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UPDATED: Thoughts on today’s Danville Sheriff’s race debate.

*Updated to add comments on Jessica Griffith’s performance*

Wayne Booth, Mike Mondul and Thelbert Childress got together for a debate today. If you didn’t see the taped coverage on WGSR, you can view the entire debate on Let’s have some thoughts about what happened…

  • Mondul has taken the position as the clear front-runner now. Childress took a shot at Mondul by saying “Where were the community events (that Mondul has done for his campaign) before?” Mondul calmly said that he’d been active in the community well before his campaign. Childress was soundly rejected on this issue and that set the tone for the rest of the debate. Mondul led the discussion, Childress replied and Booth got ran over.
  • One of Mondul’s main issues is that the Sheriff’s Department should be doing the booking process. Going first on this topic, Mondul said that other agencies in the region have implemented this procedure and it’s working fine. Childress seemed to be opposed to this initiative but said that the problem originated from Mondul’s change in procedures (which was a very clear non-answer). Booth did weigh in by noting that the office space available was another problem in the booking process. Mondul’s “Don’t tell me why it can’t be done” attitude impresses me.
  • Childress spoke about the current cost-effectiveness of the Sheriff’s Office and that more manpower would be needed for the booking initiative. Mondul quickly smacked that down by clearly stating what the additional funds could be used for and what they could not be used for.
  • As much as I like Jessica Griffith, her moderation of the debate was poor. A good debate moderator states the agreed rules at the beginning and directs traffic according to these rules. Booth was flattened by the back-and-forth between Childress and Mondul, and Griffith didn’t step in to move the debate along. Griffith’s final question asking about operations and visibility about the police department was totally irrelevant about the Sheriff’s Department (and she was called on that by Mondul). There was no real format to the debate and the quality suffered.
  • Who is in the “Danville Ministerial Alliance” (the group that sponsored the debate)? The only thing that I’ve heard about this group is when they took out a newspaper ad supporting the strikers during the last Goodyear labor dispute. I’ve got a big problem with any religious organization that tries to take any kind of a political stand.

So that happened. Who “won” this debate? On a grading scale, Mondul gets an “A” for his confidence and clarity of replies, Childress gets a “C” for answering questions, and Booth gets an “Incomplete” because I forgot he was there (and I’m beginning to think that he forgot he was there too).

UPDATE #1: I spoke with Jessica Griffith tonight and found out that this was her first time hosting a debate like this. She said that she was also getting unsolicited advice from friends during the taping and that made it distracting at times. Knowing that, I’m taking back my harshest statements because she had two very dominant personalities on the debate panel going back and forth. I have a feeling that she’s learned a lot from this experience and will do much better on her next hosting.

21 comments to UPDATED: Thoughts on today’s Danville Sheriff’s race debate.

  • A guy

    I have some reservations about Mondul that are based on things that have been done wrong by him in his PR role that Bill Fuller has called him out on in the newspaper, but I think he is both the clear winner in this election and the best option of the three candidates at this time. I expected that Childress would make a stronger run than he has, but I think it is clear that a lot of the things required of a candidate are new to him while they are skills Mondul excels at.

  • Gasoline

    I too watched the debate on Star News and was very dissapointed with Ms. Griffin’s approach to the whole debate. I have to say that Mondul was the only candidate that actually answered the questions. If there were no such things as Community and Gangs, Childress and Booth could not have answered a single question! When it was brought up about Civil Process becoming more valuable to the dept like in most Sheriff’s offices becoming road certified, Childress kept saying that it was going to cost and that those guys served a record number of papers this year and didnt have time to answer calls with PD. Mondul calmly explained that that wasnt going to change at all, that having them certified increases their worth and abilities if they are neeeded to be called upon and I’m not sure what Booth said. Mondul definitely won. I’m not sure who this religious organization was, but they tried so hard to help Childress….but it just didn’t work!

  • Gasoline

    Oh, BTW, Childress attacking Mondul was just out of sheer desperation!!

