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Matt Boswell banned from performing at Reidsville city events!

Local favorite band “Matt Boswell & the Hillbilly Blues Band” won’t be performing in any more Reidsville city events.

Reidsville had their Fall Festival last Saturday and Matt Boswell & the Hillbilly Blues band” were one of the featured performers on the main stage. During the concert, Boswell was singing a Merle Haggard song on the Market Square stage and added “You can’t get married, you stupid gays and queers, so why don’t you go somewhere else?” to the lyrics. Not surprisingly, that seemed to have offended a few people. WGSR-TV broadcasted Boswell’s performance live and ran the taped performance on a regular basis, and that’s when a viewer wrote in asking that they edit out Boswell’s offensive lyrics. Reidsville city officials asked to review the tape after learning about the complaint. Reidsville’s city manager, Kelly Almond, said that “Market Square and all city venues are places to bring people together and not to divide them. We respect people’s free speech rights, but we don’t have to pay for it.”

Oopsie. What in the hell was he thinking?

You can read more about this story at

56 comments to Matt Boswell banned from performing at Reidsville city events!

  • Barry Tuck

    I think justice was served.

  • Bruce…that’s the problem. He wasn’t thinking.

    He got what he deserved, to be banned, and kudos to the City of Reidsville!

  • pittsylvania county resident

    Poor Matt. What happened to freedom of speech? Has anyone really listened to Meryl’s version to ” Are the good times really over for good?” Times are changing. the world is changing. maybe Matt did go a little to far. but Freedom of speech still lives.

  • Sure it is “Pittsylvania County Resident” — but you don’t go spouting the work queers at a tax-paid, family event. So are you excusing what he said? Would it be just fine to use the “N” word at a tax-paid, family event? At the rate “poor Matt” is going, that is when he can find somewhere to plunk his gee-tar, then maybe he can use that word too. I just don’t want to be there when the melee breaks out. I think poor Matt (as you call him) needs to learn that if he plans to make a living out of singing for the public, then there are just some things you leave off your agenda…included bigoted words of hate. Think about that.

  • AndyR

    I’m very conflicted on this issue. I love going to see Matt and the guys play and I support their right to free speech, but this event is different from a dance hall or private party. The city was paying them to perform for a diverse audience and they feel that Matt stepped over the line. It’s their call and the are free to do as they choose.

  • Perfectly said, AndyR. Thank you. My point exactly. It may be fine at Arizona Pete’s or the old T-Bird, but somewhere where the group is 8-weeks to 80? I don’t think so.

  • Dave Cline

    From the article;

    An email from a concerned viewer said that he was concerned about words that Matt Boswell used on the stage – the words gays and queers – while Boswell was performing on the Market Square stage. A portion of the email from the viewer states: “Market Square featured a Country Western George Strait wannabe performer with his band. We think his name is Boswell. Anyway, he strayed away from a song he was struggling through and began ‘covering’ himself with God and the flag, interjecting his personal comments. In the mist of his ‘what’s wrong with the world’ tirade – he used the word QUEERS. We, that work with several civil rights and human rights organizations equate this word with the “N” word used by slack jawed, redneck, bigots to describe African Americans.”

    So two wrongs make a right? Lots of name calling and bigoted statements are made in the complaint email as well. But, in my assessment that stupidity is honored and exalted by unilaterally and publicly caving to their request.

    I think they have overkilled by publicly banning him. Perhaps a discussion with him and clarification of policy would be more in order. If they have one that is….after all, if there was not a policy in place, then technically what has he done wrong? He stated an opinion in a song, people are free to disagree, and form opinions of this man based on his opinions…. but for the city to publicly ban him? Too much in my opinion. They could have done this in private and made modifications to their policy to avoid further issues, but the way they did it he has been ‘labeled by the power of the city’.

    Are they going to ban any and all groups that curse, or mention criminal activity in their songs or contain other lyrics that people may be offended by? I would think that a simple disclaimer for all events stating “that the opinions expressed do not reflect….” would suffice.

