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R&B editorial takes a questionable shot at outgoing Jim Dooley.

They’ve been called out on it by another reader, so let’s take a look at it.

A new start in sheriff’s office, finally

This caught my eye as a very mean-spirited editorial when I first read it but once you see what the R&B wrote in their 2005 endorsement, you have to wonder what problem that they have with Jim Dooley. When you go from that high-praising endorsement to this nasty “don’t let the door hit you” editorial, it’s quite bizarre.

Also, this R&B editorial says…

No doubt, the public had the sheriff’s office’s problems in mind when it chose Mike Mondul over two members of Dooley’s own department in November. Those two candidates from within the sheriff’s office had no involvement in the scandals but were, no doubt, hurt by their lingering impact.

“No doubt”, my ass. Mike Mondul got the SouthsideCentral endorsement based on his qualifications. We didn’t think one bit about the seven-year old former issues in the department. Based on the voter statistics, the traditionally black community unsurprisingly made it into a racial vote with Childress getting over 75% of the vote in those precincts (and up over 91% in one), but I digress.

“Sidewinder” deserves an answer from the editorial staff on why they changed their tune on Jim Dooley. Jim Dooley deserves the same answer.

1 comment to R&B editorial takes a questionable shot at outgoing Jim Dooley.

  • Watchman

    I agree. Jim Dooley has done all that was possible to run a good department. To drag up issues from seven years ago is unfair and unwarranted. To hold someone responsible for every act would require that they be there 24-7. Give him a break. He sewrved the city well and deserves a better send off then the R&B gave him.

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