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UPDATED: The Case of the Let-Go Librarian

(Originally Published on: Oct 22, 2009 @ 22:24)

Well, Fine! Or really it’s about the lack of fines…

South Boston Library Manager’s Resignation Stirs Controversy

It’s about time that Halifax County got in the news for a stupid-ass decision. We all know that (Library Director) Rhonda Griffin can’t comment since it is a personnel matter… but I’m not bound by that restriction. Woodson Hughes was pretty much the “face” of the South Boston Library and even if he did fail to charge overdue book fees, he should have been yelled at and warned to never do it again. Hughes was a kind, gentle guy who was the perfect librarian and the man who, if he didn’t have the answer for you, knew just where to get it. Woodson Hughes deserves his job back.

Is there something more to this story? Not that I can find out so far. Hughes has not returned two phone calls to his house and his only statement was the “high road” one quoted in the GV article. Anyway… it’s time to make the Library Board aware. I strongly urge everybody to call the members of the Library Board and tell them that you strongly disagree with this “personnel decision” and urge them to put pressure on Rhonda Griffin to rethink her decision. I’ll be making some calls tomorrow.

Who’s on the Library Board?

The library board is composed of 11 members, with eight appointed by county supervisors and three appointed by South Boston Town Council. Current members are board chairman Lisa Crews, Meredith Bowman, Dr. Charles Parker, Jewel Giles, Mickey Thomas, Heidi Dawson, Joan Hines, Valdivia Marshall, Tommy Reagan, Barbara Speece and Shirley McCaleb.

Woodson Hughes deserves better than this crappy decision. Let’s try and help him out.

UPDATE #1: I just spoke with Woodson Hughes and now I’m more determined than ever to get this word out. According to Hughes, Rhonda Griffin appeared in his office on Tuesday and delivered the news. The Library Board had met the previous night and he’s assuming that’s when they discussed his “order to resign”.

I have also found out through sources that the standard Halifax County Library associates have been asked to have almost no contact with the members of the Library Board. This unofficial order originated with Paul Johnson, the previous director and has been unofficially continued by Rhonda Griffin. How bizarre.

9 comments to UPDATED: The Case of the Let-Go Librarian

  • Wild Handyman

    Is everyone in charge in Halifax County crazy? What ever happened to the famous “Southern Hospitality” the world hears so much of?

    First the South Boston town supervisors want to chase out 24 taxpaying businesses and now the Library Board fires the best employee at the library! South Boston should be ashamed of itself. It is no wonder employers don’t want to come to the area if all of the officious officials are as nasty as this.

  • Barry Tuck

    What a case. I’ll be going by Greer’s office to sign the petition for Mr. Hughes.

  • Guest

    “First the South Boston town supervisors want to chase out 24 taxpaying businesses”

    What!?! There are actually still 24 businesses in town that make enough money to pay taxes? That’s major news right there!

  • Barry Tuck

    Guest, do you live in South Boston? There are that many businesses in Riverdale alone.

  • Pop Tart

    What does Dave Cline have to say about this issue? Dave, please enlighten us on your views on this. We’re all waiting.

  • Douglas Howerton

    Does anyone have Rhonda Griffin’s telephone number, I’d like to express my distaste for what happened. I know Mr. Huges from going to the library for the past 19 years, and what they did to him is beyond my comprehension. You have to realize though that the board is comprised of mostly right wing conservatives who want to stiffle the free flow of information and don’t want the City or the Library to advance into the 21st century. It is an awful shame.

  • Dave Cline

    Pop Tart…

    I have developed no opinion on this….I did sign a petition asking for the library board to re evaluate the decision.

    Other than that, I really have no opinion, as the whole and complete story will likely never be known outside of the ones making the decision and Mr. Woodson.

    I hope he is getting a fair shake.

  • Barry Tuck

    Hre is library number, (434)-575-4882!

    CALL IT!!

  • Sunshine

    This is a shame. Mr. Hughes was one of the major reasons my children chose the SoBo library over the Clarksville one. Is it so wrong to dismiss a charge on an overdue book, if it means keeping ppl coming to the library? What is more important? Customer satisfaction or your 3 cents over due fee? Mr. Hughes needs to have his job back. I am very disappointed in this decision and feel awful for this sweet man.

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