  • Zesty

    Dave Cline – “If they have one that is….after all, if there was not a policy in place, then technically what has he done wrong? He stated an opinion in a song, people are free to disagree, and form opinions of this man based on his opinions…. but for the city to publicly ban him?”

    Are you for real? You don’t see anything wrong with using the word “queers” at a family event? So I guess you’re saying the N-word or using hate terms to describe Latin people or Muslims or any other group of people..gays or whatnot…is just groovy? If he spews that crap at some bar or watering hole, with adults over 21, then that’s one thing. But to stand on a stage and to spew that stuff at a family event, all ages, all races, all orintations — just shows his extreme poor judgement. Should he be banned from further events? You betcha! I think he got what was coming to him. He’s a young man, he has a long way to go. Let’s hope he smartens up a little.

  • HomeStyle

    I believe in freedom of speech but common decency is more important. He was in a family atmosphere with plenty of children. Children hear more than you think they do. They notice things adults might overlook. I wouldn’t want my children to hear “name calling” such as this, much less to think that it’s acceptable to either say them or believe it’s right. I would have been bothered by it. And I’m all about some Merle… this ain’t Merle…. 😉

  • Dave Cline


    First of all, this is not about the N word….so please lets not inflame the discussion any further by bringing in irrelevant incendiary comments.

    Secondly, I never said there was nothing wrong with it, in fact I agree that what he said was not appropriate, and would even go as far as to say it was stupid…but a permanent ban? The official quoted in the article even said something like “if this happened, then neither this man OR ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH HIM will never play for a city event again”…you think the guilt by association is fair? This public knee jerk reaction only serves to exacerbate the situation, in my opinion.

    Third, did ANYONE complain at the event itself? Did anyone complain within a couple of days after the event, no….The city officials did not even know about it until it was brought to their attention by a third party. If it was so egregious don’t you think there might have been some complaints at the time?

    Like I said, if the possibility of offense is the standard for who sings and who does not at events….it looks like there might be some musically silent events in the near future. Have they ever had groups that cursed in their songs…are they going to be banned, for the sake of the children too?

    I also noticed that offense was not taken by the city at the bigoted comments that were present in the complaintant email.

    I just tire of public lashings that are routinely given to those who speak politically incorrectly. The first amendment was designed to protect just this kind of speech, political speech, whether we agree with it or not…if the govt. starts to shame and embarrass people based on some govt. imposed standard of acceptable speech, I would not consider that to be a good thing.

    We cannot protect children from ever hearing that….in fact how about this….instead of the city trying to protect children, how about parents doing it? Perhaps by using situations like this to teach their children about appropriate and inappropriate conversation and disagreement…imagine that novel idea.

  • I notice that on Matt Boswell’s Myspace he says that the greatest influence in his life is Jesus Christ above all.

    Since he’s so Biblical, I wonder if he’s ever heard this? “Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart; thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. Thou shalt not revenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the Lord.” Leviticus 19.17,18.

    Maybe an apology from Mr. Boswell is in order.

  • HomeStyle

    I agree Dave. It starts with the parents. Parents need to show good judgment by making sure their children are not influenced by the wrong types of people. When a solution like this presents itself, it is our responsibility to point out to our children why it is wrong and what we all can learn from it. That being said, I don’t take my kids to crack houses and later point out that drugs are wrong and have a little discussion about it. The point is that this was a family function, (from what I understand) and not the right place for him to vent his thoughts on homosexuality…

  • Dave Cline

    Thank you HomeStyle, and I do not disagree with your posts either….

    Merle….his comments reflect bad judgment no doubt….but to ascribe hatred to it, might be a little much.

  • Dave, please help me understand. You believe that “queer” is a term of endearment? HAHAHA!

  • AndyR

    Dave, if this had been a band that said something derogatory about Christianity, would you feel the same way?

  • Dave Cline

    Merle, I never said it was a term of endearment….however…homosexual TV shows, websites, and activists often used the word as an identifier.

