people. Seems that Creigh is one of the “Southside Concerned Citizens” from a long time ago… oh goodie! He’s one of Them. I will be fair because Deeds did say ““I am very skeptical of mining uranium in Southside Virginia” instead of the standard SCC line of “Uranium Mining Will Kill The Planet”. Maybe there’s hope for Deeds after all.

Anyway, is anybody surprised that the News & Record was the only Halifax newspaper to report this? Our sources are reporting that Deeds will be making another Halifax county appearance at the home of Sylvia McLaughlin before the election. Wheeee! Ain’t inherant bias fun?

3 comments to Wacky Jack & Creigh – back together again!

  • Will White

    Well Tucker & Sylvia McLaughlin were both at the Memorial day meet and greet for James Edmunds for the paper they said and never printed a word in the paper.

  • Not Wacky Jack

    Funny thing about old wacky Jack. Deeds voted against wacky in the statE senate last year. Why didn’t Jack tell the people at his house that Deeds had gone against SCC ? Does that old membership mean that much ?

  • joe

    If Jack Dunavant and Tom McLaughlin are supporting Deeds thats one hell of an endorsement for Bob McDonnell in my opinion. McDonnell has my vote for sure.

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