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Happy Trails, 25-mile Uranium Mining Ban!

This time, a 4-3 Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors decision actually made sense.

Pittsylvania County tables megapark mining issue

I had covered this issue when it first came up and called it bullcrap. This was another attempt by Karen Maute & the SCC to preemptively ban uranium mining before an independent study of the safety could come out. Not only would this proposed piece of legislation failed a judicial review, the 25-mile circle was clearly designed to wipe out what may happen if an independent study says that mining can be done safely.

In the comments to the R&B article, Maute says…

I did not consider Coles Hill to be in the 25 mile radius. I did however hope that that radius, half of which would be in NC and not be included, would give security to the potential industries, the homes in which workers and executive’s families would live.

Then why did you pick 25 miles (which happens to be right on the edge of the proposed Chatham mining site)? I also don’t believe that Karen Maute came up with this idea on her own. This has SCC’s smell all over it.

Let’s also take a look at “porkchop62″‘s quote from the comments…

Personally, I really believe that it is time to unseat and re-align the BoS and county administration to better balance and serve the people on a more equitable scale. It would seem the time is right to initiate such a campaign.

Well, well. That sounds eerily similar to the Shireen Parsons’ idea of “let’s overthrow the county government”. Parsons was the “community activist” that the SCC was briefly aligned with before she came up with that idea. The SCC quickly dropped their support of Parsons and “The Alliance” after that concept was presented.

Anyway, who cares? Good riddance to bad legislation.

ADDITION: Whoa! It’s getting fun over at this article’s comments section. I’m sure this one is going to be deleted quickly so I’ll save it here for posterity. Here’s “porkchop62″‘s meltdown…

Well touche’ rockit, except for one thing, it’s Mr. not Ms., so kiss my ASSertion that you possess any integrity AT ALL. I don’t have any problem with anonimity, it’s cowardice I dispise, and I back up what stand I take, but you know what they say about opinions and @&&holes;. Plenty of folks around here know exactly who I am, by moniker and nickname and character. You however, not so many. I sense a tilting of balance with you, one that favors, by monetary gain if nothing more, not just the mining of uranium but the continued wholesale r@pe of our lands and resources for the financial gains of a select few at the egregious detriment of many. AND, sir, since I am directly decended from Cherokee, Choctaw, and Poquoson Native Americans, GET THE H&// OFF OUR LANDS AND RETURN UNTO OUR PEOPLES
WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS ALONE. What was stolen from us as our forebearers were murdered, diseased intentionally, starved, enslaved, r@ped, beaten, herded like cattle, wronged as no other peoples upon this earth, save for the Jewish race, have ever been treated. That is a fire within that will never be settled! Now GO SCREW Yourself!@

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. Nah, strike that. It’s funny as hell.

5 comments to Happy Trails, 25-mile Uranium Mining Ban!

  • Kangaroo

    Wow! I am having a hard time typing this becaue I am laughing so hard fre@king hard! How did we go from uranium mining to mistreatment of Native Americans? I am lost, but terrible amused! I AGREE with you that the posting will be erased. People who do not support mining will realize that that posting makes them look like complete id!ot$. But definitely a source of amusement FOR the rest of us! Thanks for the l@ugh!

    Reply: My pleasure. The posting was deleted but it will live forever at SouthsideCentral. 🙂 By the way, you can say “freaking”, “idiots” and any other words that you want freely here. I’ve even called somebody an asshole, but they deserved it.

  • Ace

    I think people who say modern uranium mining and nuclear plants are green and will not hurt you are funny!

    The problem with the Mega Park exists because of $222 million dollars of Pittsylvania County and City of Danville taxpayers bought the park without anybody (citizens) voting on it@!

    The county taxpayers had a choice to approve a $70 million school bond by voting for it or against it!

    Both City and County leaders just took $222 million from taxpayers, gave it to the other weird group, RIFA board (a nonprofit) and they will have to approve the Resolution!

    I do not want my tax money going toward a park that may house the uranium mill!

    Shireen Parsons has nothing to do with the antiuranium group NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SCC did not have anything to do with this resolution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I say thanks Supervisor Ecker, Chatham-Blairs Supervisor Hank Davis and Callands-Gretna Supervisor Fred Ingram who opposed Snead’s motion.

    This is far from over, it was tabled by the same four but it will be brought up to RIFA board with the public invited to the meeting!

    Again, thanks Karen for looking out for the taxpayers of our county and city!!!

    NO To Uranium mining and milling!

    Reply: I don’t want Karen Maute looking out for me. By the way, I’m not in favor of uranium mining. I’m in favor of an independent study that will tell if it can be mined safely.

    507 exclamation points in one posting? Wow. A new record.

  • Watchman

    I am sick of the chicken littles always saying the sky is falling! I am in favor of a study which will prove I believe that uranium can be mined safely. These people sound like the people in the early 1900’s who claim the car would never catch on! Move into the new century and get your head out of the sand. Karen Maute has been a thorn for years. She has opposed just about every industry that has ever tried to come to Pittsylvania County. She needs to move to California…..

  • Ace

    We want clean, high tech jobs and not corporation blowing up the hills for a huge hole in the ground for uranium and it will just ruin our homes, water and air which are happening in Canada and Australia now!

    I found the nuke bunch is so threaten they like to call people names who do not agree with them!

    They are a frustrated bunch who never had their time in the sun building nuke plants!

    If the nukes are so great, let them pay for nuke plants and pay for nuke insurance and not sponge off the federal government with 100 per cent welfare from taxpayers!

  • Dissa

    Wow. There must have been a sale on exclamation points down at Bubba’s Bait, Tackle, Gun, Beer & Condom Store.

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