    This is the first paragraph from that wiki…notice the last sentence.

    “Queer studies is the study of issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity usually focusing on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people and cultures. Universities have also labeled this area of analysis Sexual Diversity Studies, Sexualities Studies or LGBTQ Studies (Q for “Questioning”). Queer has traditionally meant odd or unusual, but its use in reference to LGBT communities, as well as those perceived to be members of those communities, has largely replaced the traditional definition and application.”

    Andy, I knew that question was coming….and believe it or not yes. I would not blame the city for the stupid comments of an entertainer….I would simply make a decision as to whether my family would return in the future, and speak to my child about how wrong and inappropriate it was….just as I would in this particular situation. Again, we need to stop expecting the government to protect us from all offense, and suck it up and do it ourselves.

  • Dave Cline

    Andy, let me turn it around on you….

    Would you be conflicted on this and think that the city had done the right thing if this was a situation where an entertainer had sung a song that talked about pre marital sex for example, and people in the community wrote an email calling him a pervert and destroyer of the family and further demanded that the city never invite them back, and the city caved and publicly banned the guy?

  • AndyR

    Dave, you obviously haven’t heard Matt live. He sings classic country music… you know, cheating spouses, dead dogs, pickups that won’t crank.

    Nice diversion, though.

  • Dave Cline

    Not a diversion at all, buddy. I have heard his music, but I hate classic country so…there you have it….

    anyway…my point is that anyone could be offended by any number of things said by entertainers…is the solution always to ban them, or that reserved only for the hot button political comments?

    and did you read both my posts…I did in fact say that I would feel the same if the statement was about Christianity, I even said how I would deal with it.

  • Pop Tart

    hey dave cline, where you said that homosexual TV shows, websites, and activists often used the word queer as an identifier, since matt boswell uses the word in his songs, does that mean that matt is queer in some way.

    i find it queer that he would say a dumb as hell statement to a mixed crowd of people about a segment of society. i find it queer that you’re all up in defending this bigot. i fond it queer that you say you would be fine if someone said something about your jesus. but i bet if someone was on a stage saying that jesus was a queer, you would be ready to whip some ass..wouldn’t you big boy?

    someone asked you before if it would be okay to use the nword and you said that it would inflame the discussion. but i bet you that if you walked up to some black guy and called him the n-word he just might bust your chops. and i bet theres some gay guy out there that would love to have you do the same so he could kcik your ass after you called him a queer.

    the rightous, like dave and matt boswell should carry crosses on their backs. after all, it is the prop for martyrs.

  • Pop Tart

    oh, and while i am at this dave cline, i just thought about it. black people often call themselves “nigger” and do not find it offensive. watch television for examples. redd foxx said it many times on sanford and son and eddie murphy uses it when he talks about blacks and their discussions of each other and everyday life. mis predominently black audience doesn’t feel threatened. gay people use the word queer with each other without offense because it isn’t threatening either. but lets see you, a white man, go up to a black man and call him a nigger or go up to a gay man and call him a queer and see how defensive they become. in the song matt boswell sang he said “and you cant get married you stupid gays and queers so why don’t you leave” – stupid? queers? why don’t you leave? wow! sounds pretty redneck and bigoted to me. dave, i think you and matt boswell shold show up at a gay pride parade somewhere and carry signs or shout out “and you cant get married you stupid gays and queers so why don’t you leave” and then let us watch the fun. i mean, after all, you said it yourself dave, it isn’t hatred to say those things. but before you go to the parade and hold up that sign…keep up your health insurance to cover that ass whooping you’ll get. oh, and don’t forget yor crucifixes.

  • Dave Cline

    Pop tart….

    I said several times that his statement was stupid….

    I also pointed out stupidity in the email, and your post follow suit…redneck is a term of endearment? Your mocking hatred of Christianity is palpable, yet you get all up in arms when you feel the same happens to homosexuals….thus reiterating the query in my first post “two wrongs make a right?”