  • PDWifey

    After watching the debate there was a clear winner and that was Mike Mondul. Childress appeared uninformed or least did not know all of the facts, but Mondul enlightened him on his mis-steps, even pointing out about the federal funding and its uses which once again Childress brought up with no real clue what he was talking about and what made it even better Mondul also advised Childress Councilman Larry Campbell who was in attendance could advise him what the the funds were to be allocated for. I hope Campbell who supports his church member Childress enlightens him. Childress who thru small pebbles at Mondul and DPD may key errors. At his desk he has compiled gang info; of course he ha not shared it with other Depts so I am curious if he is actually telling the truth.

  • PDSon

    First, I want to weigh in on the moderator. One can tell that was a first for the organization and I didn’t see any problems with how it was handled. I think it is a clear race between Childress and Mondul.

    Second, I’ve been fortunate to know all three candidates. I was very surprise as to how Childress was taking stabs at DPD on gangs. I find it very disappointing that he holds information that could have been investigated to make our community safe and he withheld it from DPD Gang Investigators for the purpose of his campaign. Withholding information such as this, slaps the community in the face on safety. Also, this says a lot of what type of office Childress will run. This is what Booth was pointing out about the morale inside the Sheriff’s Office currently.

    Finally, after hearing the debate, it’s clear to me as to who would better serve the citizens of Danville. I believe Mondul is the best candidate to lead the men and women of the Danville Sheriff’s office for the next four years.

    Also, remember the current sheriff has not endorsed a deputy of his administration. But I caution you, Childress has been endorsed by the former Chief of Police T. Neal Morris. Everyone knows what type of office he ran! Be very mindful…

  • pittsylvania county resident

    What I want to know. Childress made the comment about Mike holding the community events. Yes he has and that is great. Childress said what about before the election. What do you call all the involvement that he named off. He is always somewhere with his children or someone elses children participating in community events. My question is ” Where has Mr. Childress been?” Has he been out in the community going to Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Rotary, Parades, and etc. I did not know who Childress was till this campaign.

  • pittsylvania county resident

    I went back to listen to what Childress was saying in the forum that aired on Star News. Mike did not say he wanted to put more officers on the street ( sheriff’s office) Mike feels the Danville officers time is more valuable on the street instead of doing all the paper work in the jail. It is stupid for them to have to do paper work one time and then the sheriff’s office employee’s turn around and do the same thing. He wants to eliminate that. Childress needs to listen a little more closely instead of trying make up stuff. Maybe Neal Morris needs to have a talk with him before he opens his mouth again.

  • Ann

    I think Mike won hands down. Like another poster said, he was the only one that really answered the questions and knew what was going on. He’ll be a great sheriff.

  • Watchman

    I don’t know what debate you all watched (obviously from the DPD) but Childress was clearly a winner on the issues. I really don’t care if Mondul coaches soccer, we are not electing a soccer coach. The facts are simple, Childress has the knowledge and experience to handle the job well and has worked his way up through the ranks. He has supervised employees, handled budgets, trained employees, and worked in all facets of the sheriffs department. Mondul on the other hand has no experience in these areas and appears to want to create another arm of the DPD which we certainly do not need. He never adequately answered the question about who was going to pay for training, how the deputies were supposed to do two jobs at once, and what was the purpose of wanting them trained that way. He is from northerm Virginia where deputies are the main law enforcement department and thus need to be raod trained. But the Danville area is set up differently. If DPD needs more officers then HIRE THEM, don’t put the duties off onto another department. Leave them to do what they do best.
    Mondul fails to acknowledge that the booking problem began with a change in DPD procedures and thus shoved the problem onto the sheriffs department. If he wants to solve the problem go see his chief.
    Childress has grown and developed with the department and is a fine Christian man who genuinely wants the best for the department.
    Mondul I feels just wants to get out of the sinking ship at DPD and has aspirations to move onto bigger things (just ask the people in Richmond).
    Anf in conclusion if T. Neal Morris says that Chil;dress is the man then that’s a great endorsement for me. Vote Childress!

  • Gasoline

    Watchman, you obviously were not watching the correct debate or listening at all. Mondul isn’t looking to create another arm of the law for DPD! Like most areas in Virginia, even smaller than Danville, has Sheriff Deputies that are certified for the road if they are needed to respond to an emergency and back up fellow DPD officers…because they do need to work together, in the Field and in the Jail. Did you not learn anything from the VT incident in Blacksburg, VA? That incident took people that needed to be trained in the field and it took all available personnel to respond! Their overall job is not going to change! That is the sign of a true leader and planner. Mondul is planning ahead, for worst case scenarios! It is what a Commander does…period!! His only obstacle is $ for qualified people because of the current budget, but I believe he can get monies and get good qualified people and keep the good ones he has there! But I believe he is the only one that can and will do this!!

