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“Honk For Hughes” Rally – Thursday night! (10/29)

The community support for Woodson Hughes continues to grow and here’s a way that you can get involved.

Make your way to the South Boston Public Library on Thursday night. The event starts at 6 PM, and the organizers would love a big turnout. The plan is to hold a rally outside and get motorists to honk their horns as they drive by to show their support for Woodson Hughes.

If you’re not familiar with Woodson’s story, there are plenty of stories on what’s been happening here on SouthsideCentral. Although we’ll be at the Halifax County Candidates Forum, we’ll try and get some photos and LIVE! coverage from the people at the rally.

It’s a great cause for a great guy who’s caught up in a great wrong. If you can’t make it to the rally, be sure to drive by and HONK away!

17 comments to “Honk For Hughes” Rally – Thursday night! (10/29)

  • Barry Tuck


  • lie-berry

    Stack the board. Hire your friends and/or family. Secretly threaten funding loss from local government. Remove adversaries (Woodson). Determine need to consolidate libraries. Ask for money. Create tax hike. Get grant to partially fund it. Publicize grant. Build a new library. Tout self in papers. Exact a pay raise. Little Billy can’t find his book because a robot chicken can’t alphabetize, and no one’s friendly or helpful because they can’t manage the guilt of committing extortion to pay for the new library that no one wants to visit. Billy’s mom doesn’t feel the same about the library because it’s located in the industrial park, or next to a fast food restaurant, or over in Cannonland, or behind the dump. People stop going at all. Three buildings left empty, but the mortgages and taxes need to be paid. Town can’t pay, but someone in charge made money. IDK…corruption breeds conspiracy theory.

    Was Woodson a victim of an all out coup?



  • lie-berry

    FYI…although The People for Woodson Hughes are not allowed to hold signs asking passersby to Honk…we hope that you will think to do it on your own.

  • AndyR

    I have my signs made and will be there at 6!

  • Samnatha Wills

    Just FYI sheeple: Sec. 70-156. Assemblies, demonstrations, gatherings; permit required.
    No gathering of persons for the holding of any assembly, demonstration or other purposes shall be held on the public property of this town, including all streets, parks, alleys, bridges and other public property, unless there shall have first been obtained from the town manager a permit in writing permitting the same to be held. Any person desiring to hold such assembly or demonstration shall make application to the town manager at least 24 hours in advance of the time for holding the same. The application shall include requirements for determining the effect of the event on vehicular and pedestrian traffic and other activities in the area concerned. The town manager may grant or refuse such permit as, in his judgment, is best for the public interest, good or welfare of the town, based on the expected interference with activities in the area. It shall be unlawful to hold such assembly or demonstration without the required permit.
    (Code 1988, § 12-96)

    State law references: Unlawful assembly, Code of Virginia, § 18.2-406 et seq.


  • Pandora

    Sheeple! Oh please, Samnatha. (That IS how it’s spelled, isn’t it?)
    I would hardly refer to those who rally around a common cause as ‘sheep’who are easily led.
    And, yes, they do have a permit.

  • Samantha

    You are all sheep to a “conspiracy.” None exists. He resigned. By all means, give him his job back. Why doesn’t he withdrawal his resignation? You love the library but don’t seem to care that revenue isn’t being collected after warnings from the State Library board, as well as an email sent locally by the Director. $84 in fine forgiveness just to one person who is in town every day and would easily return his/her books. (Yes, I know who. No, I won’t tell you. And, no, it’s not me.) $1400 in three months? Let’s see, over 25 years that’s $8,400 if the $84/ 3 months is consistent. That’s a lot of books and a lot of programs. THAT is why I am upset. Is he a nice man? Yes. Did he do something wrong? Yes. He is acting as though he is so innocent, he was probably a virgin birth. In my opinion, he is milking this for all it is worth.

    And if we’re being witchy about a spelling error, what word is this: sheep’who?

    We’re all allowed to disagree.

  • Jo

    Over the last year there have been several books that I wanted to check out from the SoBo library but the books had been checked out and not returned. I asked the workers if they would please call and ask the patrons to return the books. The response I got was that the new director would not let them do that. How is that any different than waiving fines?

  • lie-berry

    1. The figures date back to Paul Johnson’s term, which means the figures have no bearing on the current situation, since the figures reflect Paul Johnson’s policy that gave managers discretionary power over fine collection and/or forgiveness.
    2. If the SoBo branch was violating policy, the director should have partnered with the manager to remedy the situation.
    3. No information has been presented proving that Woodson is directly responsible for the fine waivers.
    4. The figures do not take into account the waiving of replacement costs when materials were returned. And, proportionally, the SoBo branch processes (more than likely) far more transactions than the Halifax branch, which accounts for the larger figures at SoBo.
    5. More people patronize the SoBo library because Woodson made it his mission to welcome all who entered. I’d like figures that show donations (monetary or otherwise) attributed to Woodson’s presence.
    6. Finally, a secret meeting held on a holiday should be enough to make any sane human being question the resignation. Woodson may be passive and mild-mannered, but his integrity is steel.

  • AndyR


    It is obvious that you don’t know Woodson at all. He has not asked for any of the support that we, the community, have shown him. He is a quiet man who would’ve gently rode off into the sunset had we not stepped up to fight against the handful of people who are responsible for this debacle.

    I love that the first word of your comment was name calling. That action proves that you aren’t interested in justice or doing what is right no matter which side of the argument you identify with.

    Also, we did secure a proper permit from the Town of South Boston. If we hadn’t, I’m sure some concerned citizen would’ve had us removed from the premises. There was a police presence there most of the night. They were courteous and profession with all of the protesters.

    The library belongs to all of us. We can and will continue to show our support for Woodson Hughes in whichever manner we see fit. If standing up with about 40 other people to make our cause known qualifies me as a sheep, then I accept that moniker proudly as it will forever have a new meaning for me and many others.

  • Oh, Samantha, you must keep up with the news. Woodson did not resign voluntarily. He was forced to resign…and is indeed considering recanting that resignation, which was made under duress. And do not be so quick to accept the numbers that the library has been publishing: they are questionable at the very least.

    By the bye, a permit was (of course!) obtained before the rally was begun. Interestingly, it was the first permit for a protest rally to be issued in the entire history of South Boston!

  • Dear “Samnatha Wills”. Before you start slinging accusations around at least try to spell your own name right.

  • fish

    that man was awesome! so what if he waived some fees…im sure he wasnt the only one. personally, those with fees should feel bad as well. if u dont want fees or whatever, return ur books, etc! i may not be all caught up on what happened since i do not live in hali anymore but this stuff is just sad.

  • Liz

    Trying to understand this matter — not just specific to Mr. Hughes, I contacted one of more vocal representatives. While the conversation was bumpy as we tried to understand each other, at the end I felt satisfaction in the conversation.

    I learned alot. It seems that there are many young adults in our community that feel that they do not have a voice, that they do not have opportunity to decision-making positions, that “out-siders” are considered rather than they. My sense is that they may be right. At least we should as a community discuss and explore that they may be right or better understood. And I guess my question is how can we help these intelligent often very creative young people to achieve decision-making positions within our community.

    All the best.

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