    Ya know what though, that is OK…ya know why…I do not get all upset at ignorance…I chalk it up to what it is….and I will not be asking Bruce to ban you for your incendiary comments. No, I will just let your highly irrational and incoherent tirade speak for itself.

    I am not defending “Matt”, I do not know him…I think my discussion points here are totally reasoned and rational. Are yours?

    Lastly…at least I have the courage of my convictions to attach my real name to them, and not call names from behind a curtain….by the way I find it interesting that you are calling me names…I have not used offensive language or name-calling at all.

    have a good day.

  • Pop tart

    dave, when you said “and I will not be asking Bruce to ban you for your incendiary comments” please do whatever you want. ask or dont ask, i could care less. i think bruce has a mind of his own and isn’t going to give into your childish antics of hinting at banning me because i disagree with you off the wall perception of this whole matt boswell thing. methinks bruce can think for himself.

    and your “and I will not be asking Bruce to ban you for your incendiary comments” equates with “i dont like you anymore so you cant come in my yard and play” routine. boo-hoo dave, boo-hoo. get over yourself.

    your comments are reasoned and rational? sure they are, just like a first graders. i speak my mind and said what i have to say. boswell was wrong and so are you for thinking that queer is an okay term. when people call your hand, you get defensive and we all become unreasonable and ignorant, its your way or the highway huh? typical.

  • SouthsideCentral

    Ban somebody? No way! You folks are making this look like one of those hilarious R&B trainwreck comment threads.

  • Pop Tart

    thank you, sc! we only need a dog story thread to be more r&b though.

  • Dave Cline

    Pop Tart…just a couple of points, and then you may continue with your banter alone…

    I was not suggesting that anyone be banned, I was illustrating the stupidity of banning someone because of disagreement with the opinions and comments they make…and you played right into my hands…by pointing out how stupid that really is…..thanks…

    Speaking of first graders, please take some time to re read your “mature and reasoned” responses.

    Lastly, I see you are still hiding behind the curtain, making insults and calling names.

    Oh yea, one more question;

    Pop tart…who comes up with a pseudonym like that? What were you hungry or something when you came up with it…what???? wow…ha ha ha ha.

  • Dave Cline

    one more….once again…please stop saying that I posted that what ‘Matt’ said was OK oir acceptable or anything like that…I never said that…in fact I said the opposite…so if you are going to “call ones hand” it is beneficial to know what the world you are talking about…

    Now, for real good day.

  • Pop Tart

    dave cline said, “I was illustrating the stupidity of banning someone because of disagreement with the opinions and comments they make…and you played right into my hands…by pointing out how stupid that really is…..thanks…”

    suuuuuuuuuure dave, sure you did. you were hoping bruce would hit the kill switch on me, but it just didn’t work out for me now did it? play into you hands? what a poser.

    then you said, “Pop tart…who comes up with a pseudonym like that? What were you hungry or something when you came up with it…what???? wow…ha ha ha ha.”

    maybe, but then again, maybe not. does chitlin suit you better? maybe my name could be dave klein? or colonel harland sanders? how about jesus…and we’ll pronounce it hay-seuss? pick a name dave. i’m at your disposal.

  • SouthsideCentral

    You know, I can always change the names on these comments to something like “Poopiehead” or “BoogerEater”.

  • Ashley

    First of all most of you don’t know Matt at all…he is one of the most wonderful,talanted,outgoing,kindhearted men I’ve ever had the plesure of knowing. I totally agree with what Matt said, we are Americans, we are FREE, we have free speech. Yes Matt sings coutry music from the heart and is damn good at it, if you’ve ever listened to country music most of it talks about the same things. I totally disagree with what the City of Reidsville is “tryen” to do, has done or whatever. Matt & the Hillbilly Blues Band as been playen shows in Reidsville for a very long time with no complaints just because a few people are being down right stupid about the sitiuation, they are going to band for good…WELL YALL!!! ALL I’VE GOT TO SAY IS GOOD LUCK REIDSVILLE!

