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Dan River Church ready to move to their new home

It’s time to say Happy Trails! to the Dan River Church meeting in the GWHS auditorium.

They’re moving to the Danville Plaza in the old Value City location with the first church service on Sunday, January 3rd at 10AM. It seems like the perfect place for a church that’s trying to become a mega-church. Even though Harris Teeter’s corporate office says that the Danville store is not closing, it’s hard to believe that store will continue after their lease expires in Spring 2010.

If Harris Teeter shuts down, that means that Dan River Church would be able to rent (buy?) the entire shopping center and turn it into the biggest church building that the Thomas Road Baptist Church would have. The only downside to this would be the removal of the shopping center from Danville’s property tax rolls, but that wouldn’t be a giant loss.

3 comments to Dan River Church ready to move to their new home

  • Dave Cline


    I do not know the square footage of the two locations…..but it would be hard for me to believe that a Danville location in that shopping center would be larger than the facility in Lynchburg.

    I do not know, is this a “south campus” of TRBC, or is the goal for it be to its own separate church?

  • Lexie

    Danville doesn’t need another church.

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