    As far as Booking is concerned…..DPD spends hours at a time booking someone in there, when the jail has to repeat the procedure anyway. Why not do it just once and save time for everyone? Would you rather have Police Officers out on the street or tied up in the jail? Just makes common sense to me and most everyone in Danville!

    If Morris believes in Chill that’s more reason to vote for Mondul!!
    Mondul is more than a soccer coach! He’s a leader in many diff ways! It wont take him long to learn the Jail!! Period!!

  • PDWifey

    Watchman- you have no clue. Childress has no clue oh i see a pattern NO CLUE. Not only did Mondul out perform, out speak and answered the questions that were asked he has supervised, managed and done all that you claim he did not. If you really understood DPD’s duties and the Sheriffs you would clearly understand what was going on- by the way Mondul clearly explained his platfor with the current issues and furthermore Northern VA’s Sherrif department is not the main law enforcement agency. Just like Childress misinformed and distorting the facts. Even Booth (though seemingly not a factor) acknowledged the morale issues within the Sherrifs dept. Mondul wants a better city. DPD has its issues but by no means a sinking ship. Spin this the way you want but get your facts straight. The citizens want a Man who has proven community relations besides his MEGA CHURCH, Mondul has been a member of this community and wants a better way of life for all and to include the inmates so that they can come out to be productive citizens. Childress wants all to be the same. WOW do you even have a clue. Mondul is a true civil servant and community leader. And Neal Morris’ endorsement what a joke……Even at my work place today even Childress supporters were a bit fuzzy about what happened and agreed Childress did horrible. Unlike Childress, Mondul has people surrounding him that will tell him he flopped- PSSSTTTT Childress Flopped BIG TIME! I suggest YOU MR WATCHMAN rewind the debate and put it in slow motion so that you can see exactly what was said….and remember to turn up the volume and sit close so that you can hear and see who actually WON THE DEBATE. SEE YOU AT THE POLE…MODUL WILL BE VICTORIOUS because his supporters are not JUST DPD (which will be a loss for the DEPT) but the entire community. I wonder how his pastor and councilman Campbell guided him today after he flopped and misspoke! I am pretty sure Mondul will take in consideration his files he has “AT HIS DESK” regarding the gangs in Danville that he so boastfully announced last night, wait do they really exist? HMMMM. And thats the man you support. BY THE WAY Mondul is a christian as well so with that he is qualified!

    MODUL will be the next Sherrif of Danville Virginia. Get Over it. That would be one of the best things that happened in Danville in a GOOD WHILE since I moved hear 5 years ago.

  • HotDillon

    Let’s face it. Right now, there are not many people who even know that Danville has a Sheriff’s Office that has public duties! They are not very visible to the public. The only ones that are, are Civil Process Servers, Transportation Officers and Courtroom Balliffs. What’s wrong with making them more professional in appearance and in credentials? The ones that are in these positions, with the exception a few officers, need to present a better appearance. Perhaps, also, they could have opportunities to work concerts, ballgames, etc…to get out in the public! Mondul is the only person that has addressed this! Let’s get up to speed, its 2009 not 1979!! He has my vote!

  • SouthsideCentral

    Um… what’s a nice way to say to people that if you support a specific candidate, be sure that your postings promote your candidate in a rational manner?

  • PDWifey

    …furthermore, the reason Danville has not progressed is due to the stagnant mentally that many have either excepted or led. Anyone who is ready to join a new vision, with community first, above and beyond personal gain then MONDUL is your MAN. Friendship, church should not be your deciding factor of who you vote for!

  • PDSon

    @Watchman, I come by way of being a citizen of Danville. I believe I was watching the same debate as you. Far as I can see, Mondul was just stating his involvement in the community; he does not want the citizens to vote for him because of his involvement in the community. He wants the citizens to vote for him because he is the BEST for the next Sheriff. His involvement now shows that he cares for the community in which he participates. As for him being from up North and wanting to settle in Danville, says a lot. He uprooted his family moving miles away from his family and friends and become a public servant to help make the place you possibly work, live and play a safe community. Where Mondul grew up is not the real issue here.