  • Ashley: No one on this thread has questioned Mr. Boswell’s talent. And you’re right, Americans do have free speech. The point you’ve missed is that a city government paid Mr. Boswell to perform for a family event that included childre. It seems that as an adult, he should have realized that using the phrases that included bankers can go to hell and that stupid gays and queers can leave is a little over the top and inappropriate for that venue. For a nightclub or bar, it is fine, but not for a family event that is supported by tax dollars. It was totally inappropriate and he should have known better. Simple case of poor judgement that was serious enough to get him banned from all future Reidsville city sponsored events.

    Reidsville got along just fine before Mr. Boswell’s quirky performance, and it will get along just fine after all this is over. He’s the one that talked (or sung) himself out of future jobs by using that sort of language that wasn’t suitable for the event. I’m sure the City of Reidsville isn’t all that concerned about closing down the streets without Matt Boswell performing there because I assure you that won’t happen. Justin Moore (country singer on the top 10 Billboard charts) was just there and so was the Band of Oz. Bigger names have been there and bigger names will be there in the future too.

    Let’s all hope that this experience makes Matt Boswell better in many ways, but mostly that he should use some common sense when choosing his music selection for the event and not fly by the seat of his pants.

  • Jim

    Hey, buddy. How ’bout a date. I can you a reaaaal good time.

  • torqueflite

    Hooray for Reidsville. Hate speech is unAmerican, and this guy waves the flag and says he follows Jesus. Hatred of your fellow citizens is neither Christlike nor patriotic.

  • Tyler

    I don’t even know who Matt Boswell is, except that he’s got a big beer gut and looks like total white trash, so I guess I’m not surprised by his very creative lyric addition. Actually he gives white trash a bad name now. Good for the venue and city for banning the guy. I’m so over this hate speech, there was nothing cute about it or entertaining about it. All it did was make people uncomfortable instead of able to enjoy themselves. He needs some lessons on how not to act.

  • Melissa

    I think Ashley is riding Matt Boswell with that strong defense against him. We are Americans and we are free, which means I can act like a total ass and tell the world I hate an entire group. I bet Ashley is a homophobe too. Who needs that, weird Americans with their judgment, I’m so bored by them now.

  • Dave Cline

    I know! I know! Melissa, Tyler, pop tart, merle, and a few others I may have missed….

    How about you all teach Matt how to behave with decorum and show him how name calling and hate speech is uncouth, by demonstrating how to disagree with someone in a respectful and mature way….

    Oh wait…never mind!

    The mind it boggles…(sorry Bruce for using your phrase…but I think it fits!

  • torqueflite

    It is a complete waste of time and bandwidth to argue with people whose idea of free speech and musical entertainment is teaching young children to hate gay people. In the not too distant past, a couple by the apropos name of Loving was was arrested in Virginia simply for marrying in another state. It’s difficult to imagine that travesty today. There is no changing what passes for the mind of bigots, however. That goes not only for Matt and his skulking, cowardly and arrogant ilk but for so-called “rap artists” as well. Hatred crosses the bounds of race and culture as we saw with the Prop. 8 fiasco–Mormons, Catholics, black conservative evangelicals converging to deny a fundamental right to a suspect group, a right they have no risk of losing themselves. Gay people will be all the more energized to follow through with their increasingly successful efforts in the courts and legislatures, for the culture is changing for the positive very quickly now. The Matt Boswells and rappers of our country will then be singing out the other sides of their mouths. See you soon and your fellow bigots in line at the County Clerk’s marriage license office, Matt.

  • Dave Cline

    I know! I know! Melissa, Tyler, pop tart, torqueflite, merle…..

    How about you all teach Matt how to behave with decorum and show him how name calling and hate speech is uncouth, by demonstrating how to disagree with someone in a respectful and mature way….

    Oh wait…never mind! Its too late for that, for you have become what you are claiming to hate….

    Mind still boggling, here.

