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Wacky Jack starts making sense. (Sorta.)

Do you believe in miracles? Not so fast… another SCC gasbag takes up the slack.

Uranium mining study gets green light, with conditions

I had to re-read this quote to make sure I read it correctly…

Jack Dunavant, chairman of Southside Concerned Citizens, said whether the study turns out to be objective after it’s over remains to be seen.

“As long as they do it objectively, I say full steam ahead,” Dunavant said Thursday.

Yeah, I know that Wacky Jack has left a giant hole to weasel out, but I’m taking the fact that Jack Dunavant is in favor of an objective study and freezing. Perhaps the SCC has actually stopped making ridiculous statements?

Or perhaps not…

Council continues concerns with uranium study funding

Eloise Nenon (of the Southside Confused Concerned Citizens) drops this steamer into the story…

“I seriously doubt it,” said Eloise Nenon, founding member of Southside Concerned Citizens, when asked if she believes the study would be objective.
The proposed study, Nenon said, “ignores the people, the communities, the traditions and our history. This is a very historic state.”

Hello, Eloise? Are you listening? This is a study about whether the uranium can be mined safely. It should have nothing to do with the people, the communities, the traditions NOR the history. It’s going to say if technology and science have evolved enough to get the uranium out safely. That’s all. No more, no less.

Of course, this is the same Eloise Nenon who is an expert at “poisoning the well” in her own way.

“You can do research to prove almost anything, if you want to,” Nenon said.


5 comments to Wacky Jack starts making sense. (Sorta.)

  • G

    Why must you insist in using gratuitously insulting words like “gasbag” or “whacky” when you write about people? Do you derive pleasure from degrading them? I understand your primary employment is a rather low-level job at Wal-Mart. Aren’t you afraid people will conclude you’re just a frustrated, bitter little man?

    Reply: I’m not afraid of anything like that. I use those words against people like Dunavant & Nenon because they attempt to use the power of intimidation & and the power of lies to accomplish their goals (see Trespass, Chemical). People like you who attempt to use a person’s job to denigrate people are simply assholes when they don’t reveal their own name and job. I love my job most of the time as do most people.

    Tell me who you are & what do you do?

  • X

    When you use words like “gasbag” and “wacky” in a “news” article, you lose all credibility. I know when this happened before (you called someone a “jerkapotamus”) you pointed out that the article was tagged to show it was your opinion. Perhaps you should tag this as well.

    Reply: Lose all credibility? Pshaw, I say! The Mission Statement says it all. And I thought I did light up the OpinionCentral category, I’ll do that now.

    SCC uses scare tactics to intimidate people who won’t think for themselves. The Chemical Trespass ordinance is the key example of that.

  • G

    Why should I identify myself? As Bob Dole once said, don’t ever get into a fight with a pig. Both of you will get covered with mud, and the pig likes it. I can hear you squealing with pleasure every time you portray someone as subhuman.

    Reply: I thought I made it clear up above. Let me quote my own words to make it even clearer…

    People like you who attempt to use a person’s job to denigrate people are simply assholes when they don’t reveal their own name and job.

    You even tried to use the words “rather low-level” to try and make other people think that my choice of job as a department manager was the same as somebody who washes dishes for a living (and if a person who washes dishes for living enjoys their job, more power to them). You’re chickenshit by trying to make me look bad while staying in (relative) anonymity.

    Got a cite for that “portray someone as subhuman” line? Didn’t think so… unless you meant how I feel about people who act like you do.

    That being said, thanks for stopping by often! Keep that hate mail coming in!

  • Will White

    Bruce just give Wacky Jack time his true colors will come out you have my word on it.

  • jaydeebee

    While I don’t agree with Bruce on this subject, as he well knows, I would never call Bruce names or degrade him for what he does for a living. At least Bruce works, unlike a large percentage of our citizens who feel compelled to rest on their backsides and allow the rest of us to support them.

    However Bruce, you might want to consider that your use of the terms “wacky” and “confused” to describe the opponents of uranium is tantamount to doing the same thing that “G” or “X” is doing to you.

    Reply: “G” is posting under another name. They’ve pulled the same trick of trying to demean me by using my job over at HalifaxTalk. It failed there, and it will fail here.

    I know exactly who “X” is and have no problem with what he says.

    I have absolutely zero respect for Jack Dunavant & his group. They deliberately have no desire for the truth and will do anything to advance their agenda. I know I say it often, butthe way that Dunavant rammed the “chemical trespass” ordinance down the Halifax Town Council’s throats was the key example. Anybody who thought rationally knew that ordinance had no chance of surviving any judicial review yet Dunavant used intimidation and mob mentality to get it passed. Once it was blown to shreds, Dunavant asploded in yet another fury of rage.

    Unfortunately, a majority of people in this area don’t want to think for themselves and are subject to falling victim to people like Dunavant & Co.’s scare tactics. I’ll continue to fight against that forever.

    As for the general attitude of the hate mail, it doesn’t bother me one bit.

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