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Joe The Plumber is checking people out by using an FBI friend?!

Or so says Bill Hay…

Virginia’s 5th District: Joe Comes to the Fifth

Bill Hay (blueridgeguy) is the leader of Charlottesville’s Tea Party group and a noted supporter of Laurence Verga. In this article about Joe The Plumber, he writes something that is quite disturbing to me…

According to Mr. Wurselbacher (sic) he has only chosen to endorse a total of 5 candidates(not all republicans) of the hundred plus that have asked for his support. He said he vets them thoroughly and even had an FBI friend look into Verga’s background.

Whoa. Bill’s saying that Joe said that he’s got a friend in the FBI who checks people out for him? The same “Joe The Plumber” who filed a lawsuit against somebody who searched a confidential database for records about him?

I want to know more about this. A lot more.

9 comments to Joe The Plumber is checking people out by using an FBI friend?!

  • In case you haven’t noticed there is a big difference between between having political hacks from the Democrat party going after a private citizen as opposed to someone doing some research on a congressional candidate before they endorse them. I thought you were better than that.

  • SouthsideCentral

    Hell no. An invasion of privacy by a government agent is an invasion of privacy from a government agent. It makes no difference to me whether it’s from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services or a FBI “friend”.

    Don’t give me the “better than that” on this one, it’s not going to fly.

  • “In case you haven’t noticed there is a big difference between between having political hacks from the Democrat party going after a private citizen as opposed to someone doing some research on a congressional candidate before they endorse them. I thought you were better than that.”

    Uh, excuse me. That wasn’t a “someone doing some research”. That was supposedly someone in the FBI. Great big difference, pal.

  • Hey…but then Joe the Plumber has lied about pretty much everything else so it was more like his buddy Joe from down at Oswald’s Bar and Grill than anyone in the FBI.

  • kelley in virginia

    why would Joe the Plumber speak of this in public? this will cause all manner of trouble for his FBI friend who might be investigating Laurence Verga.

    actually, i don’t want to whip up on Joe the Plumber.

    But I want to point out that this campaign for Congress needs to be run very professionally.

  • notblueridgeguy

    This clearly calls for an investigation into improper investigations by the FBI if this is true. Blue Ridge needs to quit spinning and come clean on this. This affects all of our rights to privacy. If Verga had knowledge of this and did not tell Joe to stop he needs to withdraw.

  • jaydeebee

    Josephine the Plumber? What now?

  • Reality

    Sounds like you may be getting up in arms about third (maybe even fourth) hand information her bud….

    I am betting the “FBI friend” does not exist and the “investigation” never happened.

  • Average Joe (not the plumber)

    Joe the Plumber is a 15 minutes of fame idiot who is well into his umpteenth millionth minute. What people need to do is research for themselves the political rascals that they put into office and quit listening to these fabricated fools like “Joe the Plumber”. You’ve got a brain people…use it!

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