    Continue on with your hate….for your hate is OK and everyone else’s hate is bad, bad, bad!

  • Zesty

    Wow, Dave!

    You last post..that was a repeat from October 20th.

    Out of steam? No wind in your sails? Tuckered out? Air out of your balls..I mean basketballs?

  • SouthsideCentral

    Oops, that was my fault. You can’t blame Mr. Cline for that one.

    Ok, go ahead and blame him. 😀

    Not that you people needed an excuse to make this trainwreck go over 40 comments anyway! 😀

  • Dave Cline

    That and since y’all did not get it the first time, it was appropriate for it to be repeated….

    I see you are still not getting it….

  • Michael

    It’s quite obvious this guy (Boswell) is a homophobic moron who has never learned the art of self censorship when he’s out in public. He appears to also be quite immature. Even a mature homophobic man would have the brains to not utter such vile words at a public family event.

    That said, it is my feeling and experience that when self proclaimed straight men start slinging the anti-gay comments around like that, they usually doth protest too much (if you get my drift).

  • Dave Cline

    Now ladies and gentleman….

    Enter Micheal, with more mean spirited name-calling in protest of what he views as mean spirited name-calling.

    The mind just keeps boggling.

  • Michael

    And now ladies and gentlemen…

    Enter Dave cline, with more ignorant blather from a redneck who takes up for some backwoods, inbred, halfwitted homophobic country singer. Let me guess, you’re a republican (or repiglican as you’re known around here).

  • pittsylvania county resident

    I went to you tube and found the video after a friend told me it was there. I watched it. I don’t see a thing wrong with it. The crowd they showed was not that large. I did not see that many children there that would have understood what Matt was talking about any way. The rest of the folks had a smile on their faces. They seemed to be liking it. I want someone on here to make a comment that was actually there. Not just saying they should have banned him. Or watch the video and then make a comment.

  • Michael

    It doesn’t matter who was or wasn’t there. What matters is that this creep would use the stage he was on to further his ignorant homophobic beliefs. He was there to entertain and if using that type of vile language is the type of entertainment they enjoy there then one can understand why so many people in the rest of the country think “ignorant, uneducated, redneck, trash” when they think of the south. The type of language used by this Boswell person is what causes those who have mental issues anyway to go out and commit crimes against gay people just for the fun of it. He attempts to legitimize the hatred of gay people. Boswell better look close to home because I can guarantee you he has gay people in his family somewhere. I just wonder what would happen if one of his children turns out to be gay. Would he still go out on stage running his mouth about “queers getting married”. Hopefully not, but when someone is that demented or just plain stupid, who knows.

  • Zesty

    Pittsylvania County resident said: “I want someone on here to make a comment that was actually there. Not just saying they should have banned him. Or watch the video and then make a comment.”

    Me: Isn’t that EXACTLY what you’re doing, PCR? You said you found the video and watched it and didn’t find a thing wrong with it. Yet you expect someone to come on here and debate you about their feelings of being there? You weren’t there either. That point makes as much sense as a bucket full of holes.


    Pittsylvania County resident said: “I don’t see a thing wrong with it.”

    Me: Really, PCR? So calling people “stupid gays and queers” and telling them to go somewhere else is perfectly fine with you? Wow. As shallow as you are, and you are shallow, then I guess it would be okay with you for a performer (being paid for by taxpayers) to get up on stage and say the N-word, make fun of Latins, espouse support for the Klan, or say some other nonsense. You’re good with that? And you’re right, there wasn’t a lot of people there (thank God) — but remember, it was shown on LIVE television, and who knows how many people saw it? Countless people I would say.

    Pittsylvania County resident said: “They seemed to be liking it.”

    Me: People used to enjoy watching public lynchings too and they liked it. Should we bring that back as well?

    By the way, check your calendar PCR! This is 2009. Please try to come ahead a century if you can.

    And Michael…RIGHT ON BROTHER!

