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There’s a new blog about the 5th District!

Take a look at the newest addition to the list of blogs that are focusing on Virginia’s 5th Congressional District.

Take a look at “The Real Fifth District

I’m not sure who “Real 5th” is as of now but I hope to get an interview with the author soon. As for now, check out their site and comment on their postings.

They gave SouthsideCentral a link so they can’t be all bad. šŸ˜‰

18 comments to There’s a new blog about the 5th District!

  • Tucker Watkins

    Interesting. There is another very good blog Reasonable Response also.

  • Josh

    On Reasonable Response, I agree with Tucker, it is about what everyone here should really be focused on, beating Congressman Periello. The Real Fifth District seems like unofficial Chris Lacivita/Andy Sere approved blog- beating up on Verga is not with out it’s charms (turn about does seem to be fair play)

  • Tucker Watkins

    Tom Perriello will not be easy to beat. I just got some of his junk mail today,paid for by the taxpayer, to tell me why he is so good in voting for a bill that clearly had little support at all, the healthcare bill. Tommy voted to give himself more money for this junk mail, right before he changed his vote and voted against it. He is without question the slickest man in Congress and needs to be gone. Bet he gets a jib as a czar of something. there are enough other radicals working there.

  • kelley in virginia

    Defeating Perriello should be our goal; I know it is mine. Even the blogs that hammer at Robt Hurt are welcome because they also lob missiles at Perriello. Its the comments that shape the discussion.

    I will be commenting on the blog, but only as “anonymous-KIV” since the site won’t take my address.

    We need to stick together.

  • Lucy Goode

    @ Tucker – So glad you were paying attention when Virgil spoke in October in Danville at the GOP rally about Tom’s vote FOR increasing by about $50 Million the Legislative Branch Appropriations bill, which included the increase in expense money(Members Representational Allowance) for Members of Congress. After he voted YES, Congressman Perriello changed his vote to a NO after the original vote was recorded. Perhaps now you will be less critical of Virgil for often being the lowest spending U.S. House Member of the taxpayers’ money out of the MRA.

  • Chris

    Mrs. Goode, considering one of your husbands earmarks was named the 6th Most Outrageous Earmark by TIME (when he wasted $100000 taxpayer dollars on a walking tour to Boydton) nevermind his other untransparent use of federal dollars, he (via you) is in no position to lecture on fiscal responsibility.

    Tucker, everytime you’re quoted in the paper you say Perriello will be easy to beat. Do you not say that on blogs because people can call you on it and ask why he beat you in the first place?

  • Lucy Goode

    Hey Chris – You are as off base as TIME Magazine. I suggest you go to Boydton Virginia and see exactly how the $100,000.00 was used to improve the downtown area near the courthouse which is now undergoing renovation. Boydton has used state, local, and federal funds to significantly improve the central part of Boydton. As you may know, Mecklenburg County has had very high unemployment and these funds have made the area more attractive to new business. The funds were not used for a walking trail. And former Mayor Charlie Reamy can show you exactly the improvements made with these monies. In fact if you and Tucker Watkins, and anyone from Perriello’s office want to meet with former Congressman Goode and former Mayor Charlie Reamy in Boydton, Virgil will be glad to get himself and former Mayor Reamy there for the meeting. If you object to walking trails, perhaps you would want to blog about the walking trail that Congressman Boucher and Congressman Perriello worked on in Martinsville and Henry County.

    Chris – How about sharing your real name, address, and contact info.

    Virgil believes that federal funds are better used to help Fifth District localities than on increasing expense monies for Members of Congress.

  • Reality


    Since you brought it up….everyone, with an ounce of honesty else knows and will admit that the main reasons Perriello won by a slim margin of what 750 votes or so were; 1) He had his name on the signs with Obama – – big coat tail in ’08 – – 2)millions and millions of dollars from the ultra liberal members of the US congress, Micheal Moore, George Soros, and the labor unions (and lets not forget how beholden he now is to those money and democrat power brokers.)

