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Some thoughts about the Danville police shooting.

By now, you’ve heard that a Danville police officer shot & killed a suspect who pointed a gun at him. Let’s talk about it.

Man dies following officer-involved shooting in Danville

  • Lesson that should be learned but probably won’t be: Point a gun at a police officer and you will be shot and probably killed.
  • As it looks now (and probably will be), the police officer was 100% justified in taking the action that he did. Danville’s police officers are trained very well and this officer did exactly what he was trained to do. This isn’t a racial issue and I’m waiting to see if the Usual RacePimp Suspects are going to try and start any type of protest or “call for investigation” or any other race-baiting.
  • Let’s see if this incident sparks a “Take Back The Neighborhood” movement not just in this area of the city but all of Danville.
  • One of the TV stations blocked out the face of somebody that was willing to go on camera. Today, I heard one comment that said “Already snitchin’, somebody gonna recognize the t-shirt she had on and know who she was.” Sigh.. how disgusting of an attitude.

Add your own thoughts here in the comment section!

4 comments to Some thoughts about the Danville police shooting.

  • Well trained? The same guys who shoot dogs?

  • Susan Granger

    I have several comments to make. First of all, I am praying for all involved as this is now and will forever be a life changing event for all. Families have lost loved ones and the police officer who fired the shot will also have to live with the fact that he or she took another life, even though it was justified. I echo Bruce in saying that if someone pulls a gun on a police officer; then the consequences are pretty clear. I know at least one family member of the young man killed on Paul Street and I am already concerned for this young man. Tragedies like this cause good people to have altered views of the world and the people therein. I teach in Danville and I see what these deaths do to young people first hand. I also know that drugs and gangs and just violence in general must be stopped. How many shooting deaths have happened so far this (2009-2010) year(s)? I’m sure this rate is much higher than those in other cities surrounding us. I don’t have the answers to solve these problems; but I do know that it is taking its toll on too many people.

  • Wild Handyman

    Lamont and his buddy screwed big time up and now (at least) one of them is dead. It’s sort of nature’s way of cleaning up the gene pool. I have no sympathy for criminals that carry firearms or act stupid enough to get gunned down by the police, who are our true representatives on the street.

    As for the Police Officer(s) involved in the shootings, they have my sympathy… they will never be the same again. I feel sorry for them and their families.

  • citizen

    I think what the people of danville need to do is after a shooting occurs like this one is check out the judicial web site and search the name of the people involved. See how many times their names appear on the site. Then see how many negative comments we get toward the police for doing their jobs. I hope the negativity will stop.

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