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ThreadSpotting: Kill ’em all! YEAH!

Let’s hear it for lethal injection! Yay for the electric chair! Go ga-ga for the gas chamber!

HalifaxTalk: Captial (sic) Punishment, ALL-THE-WAY!!!

Oh boy, there are so many things to have fun with here. Let’s do a list.

  • Page 1: Kim White weighs in with the facts about the law on capital punishment (with state code citations!), so of course she’s totally ignored.
  • Page 1: rukelly scores points by pointing our the 4000-pound paradox in the room.
  • Page 2: Darrin Talbott tells everybody that drill sergeants assign push-ups for stupid questions and is immediately assigned 53,200 pushups for his postings over the past four years.
  • Page 3: Blah Blah Blah about good-natured service bashing. Tom McFriendly speaks of “reverse logic” when he means “contrapositive”, but we’ll let that slide.
  • Page 4: Darrin Talbott asks tarheel if he was ever in the military and is immediately assigned an additional 100 pushups.
  • Page 5: Blah Blah Blah about the same stuff.
  • Page 6: Mr. student admits that he’s confused. That should end the thread right there, but noooooooo…
  • Page 7: The hypocrisy alarm asplodes as Duck chimes in. Ms. “King James Version is the only translation or you will go to HELL!” decides to re-translate the ancient Hebrew texts into a word which suits her purposes better. At the end of the page, Duckiepoo says that she knows exactly what the surveyed were thinking. If she only used her powers of Divine Clairvoyance on tonight’s lottery numbers we’d be all better off. (It’s ok, folks. She’d tithe 10% off the top… cash option only)
  • Page 8: AndyR politely tells the Duckster that she’s full of Duckpoop. Duck feathers fly from the Duck’s explosion as she calls calls Andy “disrespectful”. What she should have said was Andy was “correct”, but we know that will never happen. The Duck flies off to the kitchen and fixes supper. Applause ensues at the grand exit, but Andy apologizes for whatever he said that offended her. He should have accepted the award for “Bullshit Calling”, but we’ll let him slide because he’s playing nice.
  • Page ∞: (Yes, infinity, because this thread will continue forever) The Same Stuff is said by the Same People and everybody keeps the Same Opinion they had before.

The End.

1 comment to ThreadSpotting: Kill ’em all! YEAH!

  • X

    So what’s your view on capital punishment? Since you’ve made fun of several people’s views, I’m sure you won’t mind providing your own.

    Reply: I rarely mind providing my opinion. I feel that the death penalty is a necessary evil that society has to have on the table as the ultimate sentence for heinous crimes. That being said, I feel that sentencing somebody to a lifetime of extreme solitary confinement is a punishment much worse than death. I would strongly endorse a switch to that as an Ultimate Penalty.

    I like this Patrick_Bateman guy over there. He seems to have his head on straight. What do you think about him?

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