  • Zesty

    Oh, one more thing…

    In two different studies, sexual behaviorist, Alfred Kinsey, reported that nearly 46% of adult male subjects had “reacted” sexually to persons of both sexes in the course of their lives, and 37% had had at least one homosexual experience. Studies by other researchers came up with very simular statistics.

    If Kinsey was right in his study..that means that out of a four man hillbilly can pick any four man hillbilly band..that at least one of those men..chances are..has engaged in a frisky frolic with another guy at some point in his life.

    Isn’t that interesting?

  • SouthsideCentral

    If yall don’t shut up, I’m gonna go out of my mind.

    (Name the movie)

  • SouthsideCentral

    Quite fitting to this article, eh?

  • average white guy

    My God… what has the world come too.let me set “some” of you idiots straight. First of all dont display your on ignorance while pointing out what you feel is someone elses ignorance. One of you actually said he had a beer gut??!?!? the dude is very skinny. Then for melissa to accuse ashley of riding matt??? i mean really. I dont know anything about the gay community. (because i aint gay) but from what i gather, gays are supposed to be happy peaceful people. right? well it seems as though you been running this guy in the ground for a while now. Your all pissed off that he referenced you as “queer” but yet you can call him a redneck, biggot and god knows what else.
    If he is such a BAD GUY, then why is it he just donated his time to a charity for the animal shelter? And by the way I asked around and he gets about $1,600- $2,000 dollars a “gig”. Did any of you give that much money to the fund for the shelter?
    Why is it he does 20 plus charity shows a year raising money for varius causes?
    lets do a little math. His time is worth lets say $1,600.00 x 20 charity shows = $32,000.00 for charity just in his time alone.
    now lets take this in as well.
    one of the last shows he did for a fire department raised over $10,000. Now lets take another I know of was for a charity that helps to fight a disease. $36,000!!! but lets “low ball” and say that he averages $15,000.00 that is raised for the charitys that he plays.
    $15,000 per event
    x 20 events min
    = $300,000!!!!!
    plus matts time
    = $332,000 !!! A YEAR!!!
    this is a VERY low estimate of what this “BAD GUY” and his band does in a year!!
    I wonder just how much money was donated by “ENTIRE” the local gay communtity?
    I KNOW the boy was right!!!! And I KNOW that if the city of Reidsville had a vote among its citizens about the rather or not to bann him that he would not be banned!!! After all the event is for the people of the city right? so why not let them vote?
    And one more thing the bible does speak against homsexuality!
    Leviticus 18:22, 24

    Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind, it is abomination. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things

    Leviticus 20:13

    If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

    Romans 1:26-27

    For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their woman did change the natural use into that which is against nature

    so he in my book is taking a stand that more people need to be taking!!
    and i hate to tell you but it is the goverment that is changing!! not the people!! The HUGE majority of people agree with matt!! there is still a whole lot of STRAGIHT PRIDE out there!!! Why dont all you go ask people what they think?
    And before you call me one i will tell you that i am a homophobe!! i dont want a gay to be anywhere near me or my family!!

  • torqueflite

    average white guy: And they say women are hysterical..
    BTW, the Bible’s place is in religion, not government, so where legal recognition and rights are concerned, the Bible is 100% irrelevant. Our government is based on the U.S. Constitution, wherein you’ll find exactly zero references to Jesus, God or “higher power” of any kind. So get some anger management classes, therapy, or take a pill…you’ll be even more upset when gay people can marry or adopt anywhere in the U.S. You and your ilk are losing the culture wars; note that the term “gay” is now mainstream; the few sites still using “homosexual” are the right wing outliers and laughingstocks. Gay marriage and adoption are coming and you know it.

  • Ashley

    “Under God We Trust” “I Pledge Alligance to the flag…one nation under God….” Hmmm. These may not be the Constitution but…


    Dave I applaud your comments. You are a smart man. I understand exactly what you’ve been saying and seeing how everyone seems to be missing the point.

  • Don Carvelli

    I think he is a good man!

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