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UPDATED: ThreadSpotting: Save your breath, people!

I figured out that Darrin Talbott was never going to un-ban me from HalifaxTalk when I got off the phone with him a few minutes ago.

HalifaxTalk: We miss BruceH

While I’m honored that people would actually take the time to get me reinstated at that message board, it’s not going to happen. I am totally guilty of saying the truth and I admit it freely. I called Clan Talbott out for circling the wagons anytime that one of them were criticized in any way.

Darrin has refused to reply to three emails that I sent to him, so after this show of support I decided to call him and ask him directly. Here’s how the call went…

Darrin: Ed’s Honda.
Me: Can I speak with Darrin?
Darrin: This is Darrin.
Me: Darrin, this is Bruce.
Darrin: Um… um… hey.
Me: So, what’s the real reason you banned me?
Darrin: I didn’t like the way the board was going.
Me: What’s it going to take to mend our differences?
Darrin: Um… time, I guess.
Me: Really? How much time?
Darrin: I dunno, just time.
Me: Forgive me for saying that I don’t believe you.
Darrin: OK.

So that happened. I appreciate all of my friends who are lobbying to get me back on HalifaxTalk but Darrin’s acting like a petty little child.

Update #1: Darrin says “Now we can see how many more lies Bruce can post up”. Ok, Darrin, you’re on. Point out the lies that you claim to see.

Update #2: Bunny says “I’m thinking it had little or nothing to do with the necklaces.” You’re “thinking” that? He’s your brother! Why don’t you ask him directly and post it? It’s because I called bullshit on the nepotism of Clan Talbott. I’m sure Darrin got a little butthurt when I also pointed out that he disappeared in that strip club thread. I’d had enough of “Halifax County Needs Strip Clubs” from somebody that wouldn’t ever go to a strip club. There’s your reasons.

Update #3:: The Blind Faith of some people is quite amazing. 😀 “None of your business” my ass. It’s right here in black & white. You be the judge.

Update #4:: Our good friend, Grasshopper, sings the joyful noise of rejoicing regarding my banning. Here’s her quote…

Keep him LOCKED UP…the peace in the valley has been most serene. DT ROCKS! 😈

Ha! Go figure, one who complains that their voice isn’t being heard regarding South Boston’s Comprehensive Plan takes great pleasure in having another voice silenced. What Would Jesus Say about that attitude (or using the Twisted Evil smiley)? I guess it’s OK to shut somebody up that you don’t agree with, eh? I’ll take “Hypocrisy” for $300.

Update #5:: I ♥ My #1 Stalker Fan, Bobbi Moore.

3 comments to UPDATED: ThreadSpotting: Save your breath, people!

  • Wild Handyman

    Gee whiz, can’t anyone in this area admit they were wrong? Is it a southern tradition for grownups to suddenly start acting like six year olds?

    Darrin, as BruceH says, you are guilty of circling the wagons… but who cares? Dude, HalifaxTalk is YOUR forum… do what the hell you want!

    And BruceH, chill out brother! Why do you care enough what goes on at HalifaxTalk to post their stuff in your blog? Man, it’s time to get a life. And speaking of thread spotting… don’t you think it is perhaps just a little rude to quote friends’ conversations on your site? I do.

    Seriously, both of you, don’t be jackasses like both of the Halifax sheriffs and the Halifax library board and the South Boston town council… just drop this crap and start behaving like adults. It would be refreshing.

  • SouthsideCentral

    Admit I was wrong? On what? All I did was post my opinion on a topic on the message board.

    Why do you care enough what goes on at HalifaxTalk to post their stuff in your blog? Man, it’s time to get a life. And speaking of thread spotting… don’t you think it is perhaps just a little rude to quote friends’ conversations on your site?

    Comedy & laughs, that’s the main reason. Since you can get banned for anything, this gives people a chance to say what they really want to say but are afraid to. Also, some people in the rest of SC’s coverage area would never see what happens on HalifaxTalk if it wasn’t for ThreadSpottings. As for other friends’ conversations being rude? If you’re meaning recapping the threads? No, that’s available for anyone else to see. If you’re referring to the phone call, absolutely not rude at all. It’s the only way that I can relay what was going on.

    Considering that ThreadSpottings have been less than 1.8% of the SouthsideCentral articles so far, I think it’s a fair balance.

    Seriously, both of you, don’t be jackasses like both of the Halifax sheriffs and the Halifax library board and the South Boston town council… just drop this crap and start behaving like adults. It would be refreshing.

    If Tom McFriendly wants to paint HalifaxTalk as being as “a medium that brings people into the conversation of how Halifax County is run and what it should strive to be”, the people should be able to see the other side of the coin. Of course, I still believe that he’s been trolling the board with his sockpuppet which makes the whole “salute” thing even creepier, but I digress.

    Is this a “board war”? Nah, I’m not in competition with HalifaxTalk. HalifaxTalk is what it is.

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