    As for your comment on certifying the civil processors, I think that this would be a very good idea to do this. The reason is that if we have a Va. Tech incident or a 9/11 incident, citizens of Danville will not care who are assisting them, all they know is someone in uniform is assisting them. This will be another body that is trained to handle emergency situation. As of right now, they do not have arrest powers; just ask one. I happen to know a civil processor who has stated that they would be willing to help a citizen however they can’t because they don’t have the training. Also, with the training they could send the citizen on their way instead of waiting for an officer to come which may take a few minutes because of the call volume that the DPD is getting. Have you read the Danville Register and Bee lately? The DPD stays busy! What will be the problem with the civil processors being certified to assist you when they are the first uniformed officer you come across?

    Now far as northern Virginia agencies, the last time I checked there are Police Departments in these areas. Check Charlottesville, Roanoke, Lynchburg, Fairfax or Alexandria. These jurisdictions have Police Departments and the booking process is done by the Sheriff’s office. But I don’t think this is the main issue here.

    When you cast your vote, please do not vote for someone else because wants to get the officers back on the streets that you travel in a timely fashion!

  • Watchman

    I agree Mondulm is a good bold guy, in the good old boy network but that certainly doesn’t make him a good candidate. So he can lead a soccer team, does that make him a good sheriff? The answer is simply NO. As Bill Fuller put it, “His actions have seriously jeapordized murder cases in Danville” Which just goes to show he certainly doesn’t know everything, even his current job. Those who are so pasionate may be lining up for a job but lets look at the facts
    *He wants “road deputies” yet he has no idea how to train them, how to pay for them, or even understanding the job they already do!
    *He fails to understand the established purpose of a sheriffs department nor the effect on their primary mission if the were to become involved in criminal acts and develop court time requirements, taking them from their duties for possibly hours.
    *Would he agree to DPS officers serving civil papers? Certainly not!
    *He most certainly DOES want to create a new arm of the DPS and has been his expressed purpose from the beginning.
    *He also has talked about putting jail inmates on work crews. Again does he not realize that a majority of inmates have not been tried yet, have not been sentenced yet, or are serving short term sentences. Again no idea of how to pay for such aqctivities just vaguely saying “grant money” Where has he been? Grant money has just about dried up!
    These are just a few of the flaws in his candidacy. And if you think DPS doesn’t have major problems you have your head in the sand. I don’t blame him for wanting to leave, just about everyone who can has already done so. Why do u think Pittsylvania County police are mostly ex Danville cops?
    Simply put Childress has the experience in administration and supervision while Mondul has NONE, ZIP!Again he does not even understand the job.
    I understand his family members are Gov Kaines inner circle. Perhaps when they all get put out in November they can come to apply for Danville PD jobs. There certainly are enough openings…….

  • Gasoline

    Watchman…get real! Mondul would be the best candidate to a blind and deaf person! His ideas are the best for the Sheriff’s dept, Danville PD and the Community! Just accept it!

  • pittsylvania county resident

    What does his father working working for Governor Kaine has to do with anything. NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING! This was an appointed position.

  • Watchman

    Gasoline…..look at the experience….Childress hands down is best. To Pittsylvania County resident…..look at Mondul’s donation list….and by the way you can’t vote anyway!

  • pittsylvania county resident

    Well Whoop Te Doo. No I can’t vote but everyone one else that I know in the city of Danville can and they will be voting for Mike. So What about the donation the list. Money coming from lots of places and people

  • Gasoline

    Watchman…..if you actually looked at the experience, you would see that Mondul has more experience in law enforcement, leadership, public speaking, organizing, and education! What more do you want? I know what your going to say next….Mondul has never worked in the jail, he’s never served papers, he’s never blah, blah, blah! Get real…look how much lack of experience the President of the US has. The President hired people for certain functions to run certain depts…which is how every locality, govt and private business run! Dont you think Mondul did his research before making the decision to run for Sheriff! The fact is, that place needs a fresh pair of eyes, not years of the same old thing!! If you smelllll, what Mondul is Cooking?

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