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Some thoughts about tonight’s Halifax County Candidates Forum…

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19 comments to Some thoughts about tonight’s Halifax County Candidates Forum…

  • AndyR

    I listened to about 5 minutes of the school board hopefuls as I drove home from the Woodson Hughes protest. The prepared answers were entirely boring and delivered with no zeal or excitement about the job. Did anyone ever speak with a bright, powerful tone? It was a snore-fest!

    Re: your comments about Edmunds: That’s exactly what I’m afraid of!

  • Will White

    AndyR if you dislike James Edmunds so much why didn’t you run against him? The Democrats picked a very poor choice in Dave Guill and he quit the race. Why at that time didn’t you jump in the race yourself if you didn’t think James was the best man for the job ?

    Editor’s Reply: Guill was as good of a choice as anybody else would have been. – BH

  • Kim White

    My husband and I listened from start to end on the radio. While we weren’t there, we certainly were informed, while being at home with children, doing homework, feeding them dinner, getting them ready for bed . . .responding to texts and phone calls related to work . . .

  • AndyR

    Will, I don’t dislike James Edmunds. I barely know him beyond his political career in Halifax and I’ve based my opinion on that record. He may be a fine man, but I still don’t think he will represent me well in Richmond.

    As to your question about me running, at the late date of Guill’s withdrawal it was impossible to get anyone else on the ballot. A write-in campaign would never be successful against the deep Edmunds pockets.

  • Will White

    AndyR that is not true. Dave Guill withdrew from the race on August 28th the Democrats had until September 5th too put someone else on the ballot. So AndyR you had time to get on the ballot.

  • AndyR

    Eight days to find and fully vet a viable candidate would be almost impossible.

    Regardless, the point is moot. Edmunds will take the seat, as he likely would’ve done with a good Democrat opponent. You win. I don’t understand why you find it necessary to be so antagonistic toward me. We both have the right to our opinions and the right to express those opinions. I haven’t made any personal attacks on James Edmunds or you.

  • Hoyt

    I submitted several questions for the ED3 candidates and none of them were asked. Who did the question screening and how was it done? I wonder how many questions were submitted. Wonder why all of mine were thrown out? Why even bother if that’s how it’s going to be handled?

  • Will White

    AndyR i have never said anything negative towards you, as far as i know you are a fine person.You just seem to have a low opinion of James Edmunds which is very hard for me to understand because he is such a good man. I sometimes do get upset when people complain about political leaders but won’t do anything themselves. Im not saying you are that type person just making my point. AndyR i have no idea who you are so i would never make any personal attack on you i was simply giving my opinion. Sorry if i upset you.

  • 2boxers

    Another good reason that AndyR (who would, I believe, represent Halifax County fairly, impartially, and with great passion) could not run is that he is middle class. He can’t afford to be away from his job and home for the time it would take to truly do the job. If money was no object, I have no doubt that Andy would be an exceptional candidate. I’d vote for him in a skinny minute.

    So, since he is unable to run, he should not speak his peace? My! How democratic and constitutional of you, Will!

  • Dave Cline

    I listened some on the radio too….my wife had another engagement and I was enjoying the pleasure spending time with my son.

    However, I will say that these “forums” are a complete waste of time. They are extremely boring and too well rehearsed. We need to see some real debates. Real political debates between candidates demonstrate lots of things we cannot otherwise see…among them are (in no particular order);

    1. ‘Coolness’ under pressure. Knowing the questions beforehand is not indicative of the pressures they will encountering in the office…In fact often the unknown is the only truly known in politics.

    2. The candidates have to demonstrate that they know not just about the job for which you are running, but that they can articulate why they want it, and what they plan to do if elected to it.

    3. Voters can access all sorts of verbal and non verbal signals sent by the candidates.

    4. Differences in policies and processes are demonstrated.

    5. It is so much more interesting and informative to have a back and forth.

    6. The ‘unwilling’ candidates can duck out of a real debate with a ‘willing’ candidate simply by contending “we are having a forum”.

    There are more reasons, but you get the point…These forums, IMO do nothing to boost knowledge of the candidates amongst the electorate.