  • Tucker Watkins

    I think Virgil did exactly the right thing by returning monies to the federal treasury that he saved by not spending them sending junk mail to constituents like the piece just sent the other day. I will bet you that if you go to any post office the day that junk from Perriello comes out you will see most people throw it right into the trash can.

    I would bet that every dollar that Virgil was able to direct to the 5th District was better spent than where a number of the so called stimulus dollars were ever spent. The so called map even shows something in Williamsburg as being in the 5th.

  • Tucker Watkins


    I have never said Perriello will be easy to beat. Show me the paper. Tom, unlike Virgil,has voted against the wishes of the district over and over and is little but a tool for Pelosi. Virgil voted for the district, even when the big boys in Congress on the Republican side did not like it. As pointed out above, Tom will vote one way and then change his vote after Nancy knows she has enough votes to pass something. He is a good foot soldier for the Democrat party but not a good Congressman for the 5th District.

  • Mark White

    Tucker Watkins should have been praising Goode for being the lowest spending member of Congress instead of criticizing him.

  • Chris

    Well Tucker, the Roanoke Times quoted you as saying “the writings on the wall” which implies that it’s a foregone conclusion and should be easy. You told the Washington Examiner that it was the best opportunity to pick up a seat. I’m glad to hear you don’t think it’s easy…I suppose I read too much into it.

    Reality: Check the FEC. “Millions and Millions…” is simply not true. Obama lost the district by 3 points. There were thousands of McCain-Perriello voters who were sick of corruption and career-politicians not focused on their needs.

    Tucker, I’m sure Virgil was thinking of the Fifth District voters when he voted against allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices, and was also thinking of Southside when he voted for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley and against cracking down on mortgage lenders by forcing them to get licenses, and making them responsible for discovering whether borrowers can really repay. Oh and when he voted against the Small Business Financing Improvements Act which made it easier for entrepreneurs to start their own businesses.

    But I’m glad you’re here debating. I’m sure you’ll have more time to since I can’t imagine you’ll be managing a campaign in the district next cycle. With all that said to you, and Reality, and Mrs. Goode. Merry Christmas. Have a warm and safe New Year.

  • Samuel Gilleran

    For heaven’s sake, y’all, it’s Christmas. I think we can all wait until tomorrow to be hollering and taking potshots at each other.

  • Tucker Watkins

    Sam has the best post of the week if not year. Thanks Sam for your service and come back home safely.

  • Reality

    Chris said;

    “Reality: Check the FEC. ā€œMillions and Millionsā€¦ā€ is simply not true. Obama lost the district by 3 points. There were thousands of McCain-Perriello voters who were sick of corruption and career-politicians not focused on their needs.”

    You are telling me that people “sick of corruption and career-politicians” voted for McCain? That sure seems to not logically follow??

    As for the millions and millions comment I made; Perhaps I should have said thousands and thousands came from labor unions, George Soros, Micheal Moore, and liberal politicians. However, the principle of the statement I made still stands.

  • Not Tom McGlaughlin

    Senator Robert Hurt is clearly in the lead for the Republican nomination for the 5th District. With the help of Tucker Watkins and the national Republicans, Senator Hurt got the primary he wanted even though all the other Republican aspirants favored a convention. At the December 12th meeting, chair Tucker Watkins adroitly blocked the Tea Party fanatics and then got 19 of his committee members to vote Primary. Watkins and Congressman Cantor are sharp and smooth politicians and definitely give Hurt a big advantage.

  • Conservatives Unite

    Tom Perriello, Nancy Pelosi & Co. are burying us in debt. Tucker Watkins and the National Republicans are big hypocrites about government spending. Their push for a primary is costing taxpayers $250,000 in the 5th District and they are not being neutral in the nomination fight. Watkins as Chairman and the NRCC should be neutral instead of dictating in the Nancy Pelosi fashion. We want democracy and not party bosses telling us what to do.

    This “Real 5th District” blog is obviously a Tucker Watkins blog that favors more elitism and party boss-ism!

  • Dave Cline

    Seems to me to be more an “anti” Verga site, than a pro Hurt one….

    Verga never has been one of my leading ‘candidates’.

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