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PhotoCentral: Joe the Plumber visits Danville

Our thanks to the awesome Gracie Gunnell for getting these photos!

Laurence Verga, a candidate for the 5th District Republican nomination, hired out the guy known as “Joe the Plumber” to come campaign for him. They made an appearance at Danville’s Mary’s Diner at 9 AM today. Here are some photos from the event.

Joe & Verga

Joe speaking

Verga & Joe

Thanks again to Gracie Gunnell for braving the 20° temperature and covering this event.

7 comments to PhotoCentral: Joe the Plumber visits Danville

  • kelley in virginia

    when you say Verga “hired out” Joe the Plumber, do you mean that Joe was paid for his endorsement?

  • SouthsideCentral

    Verga & his campaign have directly not answered that question, but I’m 100% confident that Joe didn’t come down to Virginia for nothing. You can’t say he was “paid for his endorsement”, but you can be sure that he was compensated for his appearances.

    We may have to wait until the campaign financial results are in but I’m saying that Joe Wurzelbacher got paid for coming down to Virginia.

  • Dissa

    Does Joe have any political clout? Did he ever have any? I just don’t get this move at all.

  • kelley in virginia

    joe the plumber is an attention grabber to get some media limelight.

    this is not a bad move unless “the paid endorsement” rankles some.

  • P Bateman

    Looks like a record turnout there…

  • citizen

    I am guessing Verga thought it was a good move to have Joe on his side. Joe made the national spotlight when he asked Obama a question when he was running for President when he came campaigning to his neighborhood and did not get a straight answer. He became an overnight icon. I am guessing Verga thought hey I can latch on to this man and he can bring people out. Did not happen in Danville, Va.

  • Will White

    Verga should have spent a little more and got Sarah Palin she would have brought out more that 25 people.

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