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You may ask “Where is South Boston going?”

I’m glad you asked that question! You’re invited to a Community Meeting at the Prizery on Thursday, November 12.

From the South Boston Town Manager’s office…

Join your neighbors, community leaders and the Town Planning Commission to review and comment on a draft of South Boston’s plan for the future!

South Boston is updating the Town’s long-term comprehensive plan that is used by local leaders and citizens as a guide to make decisions on neighborhoods, housing, transportation, business development, tourism, public services and facilities, recreation, land development, and the environment. We need your thoughts on the draft plan!

The comprehensive plan is a public document that serves as South Boston’s guide for the future. The plan looks at existing conditions within the Town and makes general recommendations for the future, planning for about 20 years into the future. The plan is developed with input from citizens and guidance from the Planning Commission, and is ultimately adopted by the Town Council. Thereafter, it provides a framework for important decisions in the community such as where growth should occur, how land should be used and where spending priorities should be placed for the next ten to twenty years. The plan is general in nature but provides the legal basis for zoning and subdivision regulations.

Developers and Real Estate Professionals are encouraged to attend. For more information: Contact the Town Office at (434) 575-4200. A copy of the draft plan is available for viewing online at and in the Town Manager’s Office, 455 Ferry Street, South Boston.

1 comment to You may ask “Where is South Boston going?”

  • Bunny Propst

    This will also be your opportunity to see the plans for the Riverdale Wetlands Park, bought and paid for by the taxpayers of South Boston instead of by the Corps of Engineers.

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