    I attended one of these a couple of years ago…and it was boring and did nothing to demonstrate which candidate was better for the office….not to mention the audience only contained already decided voters for each campaign…there were no undecided voters there…After all, nothing happened to help them decide.

  • Dave Cline

    I agree with you Hoyt seems pointless…I meant to put that in earlier post…LOL.

  • Will White

    2boxers that is the worst excuse I have ever heard it is a lot of HOD reps that work full time jobs. Most of the campaign funds are NOT from the candidate they are donations. Please tell me where i said AndyR shouldn’t give his opinion ?

  • 2boxers

    I got no dog in this fight. I can’t vote for Andy and I won’t vote for Edmunds. Maybe I will vote for Will White?

    I would not dare to make any excuse for Andy. He doesn’t need it. The post of Delegate requires a lot of energy as well as a measure of financial independence that Andy does not have. How could he work 8am til 5:30 pm with only two weeks off a year and still serve as a delegate? Not an excuse-just a hard, cold fact. Edmunds has that kind of money-Andy does not. Unless he’s holding out on his friends! (Which Andy would not do.)

    You pouncing on Andy for daring to speak his mind seems to imply that if he isn’t willing to run, he ought to keep his mouth shut. Of course that wasn’t your intention at all, right?

    I understand why the “forum” format rather than a debate. I’ll never forget running the board at HLF the night the guy stood up and asked Jeff Oakes if he was a Christian! It was both funny and pathetic.

  • Will White

    2boxers i will ask you again when did say AndyR shouldn’t give his opinion ? Where did i pounce on him ? How do you know how much money he has ? Maybe AndyR will run in 2011 he has enough time for that race or maybe you can run. If you are not happy with the candidate that are in the race jump in yourself.

  • Dave Cline

    2boxers….I am proposing a real debate between the candidates…with a moderator asking the questions that are not known to the candidates before they are asked…a reasoned debate, not a circus…with opportunity for back and forth between them….not a free for all from the audience.

    Something like this….

    – Opening statements from each candidate.
    – Question asked of a candidate by the moderator (coin toss determines who goes first, then alternating questions between the candidates).
    – Opportunity for rebuttal by the other candidate of the answer given.
    – Discretion of moderator for granting more time of back and forth as appropriate…
    – Maybe even a panel of local journalists getting a round of questions.
    – Closing statement from each candidate.

    Moderator should be someone with credibility impartiality…preferably agreed upon by the two candidates….likely someone from outside the community (one of the WSET anchors, perhaps)

  • 2boxers

    Do I know every aspect of Andy’s income and financial status? No. I do know that he works for his family’s business. I’ve known Andy since about 1992-maybe longer. Andy has known my husband for…ever. I know he is not wealthy. Comfortable-maybe close to it, but certainly not wealthy. As best I can tell, based on his modest lifestyle, he is just making it, like the rest of us. Like I said, if he is as wealthy as James Edmunds, he is holding out on us.

    As for the prospect of him running, I’d stump for him, I’d volunteer for him, I would do whatever I could to help him get elected. Andy is exactly the kind of man we need. We do not need more of the status quo.

    Dave-That sort of debate would be very nice indeed. Do you really think, though, that any panel would be appointed that would ask really hard questions? This is Halifax County, after all.

  • SouthsideCentral

    I would moderate an event like that with no reservations.

  • AndyR

    2boxers, thank you for your support and kind words.


    I am not running for this or any other seat in the foreseeable future. Keeping my family business afloat and being the best son, brother, husband, father, and friend that I can will continue to take priority in my life.

    Suggesting that someone run for office just because they criticized a current candidate is a huge logical fallacy. I will not be voting for James Edmunds and I gave the reasoning behind that choice. If it seems like a good reason, then I’m glad. If it doesn’t seem like a good reason, then I’m fine with that, too.

    Edmunds is going to Richmond no matter what I think. I can live with that, and I hope that he will make decisions in the best interest of Southside Virginia.

  • jeff

    What did Dave Guill do to make anyone think he was a good candidate ?

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