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Seward Anderson’s campaign just pissed me off.

Seward: Do not insult my intelligence by stringing together a bunch of crap in a direct-mail piece.

I don’t check my mail often because I do most everything online. However, today I find this large direct-mail piece that says…

Danny Marshall opposed economic development for Southside…
And we lost 3,000 Apple Computer jobs to North Carolina.

Anderson’s campaign (or whoever in the hell he paid to make this crap up) is trying to make people think that Apple didn’t choose Virginia because the Governor’s Opportunity Fund wasn’t fully funded. Horsecrap. The reason that Apple didn’t choose Virginia was because North Carolina’s legislature is in session a lot more than the Virginia Assembly, and they voted to give Apple $300,000,000 in tax incentives. If Virginia had thrown the entire Governor’s Opportunity Fund in ($10 million), it wouldn’t have been close to what North Carolina’s offer was.

Anderson’s smart enough to make sure that his negative advertisement flyer doesn’t make a direct link between those two items, but the inference is there to make stupid people believe that Danny Marshall made Apple go to North Carolina. Gah!

Seward, tell me why you’re better than Danny Marshall. That’s the only chance that you have to make me even consider voting for you… and after this direct-mail piece, you’re going to have to sell yourself better than you ever have before. Finally, if I get another of these ridiculous direct-mail pieces that are designed to twist facts, you can consider yourself completely off SouthsideCentral’s radar.

5 comments to Seward Anderson’s campaign just pissed me off.

  • jaydeebee

    Seward Anderson is a jackass, most anyone who knows him will tell you this. He’s not better than Danny Marshall (who can also be a jackass at times), he (Seward) is just a suit that the dems are running against the mean old wepubwican that currently fills the seat.

    Seward’s direct mail rubbish goes directly into my recycle bin, unless it has a large picture of Seward on it, in which case it goes directly into the paper shredder.

    Might save any future mailers to use as Halloween decorations.

  • Dissa

    If you start disqualifying politicians for that crap you won’t be able to vote ever again. ROFL

  • NotSeward

    The truth of this was so far from what Seward is saying that more people than just you should be calling him on it. In fact Kaine screwed up the language that would have allowed Virginia compete for the jobs and Kaine refused to have the matter addressed by a special session of the legislature to fix what he messed up. Danny Marshall was in no way responsible for this and Seward, if he is honest, will apologize quickly. If he doesn’t, he should get the same treatment from the voters that southside is giving him.

  • Will White

    Maybe he is taking a page out of the Creigh (whats in your wallet)Deeds how to lose a election book.

  • Heh; im in such a bad pposition at the moment….missing out an opportunity to flatten Seward Anderson provided by Seward Anderson is such a heart breaking thing

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